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Everything posted by nodrog1061

  1. Hey guys I thought I would share with you all my Public alpha of my Arma Reforger Mod Viewer this is a early build where you can at the moment: See a list of available mods This site is intended to work much like Steam Workshop did however this is currently very WIP and I will continue develop the site to contain: Full page overview of mods with images and mod versions (very close to completion) proper filtering of the items page to all categories A way to open the mod in the game from the website A way for mod owners to sign up and register there mods and edit what is shown on the site The site is fully optimised for mobile and desktop find below some screenshots I've taken of the site just before launch If your interesting in following the development consider following me on, Twitter And/or GitHub when it moves to open source Finally what you've all been waiting for the URL of the site, you can find it at: armaplatform-mods.com
  2. nodrog1061

    JCOVE Lite for free

    Where, Where you in the dark days of a year ago 🤣
  3. nodrog1061

    JCOVE Lite for free

    🤨 I think its only fair you share your stash 😁
  4. nodrog1061

    Marshall's Tandem Mod [Release]

    *Release* I have finally realised my mod so here is the link for it: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2273016995 *Note To Admins* Please can you move this thread to realised mods thanks.
  5. Marshall's Tandem Mod for a few months, I've been working on a tandem skydiving mod and today I'm proud to announce that ill be releasing this mod to steam workshop in the next few weeks I am working on the final touches to make this mod be able to move from the Alpha build to open it up for a public Beta. below is some media showcasing the mod and after that is a list of current and future features. Media: Current Features: ACE Compatibility from launch BackpackOnChest by DerZade Compatibility from launch Compatibility with most base and modded parachutes (primarily tested with base game steerable parachute) Compatibility with both walking to deploy (I.e C-130 or C-17) but also from seated air vehicles (I.e Helicopters) Item required to establish a tandem mode Fully Multiplayer Compatible Planed Features: Clipping in and out sound effect Custom animations for the actual fall Custom animations for in-vehicle (Long Term) Below I may or may not have put a small trailer that i quickly made as a showcase i do plan on doing a proper cinematic trailer for the mod in the future How to use the mod on the release: go to an arsenal and get a tandem harness and parachute From land: 2. find a tandem buddy and use ace interact with them and attach them 3. then jump off an edge :)))) From a Vehicle: 2. Jump in a passenger seat in an air vehicle both you and your tandem buddy need to be in a cargo seat 3. use ace interact on the buddy you want to jump with and select jump with tandem (or something like that) Required Mods: ACE BackpackOnChest CBA_A3
  6. I've been looking at the recent-ish oprep from Old man linked below it talks about a Sector System they used I found this module in Arma 3 editor and it a really great idea and id love to be able to use it my only issue is it requires Old man init that is not easy to set up (at least for me) but also adds a lot of weight and unnecessary content scripting wise and I'm curious to know if any other system exists that I can use as I'm quite sure it will be useful. https://dev.arma3.com/post/oprep-old-man What the system is:
  7. nodrog1061

    JCOVE Lite for free

    UPDATE 3 So it's done I've published JCOVE to Web Archive this is the link: https://archive.org/details/vbs2_20200916 I'm going to uplode the extracted cd version when I have time to to make it easy Minor: https://mega.nz/file/MAs1mLDD#OPdgO8KPL3iqEgs8O0Qq-kQx4GNEf1LmHW13msx1QBI US version minor: https://mega.nz/file/tAsURajb#oVane2mwz3gWCc-IXa7jOsXT4fjuTOqcczEw5fZTMpI
  8. nodrog1061

    JCOVE Lite for free

    So update 2 today I received a reply from my freedom of information request and it has sadly been refused below I've included a copy of what they said This therefore means I'm going to publish the version sent to be by a bi community member and I'll also upload the us equivalent at the moment I'm probably going to upload it to web archive for other people to use this will be in a .iso format most likely.
  9. nodrog1061

    JCOVE Lite for free

    Update. So a few days ago i was contacted by a user on BI Forums that has a copy of JCOVE am at this time just testing it to ensure it works fine if I don't receive a copy of JCOVE From my freedom of information request I will start to distribute this version I have been sent so the outlook is good. P.S - I also intend to create a master version that contains content from both JCOVE and the US equivalent to create a seamless experience
  10. nodrog1061

    JCOVE Lite for free

    I was meant to receive a reply yesterday so I sent a followup and they have been slightly delayed due to COVID so I don't know when I'm going to find out if they'll give me it but ill post a reply here for whatever I find out
  11. nodrog1061

    JCOVE Lite for free

    I am in the progress of putting a Freedom of information request into the MOD to try and obtain a copy of the software hopefully they will give me it
  12. nodrog1061

    JCOVE Lite for free

    sorry @jeza got mixed up with my forums i was looking for the UK JCOVE, not the US one as I already have the US one but thanks for sending it too me anyway
  13. nodrog1061

    JCOVE Lite for free

    Do you think you can upload it to a file service or something as I cant seem to get it to work properly?
  14. nodrog1061

    JCOVE Lite for free

    I'm aware it been an extremely long time since this thread died but I am out here in search of a copy of JCOVE lite as its feels almost extinct it would be nice to preserver this software for the future i am aware of this site http://www.ghostrecon.net/forums/index.php?/topic/60940-vbs-2-jcove-and-us-army-lite-downloads/ but its files for JCOVE are corrupt.
  15. i have been trying to use some animations for a script I am working on namely "HubSittingChairB_idle1" & "HaloFreeFall_non" for a reason beyond me the animation "HubSittingChairB_idle1" works fine but "HaloFreeFall_non" shows the default stance but this only happens when the script is run on a multilayer user but works entirely fine on ai where "HaloFreeFall_non" is called: where "HubSittingChairB_idle1" is called: where the script that calls the script that executes "HaloFreeFall_non": any help will be much appreciated.
  16. so is it because the code is not being run on the client's computer then? also thank you for replying I was losing hope
  17. Really no one knows a answer to my question ?
  18. Brilliant thank you @Kydoimos its a shame the official template is not available for the community ill to give the method you used a try but thank you very much again. Edit Do you know where the audio in the clip used in that video is it from is there a file somewhere in the game for it?
  19. I guess this thread is pretty dead still any chance of getting it @Kydoimos?
  20. I've been racking my brain to figure out how to use RHS's "rhs_western_rifle_scopes_slot_short " config for scopes and the ones for the other attachments to add some of my custom scopes to the weapon as well as the RHS ones I've tried a few things firstly i tried to append the class then i tried to look at the RHS config and do the same i then added class compatibleItems as i was getting an error as it said the class wasn't defined then using that it said the class already was filled in then once i got it working with no Inheritance it had no attachments the final thing i tried was defining a new class all together using both as an array in the first attempt and as a class in the second attempt class ssqn_rifle_scopes:asdg_OpticRail1913_short { compatibleItems[] += { any help will be much appreciated
  21. nodrog1061

    Script holding error help

    Thank you @opusfmspol works perfectly. your a life saver
  22. i am trying to use a waitUntill to wait for the player to not be on the ground (eg falling) but despite using "not" it still executes the code when the player is on the ground this is my code []spawn{waitUntil {!isTouchingGround player;};}; _freeFallId = [_player,_target] execVM "\SM_tandem_jumping\functions\fn_freeFall.sqf"; player setVariable ["tandem_freeFallId",_freeFallId]; I have also tried using a while loop but it cases way too much lag this is the code I used: while{(velocity _player select 2) > -4}do{ if ((velocity _player select 2) < -3) then{ hint"true2"; _freeFallId = [_player,_target] execVM "\SM_tandem_jumping\functions\fn_freeFall.sqf"; player setVariable ["tandem_freeFallId",_freeFallId]; exit; }; []spawn {uiSleep 2;}; }; I know it's not an error relating to the line !isTouchingGround player as I've tested it in the debug and when I am on the ground it outputs false which it should so this has got me absolutely stumped on how to fix it and what to do. i can give the rest of the code if it helps to s
  23. nodrog1061

    Script holding error help

    I've tested it both ways still has the same problem it's not a syntax im having its a logic error
  24. nodrog1061

    AltisPolice.org - Where are they now ?

    Thank me later. Over 1.1gb Worth. PSD's are included. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BziAKqoq7c6DejJvMnJOcl95S2s https://web.archive.org/web/20160320002641/http://altispolice.org/vehicle-textures.html
  25. nodrog1061

    ArmA 3 Car Reskinning - Free

    hi can you make a skin for the new transit van for my rp server if posable can it look like this left one