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About Exalos

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  1. Exalos

    Koth Official server down-

    I was finally able to find the Admin's Steam account (he had a slightly tweaked phonetic spelling that I don't think matched his player name in game which is why it wasn't popping up). I ended up finding him by googling some details I recalled from late April when he dealt with some griefers on the server for us. Hopefully I'll hear back.
  2. Exalos

    Koth Official server down-

    Additional correspondence with Jiri from BI: My response: Jiri's final message: I hope something comes of this. In the meantime I'm trying to track down the user "ItsEdInYouBed" He was a server admin who helped out on a few occasions with griefers. I thought I had his contact info on Steam based on one interaction but it's possible he closed his account or changes his name as I can't find him now. He was based out of LA. If I can track him down I'll try on that front. That said where is everyone playing? Has anyone found a decent HC Altis/Malden server? I'm about to head to Greece for a month so I'll be offline for the most part. Hopefully there will be progress by the time I get back. I know while there I will no doubt get ARMA flashbacks from the scenery (granted not going to Limnos but the island of Tinos and Santorini). Cheers
  3. Exalos

    Koth Official server down-

    Hi all. Having serious EU Server #1 withdrawals (my player name if Pavlos and I recognize Crazyhourse given the hundreds of hours I've played on the server). I find myself playing Battle Royale to try and get some kind of ARMA fix but even then few servers in that mode are HC and it's hard to get in any HC servers that are good now. That said I emailed BI and got this response today: Hello, I responded with a fairly lengthy email: