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About Tobu2

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  1. SOLVED!, i used baseWeapon and this show now in the arsenal. For example: class USML_CTAR21_NEGRO: arifle_TRG20_F { baseWeapon = "USML_CTAR21_NEGRO"; displayName="[A-TAC]CTAR-21 Black"; author="ClanUSML.net"; hiddenSelections[]= { "camo" }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "\ATACS_MOD\data\TARTA\TARTA_NEGRO.paa" }; picture="\A3\weapons_F\Rifles\Trg20\Data\UI\gear_TRG20_X_CA.paa"; };
  2. Hi. I have one big problem, before the Arma 3 update my retexture weapon (TAR-21) isn't showing in the Arsenal. The script is the same, i didin't modify them. But for some reason the gun just isn't showing. This is the script for the weapon: class USML_CTAR21_NEGRO: arifle_TRG20_F { displayName="[A-TAC]CTAR-21 Black"; author="ClanUSML.net"; hiddenSelections[]= { "camo" }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "\ATACS_MOD\data\TARTA\TARTA_NEGRO.paa" }; picture="\A3\weapons_F\Rifles\Trg20\Data\UI\gear_TRG20_X_CA.paa"; }; I hope you can help me because i don't have idea why this isn't showing. Thanks and sorry for my bad english.