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About Two-Tu

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  1. Hello! So I have downloaded a mod with infantry units for the editor. While editing, I found out that certain faction units were restricted to either BLUFOR or OPFOR. How do I change this? Is there a way to have the units in each of both lists? I don't wanna have a workaround for this. I know that I could use command lines or the "Edit Loadout" menu to "turn a BLUFOR unit into an OPFOR unit", or vice versam, but that's not what I want. I want to change that like fundamentally. Maybe there is a file somewhere in the game folder that simply restricts a certain unit to a certain faction? Thanks in advance!
  2. Oops, messed around with the color of the text. Fix: Hello! I wanted to create following scenario: Upon reaching a certain area, a vehicle somewhere else with units aboard will start moving to point A and unloads the units there. The units will then proceed on foot to point B. I have managed to set the "Transport Unload" waypoint so far. I have synced this waypoint to a trigger, which should activate once a "BLUFOR (me) is present". However, the vehicle will already start moving once the scenario starts, without me being present in the triggering area. How do I do this right? And who should I select to set the waypoint to point B? The vehicle? Or should I take the units out of the vehicle, assign them to point B, and then put them back into the vehicle? Thanks in advance!
  3. Hello!I wanted to create following scenrio: Upon reaching a certain area, a vehicle somewhere else with units aboard will start moving to point A and unloads the units there. The units will then proceed on foot to point B.I have managed to set the "Transport Unload" waypoint so far. I have synced this waypoint to a trigger, which should activate once a "BLUFOR (me) is present". However, the vehicle will already start moving once the scenario starts, without me being present in the triggering area.How do I do this right? And who should I select to set the waypoint to point B? The vehicle? Or should I take the units out of the vehicle, assign them to point B, and then put them back into the vehicle? Thanks in advance!