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About DoobieDoobieDoo

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  1. I guess it is the same as BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle but for infantry? or are you saying I can use BIS_fnc_spawnGroup to spawn an aircraft and pilot, or something else?
  2. Apologies, I had better explain that more thoroughly ... so, I go to test - play as character, step into trigger, see aircraft :¬) Obviously once I know it's working it will be different - they will be patrolling 4 - 12km from their markers Sorry for any confusion
  3. Thanks all ... I am guessing that the comment " - almost certainly too small an area" refers to something you percieve as incorrect in my code, as GOM suspected. Unfortunately as you know, ARMA does not let us see very far in game. Thanks for all your help! I will take a good look at them later tonight :)
  4. Well, i have it working, but it returns lots of errors when I run it in the editor. Maybe they will clear up online (lol) The patrol command i guessed should be commanding the group _planePilot. It seems that it instructs the object instead - how weird !! Once I realised that it said "_grp is returned expected object" because it is backwards, it was easier to understand ! The waypoints BIS_fnc_taskPatrol generates are attached to the object (sync) it seems, rather than the group leader's init . 0= [] spawn { _spawnLocation = [m1, 1000, (RANDOM 360)] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _airCraft = [_spawnLocation, 180, "O_Plane_Fighter_02_F", EAST] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; _planePilot = _airCraft select 2; _planePilot = [group airCraft, getPos m1, 1000] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; }; If anyone knows how to make this more elegant, please chip in!
  5. Hi First of all, thanks to Something Something Games! I am a scripting noob. I spent many months getting simple things to work, and built a couple of mp scenarios, but have had some difficulty with ai aircrew. For more than one iteration of an event, I am using a trigger to spawn vehicles. I can get one aircaft, with pilot, that spawns, but then turns and flies in a straight line to map coords 0000 I can make it produce two pairs, four separate ones, but they all do the same thing. It is supposed to spawn an aircraft when triggered and the aircrew are supposed to then patrol around a marker. Can anyone explain where I am going wrong? My guess is I lack understanding of the link between the spawned group (plane + pilot) and the pilot. Line 5 is the issue, which I have put in bold for clarity ( not in the trigger!). I need to instruct something to patrol that area (around m1, an object name), I keep getting lots of waypoint creation errors when i run it, or undeclared variables. Is there another scripting function that I should use instead of BIS_fnc_taskPatrol ? 0= [] spawn { _spawnLocation = [m1, 1000, (RANDOM 360)] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _airCraft = [_spawnLocation, 180, "O_Plane_Fighter_02_F", ] call BIS_fnc_spawnvehicle; _planePilot = _airCraft select 0; ??? [group _planePilot, getPos m1, 1000] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; }; Any help appreciated!