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Everything posted by DraconicPanda

  1. DraconicPanda

    Servers missing ???

    Then how can I at level 17 get thrown into a game with two level 1 players and nobody else on a EU server when I am on the west coast of the US and where my ping is 200+ and theirs is 30 only to have both quit after seeing my rank. That is not a good experience for anyone and I would call that completely broken. And yes the premium servers have been very light for a while and I have on multiple occasions gone into a lobby only to wait for 15+ minutes for nobody to join. As for them working through the weekend. although you may not believe it, pretty much every gaming company has people working over the weekend.
  2. DraconicPanda

    Servers missing ???

    Not working exactly as intended indeed. Considering it doesn't take into account location, rank,etc. It simply doesn't work and I wish they would put some more effort into fixing what they broke instead of taking the weekend off and treating this as some minor issue. and as a supporter, there is ZERO population playing on the premium servers.