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Everything posted by Coladebote

  1. Hello guys: The group of players (8 riflemen grouped to the leader) must appear at the beginning of each mission at a different point in Altis. I have distributed five empty markers grouped to the leader on the map. When all roles are filled by players, the leader does appear randomly at any point, but the rest of the players stay where they were placed in the editor. I have used these two lines of code separately and they don't work. TEST 1.- {vehicle _x setpos formationposition _x} foreach units this ; TEST 2.- this setpos (getMarkerPos (selectRandom ["marker_1", "marker_2", "marker_3", "marker_4", "marker_5", "marker_6"])); Can somebody help me? Thank you
  2. Coladebote

    Random spawn group of players

    Pierre, as expected, your contribution works perfectly. This form is much more elaborate and, at the same time, simpler than the previous one, it requires less architecture. There is nothing like mastering a subject. I leave the link so that anyone interested can download the file and see it. Thanks again, Pierre. TEST MISSION LINK https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WogESbE8RkN8k2tgwOi68dhZ8_RgAdTz/view?usp=sharing
  3. Coladebote

    Random spawn group of players

    Thanks, Pierre, I try it and tell you.
  4. Coladebote

    Random spawn group of players

    Hi Joe98, your system works perfectly. I have tried it on the server with another player and we both appear at the same point. We have tried twice and both times we have appeared at the same point, I suppose it will be somewhat random. I think I have followed your instructions correctly, in any case, I am attaching the link so that you can download the file in case you want to verify it. You don't need addons. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CuuYHtHr16jGf9xCuu7ywQkW1QFnsazf/view?usp=sharing Thank you
  5. Coladebote

    Random spawn group of players

    Pierre, I really appreciate your help. You know I edit missions for a group of friends, without further aspirations. I don't know anything about programming. Four things that allow me to edit without loading the map, so that the performance of the server does not drop too much. When I encounter a problem, like now, I search the internet, I search in this forum and if I find nothing that works, then I consult. There are times that with your help I solve the problem and sometimes I don't. When the obstacle cannot be jumped, it must be skirted. Anyway, we must not lose sight that all this, for me, is just a game. I am of letters. Greetings from the Mediterranean coast. Spain, Europe.
  6. Coladebote

    Random spawn group of players

    Sorry. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j2WYvOC_ytCIRH48VNGmF7anDBHRKub7/view?usp=sharing
  7. Coladebote

    Random spawn group of players

    It is not certain that the same number of players will always participate, therefore, I understand that it would be necessary to adjust the number of roles to the participants of each mission, which is impractical. It is easier to manually change, from the editor itself, the position of the players within the map. True? I honestly believed this was easier. In any case, thanks for your help, Pierre.
  8. Coladebote

    Random spawn group of players

    Changing the leader name to another one, such as "OFFICIAL", is not a problem. I didn't know that LIDER is a command, sorry. However, there may be a problem with what you are saying about the trigger. Seven roles depend on the team leader, in total eight players. It may happen that one day the eight players can be completed and another day there is less participation. This is a problem, right? So I understand that the correct lines would be like this, right? on act: {isPlayer _x} count units OFFICIAL == count units OFFICIAL on act: leader OFFICIAL setPos getMarkerPos (selectRandom ["marker1","marker2","marker3","marker4","marker5","marker6","marker7","marker8","marker9","marker10"]); {_x setpos (leader OFFICIAL getpos [random (15 * sqrt 1),random 360])} forEach units OFFICIAL;
  9. Coladebote

    Random spawn group of players

    Hi Pierre, it doesn't work. I've called the team leader LEADER The rest of the units are grouped to the leader Leader and empty markers are not linked. The lines of code used are as follows: cond: {isPlayer _x} count units yourGroup == count units LIDER; on act: LIDER setPos getMarkerPos (selectRandom ["marker1","marker2","marker3","marker4","marker5","marker6","marker7","marker8","marker9","marker10"]); {_x setpos (LIDER getpos [random (15 * sqrt 1),random 360])} forEach units LIDER; I have used the leader role and when the mission starts you appear in the same place where the units were left from the editor, not where there is an empty marker. Sometimes I wonder if for such a small achievement, it is worth so much effort. Thank you.
  10. Coladebote

    Random spawn group of players

    I am doing something wrong, because it gives an error. The group is called Alpha 1-1. When the condition line is inserted in the trigger, it does not give any error ({isPlayer _x} count units Alpha1-1 == count units Alpha1-1;) The error occurs on the line that is inserted for activation. (leader alpha1-1 setPos getMarkerPos (selectRandom ["marker1 ","marker2","marker3","marker4","marker5","marker6","marker7","marker8","marker9","marker10"]); {_x setpos (leader yourGrou p getpos [random (15 * sqrt 1),random 360])} forEach units alpha1-1;) In the link you can download an image of the screen dump where the error appears. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dyM162ormiWBvlTEzxeZbUWCve0w4555/view?usp=sharing Thanks, Pierre.
  11. Coladebote

    Random spawn group of players

    I try it right now. He informed him of the result in a few minutes. Thanks, Pierre.
  12. Coladebote

    Random spawn group of players

    Hello Pierre: From your indications I interpret that the instruction must be as follows: cond: {isPlayer _x} count units yourGroup == count units yourGroup on act: leader yourGroup setPos getMarkerPos (selectRandom ["marker1","marker2","marker3","marker4","marker5","marker6","marker7","marker8","marker9","marker10"]); {_x setpos (leader yourGroup getpos [random (15 * sqrt 1),random 360])} forEach units yourGroup; It is right? Thank you.
  13. Coladebote

    Random spawn group of players

    Hello Harzach, I have tried the code that you have indicated, but it does not work. In the link you have the proof of the mission as you have indicated. All units are linked to empty markers. The problem is that each player appears at a different point. I may have done something wrong. Not? Thank you. TEST LINK (WITHOUT ADDONS): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j2WYvOC_ytCIRH48VNGmF7anDBHRKub7/view?usp=sharing
  14. Coladebote

    Random spawn group of players

    It is a scenario in Altis where you have to survive, there are several objectives and it is set with modules from the RAVAGE mod. The players, leader and other components must all appear together, but each time the mission begins, at a different point on the map. That's the idea.
  15. Coladebote

    Random spawn group of players

    Hello: With Harzach's recommendation, each unit in the group appears at one point on the map, not all together on the same empty marker. Can you tell me, Pierre, what code, exactly, should I insert in the trigger: 'condition' and 'when activated'? It is that with the lines that you have indicated, it gives errors. Excuse me, but you know that my knowledge in this matter is very poor. Thank you.
  16. Coladebote

    Random spawn group of players

    Thank you. Pierre. I will be testing this weekend.
  17. Coladebote

    Random spawn group of players

    This weekend I do the tests and I already comment. Thanks guys.
  18. Understood, thank you very much.
  19. Hello guys: I have a problem with a mission. In local I start it in multiplayer mode and it works perfectly, but on the dedicated server, as soon as I start, the "end of mission" module is activated and the "Mission accomplished" sign appears. The 'end of mission' module is connected to a trigger that incorporates the following code: {(alive _x) and (_x in thislist)} count allPlayers == {alive _x} count allPlayers; The idea is that the end of mission module is activated when all the players are within the trigger area The truth is that I do not understand what is happening. Can somebody help me. Thanks.
  20. The thing is, the "end of mission" trigger cannot be activated until all players, who are still 'alive', are within the activation area. With the code that I have used, as soon as the mission begins, the trigger is activated and the legend "mission end" appears.
  21. Coladebote

    BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle is not working

    Hi: This script is the one I use to do airstrikes. You can use one or several planes and it works perfectly. If you need it, I can pass you a demo mission. LINK: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/227128-air-attack-by-script/?tab=comments#comment-3391152
  22. Hello guys: A help please. OPFOR units appear in a map position when the trigger activates the script. That position must be indicated on the map with a red marker. When players access the area and eliminate all enemies, the marker changes color, from red to blue. The problem is that with this instruction "setmarkerColor" the red marker does not appear until the script has been activated and the units appear. It can be solved by placing an OPFOR unit in the area, but it sure can be done better. Thanks.
  23. Coladebote

    Color change in map markers

    Problem solved with three triggers. TRIGGER 50 METERS OF RADIO (ACTIVATED BY OPFOR) call {"ZONE_3" setmarkerColor "ColorRed"; deleteMarker "marker_1";} TRIGGER 50 METERS OF RADIO (ACTIVATED BY OPFOR) call {"ZONE_3" setmarkerColor "Colorblue";} TRIGGER 50 METERS OF RADIO (ACTIVATED BY OPFOR) call {"ZONE_3" setMarkerAlpha 1;} THE 3 TRIGGERS IN THE SAME POSITION TWO MARKERS "marker_1" "ZONE_3" "marker_1": RED COLOR / 50 METERS OF RADIO "ZONE_3": RED COLOR / 50 METERS OF RADIO / ALFA 0 THE 2 MARKERS IN THE SAME POSITION DEMO MISSION LINK: https://drive.google.com/open?id=13AiaVjXwTb-C0quBrvCiRxOVcSIjsZOR NOTE: Eliminate each enemy when you access the area and the marker will change color. Thank you. Greetings from Spain.
  24. Coladebote

    Color change in map markers

    I will advance in that line. I'll keep you informed. Thanks friend.
  25. Coladebote

    Color change in map markers

    The problem occurs because in the enemy's military installation the units appear by script. That is, on the map, physically, there is nothing. Therefore, with the instruction "setmarkerColor" the marker will appear blue until the script that makes the enemy units appear at that point is activated. Once there is an enemy presence, the marker changes to red. The problem occurs because, until there is no enemy presence at the point the marker is blue. Probably, your recommendation is the way to go, but it is something that escapes me. Thanks.