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Everything posted by Coladebote

  1. Coladebote

    Clarification on tasks

    I'll take your advice, thank you, Pierre.
  2. Coladebote

    Clarification on tasks

    Hola Pierre, en primer lugar gracias por tu ayuda. He cometido un error de principiante. Pruebo las misiones con una unidad OPFOR, para que no me maten. De esa manera pruebo todos los objetivos y veo si todo está en su lugar. Colocando los módulos de tareas en el mapa, que son visibles para los jugadores, no hay problema, porque soy un jugador de una unidad OPFOR. Al crear tareas por script, ya que están asociadas con WEST, no se activan si soy un jugador de OPFOR. Al final, utilizo GOD MODE en una unidad BLUFOR y las tareas se activan. Sin embargo, he tomado el primer objetivo y no se ha saltado la tarea para darlo como completado. Este es un problema que no sé por qué sucede. Ingresé tus sugerencias en el código y recibo un error al iniciar la misión desde el editor. En este enlace https://gyazo.com/ea77801464118c9614bb827e0de3bf87 verás la imagen del error. In the dedicated server the error does not jump, but the modified tasks are not activated either. Guión modificado: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TASKS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!isServer) exitWith {}; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0 = [] spawn { sleep 1; _markerstr = createMarker ["marker_1",[13790.7,6387]]; _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON"; [west,["task1"],["Apoderarse del faro","Apoderarse del faro",""], getMarkerPos "marker_1" ,"CREATED",2,true,"move"] call BIS_fnc_setTask; waitUntil{sleep 1;(({isPlayer _x && _x distance (getMarkerPos "marker_1") < 5} count playableUnits > 0));}; ["task1", "SUCCEEDED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState; _markerstr = createMarker ["marker_2",[13667.5,6677.63]]; _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON"; [west,["task2"],["Suprimir el puesto de vigilancia","Suprimir el puesto de vigilancia",""], getMarkerPos "marker_2" ,"CREATED",2,true,"move"] call BIS_fnc_setTask; waitUntil{sleep 1;(({isPlayer _x && _x distance (getMarkerPos "marker_2") < 5} count playableUnits > 0));}; ["task2", "SUCCEEDED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState; _markerstr = createMarker ["marker_3",[13206,7435.65]]; _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON"; [west,["task3"],["Neutralizar puesto de vigilancia","Neutralizar puesto de vigilancia",""], getMarkerPos "marker_3" ,"CREATED",2,true,"move"] call BIS_fnc_setTask; waitUntil{sleep 1;(({isPlayer _x && _x distance (getMarkerPos "marker_3") < 10} count playableUnits > 0));}; ["task3", "SUCCEEDED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState; _markerstr = createMarker ["marker_4",[12825.3,7970.99]]; _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON"; [west,["task4"],["Desarticular control de carretera","Desarticular control de carretera",""], getMarkerPos "marker_4" ,"CREATED",2,true,"move"] call BIS_fnc_setTask; waitUntil{sleep 1;(({isPlayer _x && _x distance (getMarkerPos "marker_4") < 10} count playableUnits > 0));}; ["task4", "SUCCEEDED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState; _markerstr = createMarker ["marker_5",[12142.8,8434.15]]; _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON"; [west,["task5"],["Tomar acuartelamiento y eliminar oficial al mando","Tomar acuartelamiento y eliminar oficial al mando",""], getMarkerPos "marker_5" ,"CREATED",2,true,"move"] call BIS_fnc_setTask; waitUntil{!(alive OFFICIAL_2)}; ["task5", "SUCCEEDED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState; };
  3. Coladebote

    tasks problem

    Hi guys: Following Pierre's instructions, I have given some thought to the topic of tasks and this code if it works correctly on the server. The last task I have introduced with positioning on the map, to, if necessary, not use invisible markers. Friends like Pierre will be able to improve this code, sure they will, but it works and it's simple, enough. Thanks Pierre. if (!isServer) exitWith {}; 0 = [] spawn { sleep 1; 0 = [] spawn { [west,["task1"],["Go to the area and destroy enemy artillery","Go to the area and destroy enemy artillery",""], getPosATL arty_1 ,1,2,true,"destroy"] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; waitUntil{!(alive arty_1)}; ["task1", "SUCCEEDED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState; }; waitUntil{!(alive arty_1)}; [west,["task2"],[format[" Go to the area and kill two officers %1",name unit_1],format[" Go to the area and kill two officers %1",name unit_1],""], getPosATL unit_1,1,2,true,"kill"] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; waitUntil{!(alive unit_1)}; ["task2", "SUCCEEDED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState; [west,["task3"],[format[" Go to the area and kill two officers %1",name unit_2],format[" Go to the area and kill two officers %1",name unit_2],""], getPosATL unit_2,1,2,true,"kill"] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; waitUntil{!(alive unit_2)}; ["task3", "SUCCEEDED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState; [west,["task4"],["Grab intel","Grab intel",""], getMarkerPos "marker_0" ,1,2,true,"move"] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; waitUntil{sleep 1;(({isPlayer _x && _x distance (getMarkerPos "marker_0") < 5} count playableUnits > 0));}; ["task4", "SUCCEEDED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState; [west,["task5"],["Exfill at the base ","Exfill at the base ",""], getMarkerPos "marker_1" ,1,2,true,"move"] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; waitUntil{sleep 1;(({isPlayer _x && _x distance (getMarkerPos "marker_1") < 5} count playableUnits > 0));}; ["task5", "SUCCEEDED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState; _markerstr = createMarker ["marker_2",[11412,20620.8]]; _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON"; [west,["task6"],["Exfill at the base ","Exfill at the base ",""], getMarkerPos "marker_2" ,1,2,true,"move"] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; waitUntil{sleep 1;(({isPlayer _x && _x distance (getMarkerPos "marker_2") < 5} count playableUnits > 0));}; ["task6", "SUCCEEDED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState; };
  4. Hi guys, I found this code for the tasks in a Steam thread. if ((!isServer) && (player != player)) then { waitUntil {player == player}; }; 0 = [] spawn { sleep 1; [player,["task1"],["Go to the area and destroy enemy artillery","Go to the area and destroy enemy artillery",""], getPosATL arty_1 ,1,2,true,"destroy"] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; waitUntil{!(alive arty_1)}; ["task1", "SUCCEEDED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState; [player,["task2"],[format[" Go to the area and kill two officers %1",name unit_1],format[" Go to the area and kill two officers %1",name unit_1],""], getPosATL unit_1,1,2,true,"kill"] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; waitUntil{!(alive unit_1)}; ["task2", "SUCCEEDED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState; [player,["task3"],[format[" Go to the area and kill two officers %1",name unit_2],format[" Go to the area and kill two officers %1",name unit_2],""], getPosATL unit_2,1,2,true,"kill"] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; waitUntil{!(alive unit_2)}; ["task3", "SUCCEEDED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState; [player,["task4"],["Grab intel","Grab intel",""], getMarkerPos "marker_0" ,1,2,true,"move"] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; waitUntil{player distance (getMarkerPos "marker_0") < 2}; ["task4", "SUCCEEDED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState; [player,["task5"],["Exfill at the base ","Exfill at the base ",""], getMarkerPos "marker_1" ,1,2,true,"move"] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; waitUntil{player distance (getMarkerPos "marker_1") < 10}; ["task5", "SUCCEEDED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState; }; In the editor it works correctly. On the server it works, but when the artillery is destroyed, which is the first task, it jumps and it is completed, but the "destroy" icon does not disappear from the map. The other icons that are generated do disappear as each task is completed. Can somebody help me. Thanks.
  5. Coladebote

    tasks problem

    Thanks Pierre, I will follow your advice. I keep you informed.
  6. Hello guys, I generate two ZU-23 antiaircraft with their corresponding unit, exporting in SQF from the editor. I assign each antiaircraft a name: POSITION_1_ZU23_1 and POSITION_1_ZU23_2. The task is to shoot down the gunners and destroy the anti-aircraft guns. The task trigger fires with this condition: !Alive POSITION_1_ZU23_1 && !Alive POSITION_1_ZU23_2; The explosives are placed in the editor and when the detonator is activated, the anti-aircraft guns are destroyed, the task is skipped and is considered complete. However, when doing the same test on the server, the task does not work. This is the script that generates the two anti-aircraft guns: // POSITION I /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!isServer) exitWith {}; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Init params [["_layerWhiteList",[],[[]]],["_layerBlacklist",[],[[]]],["_posCenter",[0,0,0],[[]]],["_dir",0,[0]],["_idBlacklist",[],[[]]]]; private _allWhitelisted = _layerWhiteList isEqualTo []; private _layerRoot = (_allWhitelisted || {true in _layerWhiteList}) && {!(true in _layerBlackList)}; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Markers private _markers = []; private _markerIDs = []; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Groups private _groups = []; private _groupIDs = []; private _item3 = grpNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item3 = createGroup east; _this = _item3; _groups pushback _this; _groupIDs pushback 3; }; private _item6 = grpNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item6 = createGroup east; _this = _item6; _groups pushback _this; _groupIDs pushback 6; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Objects private _objects = []; private _objectIDs = []; private _item5 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item5 = _item3 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Soldier",[4262.69,5349.49,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _item3 selectLeader _item5; _this = _item5; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 5; _this setPosWorld [4261.99,5348.82,38.7591]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.990326,0.136113,-0.026983],[0.0199999,0.0524126,0.998425]]; POSITION_1_ZU23_1G = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "POSITION_1_ZU23_1G"; _this setname "Mikhail Chapayev";; _this setface "WhiteHead_15";; _this setspeaker "Male02RUS";; _this setpitch 0.97;; if !(0 == ([0, 1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer')) || {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor", 1, true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD', false, true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item4 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item4 = createVehicle ["CUP_O_ZU23_RU",[4262.69,5349.49,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item4; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 4; _this setPosWorld [4262.73,5349.59,40.108]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.990326,0.136113,-0.026983],[0.0199999,0.0524126,0.998425]]; POSITION_1_ZU23_1 = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "POSITION_1_ZU23_1"; [_this,"[[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]],false]"] call bis_fnc_initAmmoBox;; [_this, 10] call ace_cargo_fnc_setSize;; }; private _item8 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item8 = _item6 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Soldier",[4227.35,5344.99,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _item6 selectLeader _item8; _this = _item8; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 8; _this setPosWorld [4227.66,5345.95,37.7605]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.811023,-0.584627,0.0212677],[0.0100004,0.0224943,0.999697]]; POSITION_1_ZU23_2G = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "POSITION_1_ZU23_2G"; _this setname "Kuzma Shcherbakov";; _this setface "LivonianHead_8";; _this setspeaker "male02rus";; _this setpitch 1.01698;; if !(0 == ([0, 1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer')) || {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor", 1, true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD', false, true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; private _item7 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item7 = createVehicle ["CUP_O_ZU23_RU",[4227.35,5344.99,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item7; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 7; _this setPosWorld [4227.37,5345.03,39.1868]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.811023,-0.584627,0.0212677],[0.0100004,0.0224943,0.999697]]; POSITION_1_ZU23_2 = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "POSITION_1_ZU23_2"; [_this,"[[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]],false]"] call bis_fnc_initAmmoBox;; [_this, 10] call ace_cargo_fnc_setSize;; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Triggers private _triggers = []; private _triggerIDs = []; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Group attributes (applied only once group units exist) _this = _item3; if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then { [_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0]; [_this, "Alpha 1-1"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign; }; _this = _item6; if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then { [_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0]; [_this, "Alpha 1-2"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Waypoints private _waypoints = []; private _waypointIDs = []; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Logics private _logics = []; private _logicIDs = []; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Layers /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Crews if (!isNull _item5 && !isNull _item4) then {_item5 moveInTurret [_item4,[0]];}; if (!isNull _item8 && !isNull _item7) then {_item8 moveInTurret [_item7,[0]];}; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Vehicle cargo /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Connections /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Inits (executed only once all entities exist; isNil used to ensure non-scheduled environment) isNil { }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Module activations (only once everything is spawned and connected) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [[_objects,_groups,_triggers,_waypoints,_logics,_markers],[_objectIDs,_groupIDs,_triggerIDs,_waypointIDs,_logicIDs,_markerIDs]] The code will probably need to be modified. Can someone help me? Thanks.
  7. Hi guys, I created a helicopter base in the middle of a forest, with a very uneven surface, so I had to build a runway with airport platforms. Helicopters appear by script on this platform. The problem is that when the helicopters appear, some explode. To avoid this I have used the following line of code: _this allowDamage false; The problem is that, in this way, the helicopters cannot be destroyed, so I would like the protection against the damage to be only temporary, that is, until the helicopters appear on the surface without being destroyed and, afterwards, they recover the damage. . Can somebody help me? Thanks.
  8. Coladebote

    Temporary damage

    Indeed, Pierre, it may be a solution, because with two antiaircraft it also occurred and raising the height from 6 to 6.1 meters, it has been resolved. I always appreciate your help very much. Thanks.
  9. Coladebote

    Temporary damage

    It is a base built on the map where the helicopters explode when the script is activated and appear. The problem occurs when the helicopter is positioned on the surface.
  10. Coladebote

    Temporary damage

    The truth is that he had not thought about this possibility. Something like that? _this allowDamage false; sleep 4; _this allowDamage true;
  11. Hello guys: I have created 35 sectors on the Altis map, one in each town. Each sector is associated with an area game logic, and the Blufor and Opfor sides. It works perfectly. It changes color according to the side that occupies it. All this I have exported to sqf and I have created a sqf file that is activated, at the beginning of the mission, from an initServer.sqf file. When the mission starts it also works, but at the beginning it activates the task of each sector, a fact that does not happen when the sectors are located on the map. Can someone tell me why this happens? It's just that it's a bit annoying. Thank you.
  12. Coladebote

    sectors exported to sqf

    Pierre, the mystery is solved. As you have indicated, the cause of the problem was in the order of initialization. In initServer.sqf the order of the initial elements was as follows: [] execVM "scripts \ base_TFR.sqf"; waitUntil {time> 10}; // Run the scripts [] execVM "triggers \ layers_11_14_16_21.sqf"; [] execVM "triggers \ layers_12_13_15.sqf"; [] execVM "triggers \ layers_17_19.sqf"; [] execVM "triggers \ layers_5_6.sqf"; [] execVM "triggers \ layers_4_7B_23B.sqf"; [] execVM "triggers \ layer_24.sqf"; [] execVM "triggers \ layer_25.sqf"; After thinking about your indication, the order has been like this: [] execVM "scripts \ base_TFR.sqf"; [] execVM "triggers \ layers_5_6.sqf"; waitUntil {time> 20}; // Run the scripts [] execVM "triggers \ layers_11_14_16_21.sqf"; [] execVM "triggers \ layers_12_13_15.sqf"; [] execVM "triggers \ layers_17_19.sqf"; [] execVM "triggers \ layers_5_6.sqf"; [] execVM "triggers \ layers_4_7B_23B.sqf"; [] execVM "triggers \ layer_24.sqf"; [] execVM "triggers \ layer_25.sqf"; [] execVM "triggers \ layers_5_6.sqf" ;, is the sectors layer. This way it works perfectly. What would I do without you? Thanks for your advice and help. You know that I hold your opinion in high regard. When I have finished this project, I will send you a download link so that, if it is to your liking, you can visualize it. I reiterate my gratitude. Thanks, Pierre.
  13. Coladebote

    sectors exported to sqf

    I clarify what you tell me. When the modules of the sectors are 'physically' on the map, the behavior is correct. When I use the script and activate it from the initServer.sqf, when the mission starts the task activation windows open, one after the other, until all 35 are completed. This is what does not happen when the modules are 'physically' in the map.
  14. Coladebote

    sectors exported to sqf

    Pierre, thank you for your time and your valuable help. Tonight I'll do the test. I don't understand what you mean when you say "delete comments". I suppose there are parts of the code that can be deleted, but I'm scared to delete something that might be vital. I have carried out my tests by inserting the code in an sqf file that, as I mentioned in my first comment, is activated from an initServer.sqf. I guess this will be correct. no? I ask you because you have tried it from a trigger. It is clear that doing the test from the trigger does work correctly, but the way I do it, the mission begins with the activation of the 35 tasks. I trust that it can be solved. Thank you.
  15. Coladebote

    sectors exported to sqf

    Hi Pierre, I am attaching the script below. It is a multiplayer mission. The villages and other facilities of Altis are protected and defended by Russian CUP soldiers and must be conquered. When players remove all Opfor troops, the red sector turns blue. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!isServer) exitWith {}; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Init params [["_layerWhiteList",[],[[]]],["_layerBlacklist",[],[[]]],["_posCenter",[0,0,0],[[]]],["_dir",0,[0]],["_idBlacklist",[],[[]]]]; private _allWhitelisted = _layerWhiteList isEqualTo []; private _layerRoot = (_allWhitelisted || {true in _layerWhiteList}) && {!(true in _layerBlackList)}; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Markers private _markers = []; private _markerIDs = []; private _item821 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item821 = createMarker ["SECTOR_1",[20773,6732.31,0]]; _this = _item821; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 821; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item822 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item822 = createMarker ["SECTOR_2",[21791.2,7586.62,0]]; _this = _item822; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 822; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item823 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item823 = createMarker ["SECTOR_3",[20607.5,8893.77,0]]; _this = _item823; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 823; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item824 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item824 = createMarker ["SECTOR_4",[20251.9,11706.8,0]]; _this = _item824; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 824; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item825 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item825 = createMarker ["SECTOR_5",[19377.9,13255.9,0]]; _this = _item825; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 825; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item826 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item826 = createMarker ["SECTOR_6",[16893.7,12700.7,0]]; _this = _item826; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 826; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item827 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item827 = createMarker ["SECTOR_7",[18110.6,15276.9,0]]; _this = _item827; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 827; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item828 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item828 = createMarker ["SECTOR_8",[18782.6,16624.8,0]]; _this = _item828; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 828; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item829 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item829 = createMarker ["SECTOR_9",[20915.5,16868.1,0]]; _this = _item829; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 829; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item830 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item830 = createMarker ["SECTOR_10",[21317.5,16324.8,0]]; _this = _item830; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 830; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item831 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item831 = createMarker ["SECTOR_11",[25576.4,21345.8,0]]; _this = _item831; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 831; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item832 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item832 = createMarker ["SECTOR_12",[27010.9,23240.3,0]]; _this = _item832; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 832; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item833 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item833 = createMarker ["SECTOR_13",[16276,17303.1,0]]; _this = _item833; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 833; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item834 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item834 = createMarker ["SECTOR_14",[14510.5,17657.3,0]]; _this = _item834; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 834; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item835 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item835 = createMarker ["SECTOR_15",[14032.2,18705.3,0]]; _this = _item835; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 835; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item836 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item836 = createMarker ["SECTOR_16",[14609.9,20810.8,0]]; _this = _item836; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 836; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item837 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item837 = createMarker ["SECTOR_17",[4692.16,21379,0]]; _this = _item837; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 837; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item838 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item838 = createMarker ["SECTOR_18",[9396.15,20283.7,0]]; _this = _item838; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 838; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item839 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item839 = createMarker ["SECTOR_19",[10315.2,19054.4,0]]; _this = _item839; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 839; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item840 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item840 = createMarker ["SECTOR_20",[8626.13,18254.8,0]]; _this = _item840; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 840; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item841 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item841 = createMarker ["SECTOR_21",[4896.83,16166.8,0]]; _this = _item841; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 841; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item842 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item842 = createMarker ["SECTOR_22",[7145.23,16467.9,0]]; _this = _item842; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 842; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item843 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item843 = createMarker ["SECTOR_23",[9421.11,15960.6,0]]; _this = _item843; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 843; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item844 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item844 = createMarker ["SECTOR_24",[12436.1,15558.6,0]]; _this = _item844; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 844; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item845 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item845 = createMarker ["SECTOR_25",[12864.1,15046.4,0]]; _this = _item845; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 845; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item846 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item846 = createMarker ["SECTOR_26",[12577.6,14322,0]]; _this = _item846; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 846; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item847 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item847 = createMarker ["SECTOR_27",[11110.1,14579.1,0]]; _this = _item847; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 847; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item848 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item848 = createMarker ["SECTOR_28",[11731.6,13760.2,0]]; _this = _item848; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 848; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item849 = ""; 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_markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 852; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item853 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item853 = createMarker ["SECTOR_33",[4166.73,11741.8,0]]; _this = _item853; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 853; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item854 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item854 = createMarker ["SECTOR_34",[3414.58,13135.2,0]]; _this = _item854; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 854; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; private _item855 = ""; if (_layerRoot) then { _item855 = createMarker ["SECTOR_35",[3772.49,13695.1,0]]; _this = _item855; _markers pushback _this; _markerIDs pushback 855; _this setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _this setMarkerSize [0.7,0.7]; _this setMarkerShape "ICON"; _this setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Groups private _groups = []; private _groupIDs = []; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Objects private _objects = []; private _objectIDs = []; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Triggers private _triggers = []; private _triggerIDs = []; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Group attributes (applied only once group units exist) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Waypoints private _waypoints = []; private _waypointIDs = []; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Logics private _logics = []; private _logicIDs = []; private _item880 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item880 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[3396.75,13128.1,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item880; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 880; _this setPosWorld [3396.75,13128.1,4.117]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0.999872,-0.0159865],[0.00933759,0.0159858,0.999829]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[400,400,0,false,-1]]; Kavala = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Kavala"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Kavala",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item881 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item881 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[3401.27,13121.8,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item881; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 881; _this setPosWorld [3401.27,13121.8,4.23532]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0.999645,-0.0266571],[0.00265199,0.026657,0.999641]]; }; private _item882 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item882 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[3400.53,13118.6,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item882; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 882; _this setPosWorld [3400.53,13118.6,4.30091]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0.9998,-0.0199947],[-0.00399675,0.0199945,0.999792]]; }; private _item883 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item883 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[3404.7,13121.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item883; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 883; _this setPosWorld [3404.7,13121.7,4.22796]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0.999645,-0.0266571],[0.00265199,0.026657,0.999641]]; }; private _item884 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item884 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[3803.75,13707.6,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item884; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 884; _this setPosWorld [3803.75,13707.6,16.0306]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.573434,0.819246,-0.00305047],[-0.0186565,-0.00933597,0.999782]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[350,350,325.01,false,-1]]; Aggelochori = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Aggelochori"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Aggelochori",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item885 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item885 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[3807.84,13703.8,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item885; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 885; _this setPosWorld [3807.84,13703.8,16.0715]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.573434,0.819246,-0.00305644],[-0.0186628,-0.0093331,0.999782]]; }; private _item886 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item886 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[3809.09,13700.6,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item886; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 886; _this setPosWorld [3809.09,13700.6,16.0655]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.573434,0.819246,-0.00305644],[-0.0186628,-0.0093331,0.999782]]; }; private _item887 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item887 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[3811.03,13702.4,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item887; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 887; _this setPosWorld [3811.03,13702.4,16.1458]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.572875,0.819605,-0.00783511],[-0.0479448,-0.0239658,0.998562]]; }; private _item888 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item888 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[4139.25,11719.4,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item888; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 888; _this setPosWorld [4139.25,11719.4,50.5665]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.573434,0.819246,-0.00305047],[-0.0186565,-0.00933597,0.999782]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[350,350,325.01,false,-1]]; Neri = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Neri"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Neri",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item889 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item889 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[4143.33,11715.6,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item889; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 889; _this setPosWorld [4143.33,11715.6,49.9609]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.573434,0.819246,-0.00305644],[-0.0186628,-0.0093331,0.999782]]; }; private _item890 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item890 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[4144.58,11712.4,-3.8147e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item890; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 890; _this setPosWorld [4144.58,11712.4,49.5701]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.573434,0.819246,-0.00305644],[-0.0186628,-0.0093331,0.999782]]; }; private _item891 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item891 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[4146.52,11714.2,-3.8147e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item891; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 891; _this setPosWorld [4146.52,11714.2,49.786]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.572875,0.819605,-0.00783511],[-0.0479448,-0.0239658,0.998562]]; }; private _item892 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item892 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[5079.35,11272.4,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item892; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 892; _this setPosWorld [5079.35,11272.4,51.458]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.573434,0.819246,-0.00305047],[-0.0186565,-0.00933597,0.999782]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[350,350,325.01,false,-1]]; Panochori = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Panochori"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Panochori",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item893 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item893 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[5083.43,11268.6,-3.8147e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item893; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 893; _this setPosWorld [5083.43,11268.6,51.0563]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.573434,0.819246,-0.00305644],[-0.0186628,-0.0093331,0.999782]]; }; private _item894 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item894 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[5084.68,11265.4,-3.8147e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item894; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 894; _this setPosWorld [5084.68,11265.4,50.8189]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.573434,0.819246,-0.00305644],[-0.0186628,-0.0093331,0.999782]]; }; private _item895 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item895 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[5086.62,11267.2,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item895; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 895; _this setPosWorld [5086.62,11267.2,50.8345]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.572875,0.819605,-0.00783511],[-0.0479448,-0.0239658,0.998562]]; }; private _item896 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item896 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[9235.09,11835.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item896; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 896; _this setPosWorld [9235.09,11835.7,25.4161]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.573532,0.765962,-0.290455],[0.00267059,0.356313,0.934363]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[550,550,323.175,false,-1]]; Zaros = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Zaros"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Zaros",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item897 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item897 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[9239.17,11831.9,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item897; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 897; _this setPosWorld [9239.17,11831.9,26.6145]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.573532,0.783632,-0.238709],[0.0026744,0.293189,0.956051]]; }; private _item898 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item898 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[9240.43,11828.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item898; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 898; _this setPosWorld [9240.43,11828.7,27.6163]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.571259,0.76822,-0.288966],[-0.0889791,0.292027,0.952262]]; }; private _item899 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item899 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[9242.36,11830.5,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item899; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 899; _this setPosWorld [9242.36,11830.5,27.2595]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.571259,0.76822,-0.288966],[-0.0889791,0.292027,0.952262]]; }; private _item900 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item900 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[10635.9,12295.5,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item900; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 900; _this setPosWorld [10635.9,12295.5,15.7799]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.573521,0.819186,-0.0027228],[-0.00666711,-0.001344,0.999977]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[300,300,325.004,false,-1]]; Therisa = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Therisa"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Therisa",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item901 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item901 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[10640,12291.7,-1.14441e-005],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item901; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 901; _this setPosWorld [10640,12291.7,15.8124]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.573522,0.819077,-0.0136451],[-0.00665923,0.0119948,0.999906]]; }; private _item902 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item902 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[10641.2,12288.6,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item902; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 902; _this setPosWorld [10641.2,12288.6,15.8585]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.573522,0.819077,-0.0136451],[-0.00665923,0.0119948,0.999906]]; }; private _item903 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item903 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[10643.2,12290.3,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item903; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 903; _this setPosWorld [10643.2,12290.3,15.863]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.57335,0.818948,-0.024354],[-0.0253251,0.0119961,0.999607]]; }; private _item904 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item904 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[11002.5,13420.5,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item904; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 904; _this setPosWorld [11002.5,13420.5,26.1519]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.779866,0.624698,0.0395202],[0.0506107,0,0.998718]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[350,350,308.696,false,-1]]; Poliakko = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Poliakko"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Poliakko",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item905 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item905 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[11007.4,13418,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item905; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 905; _this setPosWorld [11007.4,13418,26.038]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.780669,0.624695,0.0176945],[0.02266,0,0.999743]]; }; private _item906 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item906 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[11009.5,13415.3,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item906; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 906; _this setPosWorld [11009.5,13415.3,26.008]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.780669,0.624816,0.0127005],[0.02266,0.00799139,0.999711]]; }; private _item907 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item907 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[11010.9,13417.5,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item907; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 907; _this setPosWorld [11010.9,13417.5,25.9606]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.780692,0.624756,0.0141568],[0.0213271,0.00399584,0.999765]]; }; private _item908 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item908 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[11760.9,13703,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item908; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 908; _this setPosWorld [11760.9,13703,13.1309]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.747832,0.663877,0.00375464],[0.00799392,-0.0146597,0.999861]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[250,250,48.4034,false,-1]]; Katalaki = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Katalaki"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Katalaki",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item909 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item909 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[11757.6,13698.6,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item909; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 909; _this setPosWorld [11757.6,13698.6,13.0024]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.747822,0.66344,0.0246705],[-0.0093285,-0.0266559,0.999601]]; }; private _item910 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item910 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[11754.6,13697,1.90735e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item910; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 910; _this setPosWorld [11754.6,13697,12.9592]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.747854,0.663728,0.0133893],[-0.00133721,-0.0186626,0.999825]]; }; private _item911 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item911 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[11756.5,13695.2,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item911; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 911; _this setPosWorld [11756.5,13695.2,12.9296]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.747854,0.663728,0.0133893],[-0.00133721,-0.0186626,0.999825]]; }; private _item912 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item912 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[12496.1,14378.9,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item912; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 912; _this setPosWorld [12496.1,14378.9,13.092]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.982863,-0.176386,-0.0535584],[-0.0452932,-0.0505587,0.997693]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[350,350,259.826,false,-1]]; Neochori = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Neochori"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Neochori",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item913 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item913 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[12501.3,14381,9.53674e-007],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item913; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 913; _this setPosWorld [12501.3,14381,13.4206]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.983086,-0.17691,-0.0473842],[-0.0399685,-0.0452505,0.998176]]; }; private _item914 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item914 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[12504.6,14380.9,1.90735e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item914; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 914; _this setPosWorld [12504.6,14380.9,13.6023]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.981779,-0.175786,-0.0721776],[-0.0651943,-0.0451904,0.996849]]; }; private _item915 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item915 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[12503.9,14383.3,9.53674e-007],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item915; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 915; _this setPosWorld [12503.9,14383.3,13.6651]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.981779,-0.175786,-0.0721776],[-0.0651943,-0.0451904,0.996849]]; }; private _item916 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item916 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[12947.1,15067.6,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item916; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 916; _this setPosWorld [12947.1,15067.6,28.7855]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.0232431,-0.999187,-0.0329384],[0.0413003,-0.0319595,0.998635]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[350,350,178.667,false,-1]]; Stavros = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Stavros"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Stavros",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item917 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item917 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[12945.8,15073,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item917; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 917; _this setPosWorld [12945.8,15073,29.0124]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.0232512,-0.999187,-0.0329349],[0.0412979,-0.0319557,0.998636]]; }; private _item918 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item918 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[12946.5,15076.3,1.90735e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item918; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 918; _this setPosWorld [12946.5,15076.3,29.0258]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.0232174,-0.999619,-0.014902],[0.0678421,-0.0132963,0.997607]]; }; private _item919 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item919 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[12943.9,15075.9,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item919; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 919; _this setPosWorld [12943.9,15075.9,29.1278]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.0232694,-0.999714,-0.00560435],[0.0119996,-0.00532616,0.999914]]; }; private _item920 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item920 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[11133.3,14549.6,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item920; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 920; _this setPosWorld [11133.3,14549.6,40.7554]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.151609,-0.983529,-0.0984189],[0.0253219,-0.103402,0.994317]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[350,350,188.763,false,-1]]; alikampos = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "alikampos"; _this setVariable ['Name',"alikampos",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item921 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item921 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[11133,14555.2,3.8147e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item921; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 921; _this setPosWorld [11133,14555.2,40.9719]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.151654,-0.98696,-0.0539526],[0,-0.0545839,0.998509]]; }; private _item922 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item922 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[11134.2,14558.3,7.62939e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item922; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 922; _this setPosWorld [11134.2,14558.3,41.133]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.151654,-0.98759,-0.0408202],[0,-0.0412979,0.999147]]; }; private _item923 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item923 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[11131.6,14558.4,7.62939e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item923; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 923; _this setPosWorld [11131.6,14558.4,41.1367]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.151654,-0.98759,-0.0408202],[0,-0.0412979,0.999147]]; }; private _item924 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item924 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[12368.5,15685.9,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item924; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 924; _this setPosWorld [12368.5,15685.9,23.4989]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.930613,0.364733,0.0304895],[0.0612232,0.0729966,0.995451]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[350,350,291.402,false,-1]]; Lakka = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Lakka"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Lakka",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item925 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item925 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[12374,15685.1,0.350761],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item925; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 925; _this setPosWorld [12374,15685.1,23.6618]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.932348,0.36156,-0.0012991],[0.00532655,0.0173279,0.999836]]; }; private _item926 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item926 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[12376.7,15683.1,0.429539],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item926; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 926; _this setPosWorld [12376.7,15683.1,23.7776]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.932348,0.361388,-0.0112301],[-0.0053265,0.0173279,0.999836]]; }; private _item927 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item927 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[12377.4,15685.7,0.469765],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item927; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 927; _this setPosWorld [12377.4,15685.7,23.7777]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.932348,0.361388,-0.0112301],[-0.0053265,0.0173279,0.999836]]; }; private _item928 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item928 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[9352.95,15883,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item928; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 928; _this setPosWorld [9352.95,15883,119.666]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.989135,-0.146397,0.013432],[0.0119996,0.0106633,0.999871]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[400,400,261.581,false,-1]]; Agios_Dionyssios = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Agios_Dionyssios"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Agios Dionyssios",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item929 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item929 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[9358.15,15885,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item929; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 929; _this setPosWorld [9358.15,15885,119.62]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.98919,-0.146521,0.0058547],[0.00532655,0.00399669,0.999978]]; }; private _item930 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item930 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[9361.53,15884.7,7.62939e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item930; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 930; _this setPosWorld [9361.53,15884.7,119.593]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.989133,-0.146495,0.0124557],[0.0119996,0.00399646,0.99992]]; }; private _item931 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item931 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[9360.85,15887.2,-7.62939e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item931; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 931; _this setPosWorld [9360.85,15887.2,119.588]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.989133,-0.146478,0.0126505],[0.0119996,0.00532612,0.999914]]; }; private _item932 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item932 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[7122.18,16466.1,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item932; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 932; _this setPosWorld [7122.18,16466.1,118.044]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.310875,-0.935696,-0.166821],[-0.0146602,-0.170776,0.985201]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[350,350,198.379,false,-1]]; Kore = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Kore"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Kore",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item933 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item933 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[7122.75,16471.6,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item933; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 933; _this setPosWorld [7122.75,16471.6,119.016]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.310874,-0.935263,-0.169235],[-0.0146643,-0.173317,0.984757]]; }; private _item934 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item934 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[7124.52,16474.5,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item934; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 934; _this setPosWorld [7124.52,16474.5,119.561]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.310861,-0.934677,-0.172468],[-0.0173282,-0.175855,0.984264]]; }; private _item935 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item935 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[7121.97,16475,7.62939e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item935; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 935; _this setPosWorld [7121.97,16475,119.609]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.310861,-0.934677,-0.172468],[-0.0173282,-0.175855,0.984264]]; }; private _item936 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item936 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[4890.76,16145.6,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item936; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 936; _this setPosWorld [4890.76,16145.6,77.9101]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.950523,0.310458,0.0110231],[0.0133342,0.00532276,0.999897]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[250,250,288.088,false,-1]]; Negades = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Negades"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Negades",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item937 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item937 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[4896.29,16145,7.62939e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item937; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 937; _this setPosWorld [4896.29,16145,77.8293]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.950486,0.310508,0.0127257],[0.0159975,0.00799242,0.99984]]; }; private _item938 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item938 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[4899.18,16143.2,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item938; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 938; _this setPosWorld [4899.18,16143.2,77.8038]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.950539,0.310478,0.00892089],[0.0119949,0.00799287,0.999896]]; }; private _item939 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item939 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[4899.7,16145.8,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item939; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 939; _this setPosWorld [4899.7,16145.8,77.778]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.950553,0.310457,0.00806735],[0.0106641,0.0066678,0.999921]]; }; private _item940 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item940 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[8564.7,18252.4,1.52588e-005],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item940; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 940; _this setPosWorld [8564.7,18252.4,179.266]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.317086,-0.942374,0.106711],[-0.0784238,0.0860784,0.993197]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[350,350,161.403,false,-1]]; Syrta = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Syrta"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Syrta",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item941 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item941 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[8561.86,18257.1,1.52588e-005],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item941; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 941; _this setPosWorld [8561.86,18257.1,178.707]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.317087,-0.945688,0.0716285],[-0.0784238,0.0491219,0.995709]]; }; private _item942 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item942 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[8561.55,18260.5,1.52588e-005],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item942; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 942; _this setPosWorld [8561.55,18260.5,178.536]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.316842,-0.946196,0.0657536],[-0.0876595,0.0398161,0.995354]]; }; private _item943 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item943 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[8559.2,18259.4,1.52588e-005],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item943; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 943; _this setPosWorld [8559.2,18259.4,178.387]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.317087,-0.945688,0.0716285],[-0.0784238,0.0491219,0.995709]]; }; private _item944 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item944 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[4596.57,21423.5,-3.05176e-005],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item944; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 944; _this setPosWorld [4596.57,21423.5,298.469]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.668271,0.737958,0.0939767],[0.0784238,-0.0557381,0.995361]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[150,150,317.837,false,-1]]; Oreokastro = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Oreokastro"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Oreokastro",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item945 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item945 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[4601.08,21420.2,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item945; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 945; _this setPosWorld [4601.08,21420.2,297.87]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.667269,0.737315,0.105446],[0.0955602,-0.0556545,0.993867]]; }; private _item946 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item946 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[4602.71,21417.3,3.05176e-005],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item946; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 946; _this setPosWorld [4602.71,21417.3,297.598]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.667269,0.739151,0.0916968],[0.0955612,-0.0371353,0.994731]]; }; private _item947 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item947 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[4604.42,21419.2,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item947; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 947; _this setPosWorld [4604.42,21419.2,297.506]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.667269,0.739151,0.0916968],[0.0955612,-0.0371353,0.994731]]; }; private _item948 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item948 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[9420.99,20228.7,-7.62939e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item948; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 948; _this setPosWorld [9420.99,20228.7,118.582]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.0773748,-0.996977,-0.00704083],[-0.0120076,-0.00799334,0.999896]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[250,250,175.562,false,-1]]; Abdera = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Abdera"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Abdera",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item949 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item949 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[9419.4,20234,-7.62939e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item949; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 949; _this setPosWorld [9419.4,20234,118.594]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.0773516,-0.996988,-0.00560463],[-0.0306514,-0.00799683,0.999498]]; }; private _item950 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item950 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[9419.92,20237.4,7.62939e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item950; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 950; _this setPosWorld [9419.92,20237.4,118.712]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.0773836,-0.996288,-0.0376969],[-0.0106697,-0.0386357,0.999196]]; }; private _item951 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item951 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[9417.37,20236.9,-7.62939e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item951; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 951; _this setPosWorld [9417.37,20236.9,118.651]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.0773516,-0.995429,-0.0560215],[-0.0306533,-0.0585378,0.997814]]; }; private _item952 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item952 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[10322.1,19042.6,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item952; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 952; _this setPosWorld [10322.1,19042.6,123.481]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.642173,-0.750061,-0.15818],[-0.0678412,-0.149931,0.986366]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[250,250,220.569,false,-1]]; Galati = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Galati"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Galati",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item953 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item953 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[10324.7,19047.5,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item953; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 953; _this setPosWorld [10324.7,19047.5,124.366]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.642831,-0.754122,-0.134418],[-0.0506016,-0.13329,0.989784]]; }; private _item954 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item954 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[10327.4,19049.6,-4.57764e-005],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item954; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 954; _this setPosWorld [10327.4,19049.6,124.776]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.642831,-0.754122,-0.134418],[-0.0506016,-0.13329,0.989784]]; }; private _item955 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item955 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[10325.3,19051,7.62939e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item955; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 955; _this setPosWorld [10325.3,19051,124.899]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.642831,-0.748085,-0.164734],[-0.0506028,-0.173114,0.983601]]; }; private _item956 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item956 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[14646.2,20764.5,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item956; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 956; _this setPosWorld [14646.2,20764.5,46.1897]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.00689068,-0.999615,-0.0268855],[0.0319868,-0.026652,0.999133]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[250,250,179.605,false,-1]]; Frini = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Frini"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Frini",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item957 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item957 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[14645,20769.9,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item957; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 957; _this setPosWorld [14645,20769.9,46.5308]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.00690212,-0.995751,-0.0918305],[0.031983,-0.0915659,0.995285]]; }; private _item958 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item958 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[14645.8,20773.2,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item958; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 958; _this setPosWorld [14645.8,20773.2,46.8587]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.00690427,-0.994597,-0.103577],[0.0199975,-0.103421,0.994437]]; }; private _item959 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item959 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[14643.2,20772.9,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item959; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 959; _this setPosWorld [14643.2,20772.9,46.8767]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.00690427,-0.994597,-0.103577],[0.0199975,-0.103421,0.994437]]; }; private _item960 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item960 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[14009.2,18719.8,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item960; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 960; _this setPosWorld [14009.2,18719.8,26.2612]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.986351,0.162851,-0.0243263],[-0.023996,0.00399564,0.999704]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[350,350,279.375,false,-1]]; Athira = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Athira"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Athira",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item961 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item961 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[14014.7,18720.1,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item961; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 961; _this setPosWorld [14014.7,18720.1,26.3139]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.986613,0.163072,-0.0017897],[-0.00665923,-0.0293195,0.999548]]; }; private _item962 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item962 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[14017.9,18718.8,3.8147e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item962; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 962; _this setPosWorld [14017.9,18718.8,26.3852]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.986318,0.161904,-0.0310485],[-0.0253251,0.0372959,0.998983]]; }; private _item963 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item963 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[14018,18721.4,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item963; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 963; _this setPosWorld [14018,18721.4,26.3125]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.985898,0.161875,-0.0424499],[-0.0386365,0.0266349,0.998898]]; }; private _item964 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item964 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[14461.9,17645.1,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item964; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 964; _this setPosWorld [14461.9,17645.1,19.9845]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.755041,-0.655633,-0.00763142],[-0.023996,0.0159994,0.999584]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[350,350,229.031,false,-1]]; Gravia = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Gravia"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Gravia",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item965 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item965 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[14465.3,17649.6,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item965; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 965; _this setPosWorld [14465.3,17649.6,20.1013]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.754698,-0.655461,-0.0283042],[-0.0386365,0.00133621,0.999252]]; }; private _item966 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item966 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[14468.3,17651.2,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item966; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 966; _this setPosWorld [14468.3,17651.2,20.2289]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.75513,-0.655315,-0.0184652],[-0.0186628,-0.00666671,0.999804]]; }; private _item967 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item967 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[14466.4,17652.9,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item967; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 967; _this setPosWorld [14466.4,17652.9,20.1728]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.754441,-0.655174,-0.039576],[-0.046615,-0.00666062,0.998891]]; }; private _item968 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item968 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[16335,17228.1,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item968; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 968; _this setPosWorld [16335,17228.1,22.9397]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.631305,-0.766017,-0.121128],[-0.0651941,-0.103215,0.99252]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[350,350,219.493,false,-1]]; Tilos = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Tilos"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Tilos",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item969 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item969 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[16337.5,17233,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item969; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 969; _this setPosWorld [16337.5,17233,23.6059]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.632149,-0.770066,-0.0859415],[-0.039967,-0.0783611,0.996124]]; }; private _item970 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item970 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[16340.2,17235.1,1.90735e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item970; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 970; _this setPosWorld [16340.2,17235.1,23.873]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.632149,-0.772494,-0.060333],[-0.0399685,-0.045252,0.998176]]; }; private _item971 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item971 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[16338,17236.5,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item971; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 971; _this setPosWorld [16338,17236.5,23.8487]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.632149,-0.772494,-0.060333],[-0.0399685,-0.045252,0.998176]]; }; private _item972 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item972 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[27048.9,23250.8,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item972; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 972; _this setPosWorld [27048.9,23250.8,21.471]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.540592,-0.840754,-0.0298661],[0.00134403,-0.0346375,0.999399]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[350,350,147.26,false,-1]]; Molos = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Molos"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Molos",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item973 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item973 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[27045,23254.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item973; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 973; _this setPosWorld [27045,23254.7,21.6127]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.540595,-0.840753,-0.029869],[0.00133688,-0.0346456,0.999399]]; }; private _item974 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item974 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[27043.9,23257.9,1.90735e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item974; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 974; _this setPosWorld [27043.9,23257.9,21.7201]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.540593,-0.840864,-0.0265945],[-0.00265204,-0.0333149,0.999441]]; }; private _item975 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item975 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[27041.9,23256.2,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item975; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 975; _this setPosWorld [27041.9,23256.2,21.6581]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.540593,-0.840828,-0.0277139],[-0.00265204,-0.0346455,0.999396]]; }; private _item976 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item976 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[25684.2,21335.2,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item976; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 976; _this setPosWorld [25684.2,21335.2,20.153]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.847641,-0.530488,-0.00930768],[-0.00931992,-0.00265283,0.999953]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[350,350,237.96,false,-1]]; Sofia = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Sofia"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Sofía",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item977 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item977 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[25688.2,21339.1,1.90735e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item977; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 977; _this setPosWorld [25688.2,21339.1,20.2454]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.847404,-0.529846,-0.0341902],[-0.0253251,-0.0239857,0.999391]]; }; private _item978 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item978 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[25691.4,21340.2,3.8147e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item978; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 978; _this setPosWorld [25691.4,21340.2,20.3528]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.847404,-0.529846,-0.0341902],[-0.0253251,-0.0239857,0.999391]]; }; private _item979 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item979 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[25689.8,21342.2,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item979; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 979; _this setPosWorld [25689.8,21342.2,20.3602]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.847404,-0.529846,-0.0341902],[-0.0253251,-0.0239857,0.999391]]; }; private _item980 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item980 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[21381.6,16331.1,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item980; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 980; _this setPosWorld [21381.6,16331.1,19.1188]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.681169,-0.732099,-0.00636739],[0.0293173,-0.0359659,0.998923]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[350,350,222.936,false,-1]]; Kalochori = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Kalochori"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Kalochori",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item981 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item981 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[21384.4,16335.9,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item981; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 981; _this setPosWorld [21384.4,16335.9,19.176]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.680799,-0.732441,0.00653297],[0.0439577,-0.0319521,0.998522]]; }; private _item982 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item982 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[21387.2,16337.8,1.90735e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item982; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 982; _this setPosWorld [21387.2,16337.8,19.1121]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.680838,-0.732419,0.0046509],[0.0426276,-0.0332848,0.998536]]; }; private _item983 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item983 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[21385.1,16339.3,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item983; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 983; _this setPosWorld [21385.1,16339.3,19.2533]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.680799,-0.732441,0.00653297],[0.0439577,-0.0319521,0.998522]]; }; private _item984 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item984 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[20936.8,16938.8,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item984; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 984; _this setPosWorld [20936.8,16938.8,44.7226]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.83324,-0.550457,0.0520465],[0.0359813,0.0399489,0.998554]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[350,350,236.55,false,-1]]; Paros = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Paros"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Paros",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item985 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item985 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[20940.7,16942.8,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item985; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 985; _this setPosWorld [20940.7,16942.8,44.4269]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.833157,-0.551343,0.0432509],[0.0386393,0.0199827,0.999053]]; }; private _item986 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item986 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[20943.9,16943.9,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item986; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 986; _this setPosWorld [20943.9,16943.9,44.2806]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.833157,-0.551343,0.0432509],[0.0386393,0.0199827,0.999053]]; }; private _item987 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item987 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[20942.2,16945.9,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item987; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 987; _this setPosWorld [20942.2,16945.9,44.3057]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.833157,-0.551343,0.0432509],[0.0386393,0.0199827,0.999053]]; }; private _item988 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item988 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[18811.1,16614.6,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item988; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 988; _this setPosWorld [18811.1,16614.6,31.2524]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.570962,-0.820068,-0.0386272],[0.0598986,-0.00531365,0.99819]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[350,350,145.153,false,-1]]; Rodopoli = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Rodopoli"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Rodopoli",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item989 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item989 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[18807.1,16618.4,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item989; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 989; _this setPosWorld [18807.1,16618.4,31.5989]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.569786,-0.819983,-0.0545182],[0.0876605,-0.00531697,0.996136]]; }; private _item990 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item990 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[18805.8,16621.5,1.90735e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item990; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 990; _this setPosWorld [18805.8,16621.5,31.7439]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.569786,-0.81927,-0.0643496],[0.0876605,-0.0172648,0.996001]]; }; private _item991 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item991 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[18803.9,16619.8,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item991; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 991; _this setPosWorld [18803.9,16619.8,31.887]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.569786,-0.819983,-0.0545182],[0.0876605,-0.00531697,0.996136]]; }; private _item992 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item992 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[18107.5,15245.9,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item992; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 992; _this setPosWorld [18107.5,15245.9,24.542]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.64004,0.768249,0.0119551],[-0.0133339,-0.0266633,0.999556]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[350,350,320.202,false,-1]]; Charkia = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Charkia"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Charkia",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item993 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item993 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[18111.9,15242.5,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item993; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 993; _this setPosWorld [18111.9,15242.5,24.5092]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.640041,0.768248,0.0119499],[-0.0133317,-0.0266547,0.999556]]; }; private _item994 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item994 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[18113.4,15239.5,1.90735e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item994; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 994; _this setPosWorld [18113.4,15239.5,24.436]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.640096,0.767955,0.0228756],[-0.00265204,-0.0319829,0.999485]]; }; private _item995 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item995 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[18115.2,15241.4,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item995; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 995; _this setPosWorld [18115.2,15241.4,24.4937]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.640096,0.768066,0.0187835],[-0.00265204,-0.026657,0.999641]]; }; private _item996 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item996 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[19399.2,13258.8,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item996; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 996; _this setPosWorld [19399.2,13258.8,38.6123]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.233802,-0.97155,0.0377893],[-0.0120076,0.0359783,0.99928]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[350,350,166.469,false,-1]]; Dorida = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Dorida"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Dorida",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item997 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item997 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[19396.8,13263.8,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item997; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 997; _this setPosWorld [19396.8,13263.8,38.4388]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.233802,-0.97186,0.0287196],[-0.011995,0.0266529,0.999573]]; }; private _item998 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item998 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[19396.8,13267.2,3.8147e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item998; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 998; _this setPosWorld [19396.8,13267.2,38.3604]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.233772,-0.972024,0.0228236],[-0.0199977,0.0186622,0.999626]]; }; private _item999 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item999 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[19394.3,13266.3,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item999; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 999; _this setPosWorld [19394.3,13266.3,38.3491]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.233818,-0.971918,0.026538],[-0.00265204,0.026657,0.999641]]; }; private _item1000 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item1000 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[16821.2,12704,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item1000; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 1000; _this setPosWorld [16821.2,12704,22.891]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.959266,-0.272188,0.0756457],[0.0612232,0.0611079,0.996252]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[450,450,254.159,false,-1]]; Pyrgos = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Pyrgos"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Pyrgos",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item1001 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item1001 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[16826.1,12706.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item1001; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 1001; _this setPosWorld [16826.1,12706.7,22.5867]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.960533,-0.275364,0.0393705],[0.0333131,0.0266423,0.99909]]; }; private _item1002 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item1002 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[16829.4,12706.8,1.90735e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item1002; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 1002; _this setPosWorld [16829.4,12706.8,22.4763]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.96069,-0.275679,0.0327843],[0.027987,0.0213189,0.999381]]; }; private _item1003 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item1003 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[16828.4,12709.2,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item1003; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 1003; _this setPosWorld [16828.4,12709.2,22.4535]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.96069,-0.275679,0.0327843],[0.027987,0.0213189,0.999381]]; }; private _item1004 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item1004 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[20222.3,11630.3,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item1004; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 1004; _this setPosWorld [20222.3,11630.3,56.1081]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.681168,-0.729004,0.067557],[0.0106636,0.0823861,0.996543]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[350,350,223.057,false,-1]]; Chalkeia = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Chalkeia"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Chalkeia",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item1005 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item1005 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[20225.2,11635.1,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item1005; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 1005; _this setPosWorld [20225.2,11635.1,55.7552]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.681193,-0.731719,0.0237464],[-0.00666818,0.0386356,0.999231]]; }; private _item1006 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item1006 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[20228,11636.9,3.8147e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item1006; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 1006; _this setPosWorld [20228,11636.9,55.7006]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.681198,-0.731684,0.024652],[-0.00533768,0.0386359,0.999239]]; }; private _item1007 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item1007 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[20225.9,11638.5,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item1007; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 1007; _this setPosWorld [20225.9,11638.5,55.6279]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.681193,-0.731719,0.0237464],[-0.00666818,0.0386356,0.999231]]; }; private _item1008 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item1008 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[20397.1,8832.29,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item1008; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 1008; _this setPosWorld [20397.1,8832.29,35.6343]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.99734,-0.0726935,-0.00531241],[-0.0053265,0,0.999986]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[350,350,265.831,false,-1]]; Panagia = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Panagia"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Panagia",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item1009 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item1009 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[20402.4,8833.86,3.8147e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item1009; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 1009; _this setPosWorld [20402.4,8833.86,35.6216]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.997311,-0.0727387,0.00891653],[0.00932853,-0.00532632,0.999942]]; }; private _item1010 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item1010 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[20405.7,8833.32,3.8147e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item1010; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 1010; _this setPosWorld [20405.7,8833.32,35.5875]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.997311,-0.0727387,0.00891653],[0.00932853,-0.00532632,0.999942]]; }; private _item1011 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item1011 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[20405.2,8835.87,3.8147e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item1011; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 1011; _this setPosWorld [20405.2,8835.87,35.6161]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.997311,-0.0728406,0.00804905],[0.00933473,-0.0173274,0.999806]]; }; private _item1012 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item1012 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[21705.5,7567.26,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item1012; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 1012; _this setPosWorld [21705.5,7567.26,15.0616]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.117,-0.993123,0.00412658],[-0.0013439,0.00399679,0.999991]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[350,350,173.281,false,-1]]; Feres = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Feres"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Feres",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item1013 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item1013 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[21703.7,7572.52,9.53674e-007],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item1013; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 1013; _this setPosWorld [21703.7,7572.52,15.0515]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.11701,-0.99313,0.0014845],[-0.00133721,0.00133721,0.999998]]; }; private _item1014 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item1014 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[21704,7575.89,2.86102e-006],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item1014; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 1014; _this setPosWorld [21704,7575.89,15.0464]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.11701,-0.993127,0.00279029],[-0.00133721,0.00265204,0.999996]]; }; private _item1015 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item1015 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideOPFOR_F",[21701.5,7575.29,9.53674e-007],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item1015; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 1015; _this setPosWorld [21701.5,7575.29,15.0446]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.11701,-0.993127,0.00279029],[-0.00133721,0.00265204,0.999996]]; }; private _item1016 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item1016 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["ModuleSector_F",[20790.9,6740.19,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item1016; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 1016; _this setPosWorld [20790.9,6740.19,36.5812]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.393671,-0.916772,0.0674652],[0.0532597,0.0505211,0.997302]]; _this setVariable ["objectArea",[350,350,203.239,false,-1]]; Selakano = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Selakano"; _this setVariable ['Name',"Selakano",true];; _this setVariable ['Designation',"",true];; _this setVariable ['ScoreReward',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['OnOwnerChange',"",true];; _this setVariable ['OwnerLimit',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['DefaultOwner',"-1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskOwner',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskTitle',"%1",true];; _this setVariable ['TaskDescription',"Adentrarse en %1 con sigilo y abatir a todos los efectivos militares rusos, hasta alcanzar el control total de la población. Recuerden que los enemigos pueden alertar por radio a destacamentos vecinos que, con bastantes probabilidades, enviarán unidades de apoyo. Actúen con extremo sigilo. ",true];; _this setVariable ['CostInfantry',"1",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWheeled',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostTracked',"4",true];; _this setVariable ['CostWater',"0",true];; _this setVariable ['CostAir',"2",true];; _this setVariable ['CostPlayers',"2",true];; _this setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation",true]; }; private _item1017 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item1017 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["LocationArea_F",[20791.9,6745.65,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item1017; _logics pushback _this; _logicIDs pushback 1017; _this setPosWorld [20791.9,6745.65,36.2533]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.393842,-0.916699,0.0674675],[0.0439562,0.0545326,0.997544]]; }; private _item1018 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item1018 = (group (missionNamespace getvariable ["BIS_functions_mainscope",objnull])) createUnit ["SideBLUFOR_F",[20793.9,6748.38,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item1018; _logics pushback _this; 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if !(isNull _item900) then {_item900 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item904) then {_item904 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item908) then {_item908 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item912) then {_item912 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item916) then {_item916 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item920) then {_item920 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item924) then {_item924 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item928) then {_item928 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item932) then {_item932 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item936) then {_item936 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item940) then {_item940 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item944) then {_item944 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item948) then {_item948 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item952) then {_item952 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item956) then {_item956 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item960) then {_item960 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item964) then {_item964 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item968) then {_item968 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item972) then {_item972 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item976) then {_item976 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item980) then {_item980 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item984) then {_item984 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item988) then {_item988 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item992) then {_item992 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item996) then {_item996 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item1000) then {_item1000 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item1004) then {_item1004 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item1008) then {_item1008 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item1012) then {_item1012 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; if !(isNull _item1016) then {_item1016 setvariable ["BIS_fnc_initModules_activate",true];}; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [[_objects,_groups,_triggers,_waypoints,_logics,_markers],[_objectIDs,_groupIDs,_triggerIDs,_waypointIDs,_logicIDs,_markerIDs]] I had not included it because it is a bit long. Thanks for your help.
  16. Hi guys: In a multiplayer mission I want to use a single trigger (TRIGGER_1) to start three scripts at different times. The first script (script_1) is triggered by any player when they enter the trigger area, which in this case is 800 meters. No problem so far: [] spawn {execVM "scripts\scripts_1.sqf";} The second script (script_2) has to be activated when any player is within 50 meters of the trigger. The third script (script_3), should start when a player is 10 meters from the trigger. Can someone help me to solve the problem, thanks.
  17. The idea is magnificent, but for now I think it is something that exceeds me, I have to get on with it, try it.
  18. Creating three triggers is simpler, but when it comes to mounting a target in each village in Altis, we are talking about 3 triggers x 35 villages. It is better to reduce. Thank you for your contribution, tonight I will try it and I will tell you. It will go well for sure.
  19. Hello guys: I am trying to create a truck with AI reinforcement troops that appear at a point and follow a route (WP) until reaching the destination, the problem is that the truck does not appear and, therefore, the rest of the route is not executed. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what. This is the script. if (!isServer) exitWith {}; _mygroup = [getMarkerPos "r0",EAST,(configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "CUP_O_RU" >> "Motorized" >> "CUP_O_RU_MotInfSquad" >> "Unit12")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; //Searches Cfg Groups available via the editor https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgGroups _wp1 = _mygroup addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "r1", 0]; _wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp1 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; _wp1 setWaypointFormation "WEDGE"; _wp1 setWaypointCombatMode "GREEN"; _wp2 = _mygroup addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "r2", 1]; _wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp2 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp2 setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; _wp2 setWaypointFormation "WEDGE"; _wp2 setWaypointCombatMode "GREEN"; _wp3 = _mygroup addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "r3", 2]; _wp3 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp3 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp3 setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; _wp3 setWaypointFormation "WEDGE"; _wp3 setWaypointCombatMode "GREEN"; _wp4 = _mygroup addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "r4", 3]; _wp4 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp4 setWaypointType "GETOUT"; _wp4 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp4 setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; _wp4 setWaypointFormation "WEDGE"; _wp4 setWaypointCombatMode "GREEN"; _wp5 = _mygroup addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "r5", 4]; _wp5 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp5 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp5 setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; _wp5 setWaypointFormation "WEDGE"; _wp5 setWaypointCombatMode "GREEN"; _wp6 = _mygroup addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "r6", 5]; _wp6 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp6 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp6 setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT"; _wp6 setWaypointFormation "WEDGE"; _wp6 setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _wp7 = _mygroup addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "r7", 6]; _wp7 setWaypointType "DESTROY"; _wp7 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp7 setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT"; _wp7 setWaypointFormation "WEDGE"; _wp7 setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _wp4 setWaypointType "SAD"; Can somebody help me. Thank you.
  20. Coladebote

    Generate a truck with AI troop

    I will test the new implementations of your module, thanks Pierre.
  21. Hello guys: In included in the INIC. of an invisible heliport the following line: this = "test_EmptyObjectForFireBig" createVehicle position this; The invisible helipad is placed in a destroyed house and a fire and a column of smoke are produced. However, to improve the performance of the server, it would be interesting if it was activated when the player is at a certain distance, for example, 700 meters and deactivated when he has distanced more than 700 meters. Can you tell me if it is possible to do it? Thank you.
  22. Coladebote

    activate and deactivate smoke

    I try it as soon as I have time and comment. Thanks for your time.
  23. Coladebote

    SQF export problem

    Hello Pierre and Larrow, The question is clear, the IA units are placed in the corresponding position, some loose and others grouped, with the proper orientation. The composition is exported in SQF format and when activated, all units, regardless of their original orientation, appear oriented north. The only way I have managed to correct this problem has been by incorporating the two lines in the second example into the code. _this setDir 10; _this setFormDir 10; To know what units they are, I had to name each of them and, in this way, be able to identify them ("OBJ1_UNIT_1") to know their orientation and add it to the code. I will continue testing. I take into account the indications. Thank you.
  24. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Objects private _objects = []; private _objectIDs = []; private _item9 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item9 = _item8 createUnit ["fow_s_ija_f_type99_gunner",[966.728,599.148,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _item8 selectLeader _item9; _this = _item9; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 9; _this setPosWorld [966.728,599.198,152.794]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.439359,0.898311,0],[0,0,1]]; OBJ1_UNIT_1 = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "OBJ1_UNIT_1"; _this setUnitPos "MIDDLE"; _this setname "Tsuji Isamu";; _this setface "AsianHead_A3_02";; _this setspeaker "fow_mute";; _this setpitch 0.97;; _this setUnitTrait ['Medic',false]; _this setUnitTrait ['Engineer',false]; _this setUnitTrait ['ExplosiveSpecialist',false]; _this setUnitTrait ['UAVHacker',false]; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; }; Hello guys: I place AI units on a target. Each unit is positioned in one direction (0, 90, 180, 270). I export the scenario in SQF format and paste the code into a notepad file and save it as a script (sqf). From a map I activate it by trigger and all AI units appear in their position. The only problem is that they all look north (0). Does anyone know if this problem has a solution? The code for a single unit is as follows. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Objects private _objects = []; private _objectIDs = []; private _item9 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item9 = _item8 createUnit ["fow_s_ija_f_type99_gunner",[966.728,599.148,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _item8 selectLeader _item9; _this = _item9; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 9; _this setPosWorld [966.728,599.198,152.794]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0.439359,0.898311,0],[0,0,1]]; OBJ1_UNIT_1 = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "OBJ1_UNIT_1"; _this setUnitPos "MIDDLE"; _this setDir 10; _this setFormDir 10; _this setname "Tsuji Isamu";; _this setface "AsianHead_A3_02";; _this setspeaker "fow_mute";; _this setpitch 0.97;; _this setUnitTrait ['Medic',false]; _this setUnitTrait ['Engineer',false]; _this setUnitTrait ['ExplosiveSpecialist',false]; _this setUnitTrait ['UAVHacker',false]; if !(0 == ([0,1] select (_this getUnitTrait 'engineer'))|| {0 == -1}) then {_this setVariable ['s', 0, true]}; _this setVariable ["ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor",1,true]; _this setVariable ['ACE_isEOD',false,true]; if (0 >= 0.1) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_damageThreshold", 0, true]}; if (0 != -1 && {0 != (parseNumber (_this getUnitTrait 'medic'))}) then {_this setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 0, true]}; This may be an option, but it is about doing it automatically, without adding code. thanks.
  25. Coladebote

    Problem with an intro
