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Everything posted by Two-Tu

  1. Hello! So I have downloaded a mod with infantry units for the editor. While editing, I found out that certain faction units were restricted to either BLUFOR or OPFOR. How do I change this? Is there a way to have the units in each of both lists? I don't wanna have a workaround for this. I know that I could use command lines or the "Edit Loadout" menu to "turn a BLUFOR unit into an OPFOR unit", or vice versam, but that's not what I want. I want to change that like fundamentally. Maybe there is a file somewhere in the game folder that simply restricts a certain unit to a certain faction? Thanks in advance!
  2. Hello!I wanted to create following scenrio: Upon reaching a certain area, a vehicle somewhere else with units aboard will start moving to point A and unloads the units there. The units will then proceed on foot to point B.I have managed to set the "Transport Unload" waypoint so far. I have synced this waypoint to a trigger, which should activate once a "BLUFOR (me) is present". However, the vehicle will already start moving once the scenario starts, without me being present in the triggering area.How do I do this right? And who should I select to set the waypoint to point B? The vehicle? Or should I take the units out of the vehicle, assign them to point B, and then put them back into the vehicle? Thanks in advance!
  3. Oops, messed around with the color of the text. Fix: Hello! I wanted to create following scenario: Upon reaching a certain area, a vehicle somewhere else with units aboard will start moving to point A and unloads the units there. The units will then proceed on foot to point B. I have managed to set the "Transport Unload" waypoint so far. I have synced this waypoint to a trigger, which should activate once a "BLUFOR (me) is present". However, the vehicle will already start moving once the scenario starts, without me being present in the triggering area. How do I do this right? And who should I select to set the waypoint to point B? The vehicle? Or should I take the units out of the vehicle, assign them to point B, and then put them back into the vehicle? Thanks in advance!