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-AV- Sr.Ice

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Everything posted by -AV- Sr.Ice

  1. A person called on steam from DUMMYHOLE He teleported people to him, teleported people to the sky, blew up all the games, created boots in the way of invasion, created Nazi symbols with boots and said that the one for 40 dollars, please report his Wind Http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198403372847/ And your name in the game is uncoolcharlie. There is a website and a group in the discord where you are selling this type of hack, if any argo moderator can contact me. Thank you, then I will send the site and the discord to you, but I will send the site To some type of moderator
  2. halloween and america do sul servers station off ?? Please fix this.
  3. -AV-  Sr.Ice

    I was wrongly banned

    I was banned on a server today (10/28) at (7:00 p.m.) and I was banned during a link match, I accidentally killed 2 people on the team and got kicked, and then my friends told me that they appeared on all servers of the argo that I was banished, I was wondering if you could please disband me my name in the game is _AV_Sr.Ice