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avibird 1

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Everything posted by avibird 1

  1. What ever you put down is there twice so the mission date time and mission information you put down ie Intel is twice so for example Dec 6 1984 0600hrs rainy ect Situation you are in a POW camp ect Dec 6 1984 0600hrs rainy ect Situation you are in a POW camp ect This does not happen with vanilla units on a Arma3 map. I was using cup units on Everon. I read a few post about this but not a lot of information on such a huge bug with some of the best new modules Bohemia has put out with the Eden editor. I guess most players are still using the old fashion way of sqf for briefings debrief and tasks .
  2. after using the briefing modules with vanilla game it's definitely a bug with using modified units and Maps that sucks ass. I guess I need to do the Mission briefing tasks and debriefings the old fashion way. Unless somebody knows a way around this but I can't really find a lot of information about this bug using modified units and the new modules.
  3. Very cool will the dog bark at least at enemy units within line of sight.
  4. Sorry for this question lol. I am working on a Prison Break mission that is coop play. Could I use the dog to follow AI opfor units ie prison guard Patrols in the POW camp. I will like to have the ? more for Visual and auditory effects following the guards around the camp. I have not yet tried this script but always wanted to ?
  5. Having some serious issues while playing multiplayer mission on a host server. What is the difference between a host server running the mission from the Eden editor play scenario vs just the play mission from the main menu. My missions just end following the start of the mission from the main menu play button. The missions play fine from the editor while online in multiplayer. I even took out all the end game triggers and still my mission ends following the start. Why do I need to add something else for multiplayer online play.
  6. Dilemma solved. I do feel like a complete idiot and Arma noob lol. It was user error as usual in my case Somehow I placed down a unit in the intro section of the map without my knowledge. This was causing all my issues with the mission ending right from the start only when attempting the mission from the main play button and not the editor preview play. I have no idea why this causes this issue but I don't really care now lol I will never get back 3 days of my life trying to figure this s*** out. But it does bring up a good point that I would like feedback on. What is the best way to introduce things into the mission through the description file or the Eden editor. Since you can put information change things through both. Have a blessed day now back to the editor to complete this mission ?
  7. It's an issue with the Eden editor attributes with some type of conflict with the description.SQF You can add things into the mission setup through the Eden description and units themselves. Class customAttributes is placed down by the Eden and I have class intro and double class entities and the invisible unit is within this the first class entities. If I try to remove the entry block of code from the first class entities the mission is not Eden ready. The mission is blue in the mission list and if I remove all the extra things the game crashes but if I remove only the //type="B_officer_F"; The mission works I do not see the unit in the role assignment menu but I do get an error message at the start of the game lol I want to be able to remove this error as well I am very confused on what's going on I really wish somebody could help ?
  8. @pierremgi thanks for the reply but still very weird stuff going on. The unit was not put down by me by accident for test purposes. The unit does not show up in the eden editor sidebar nor can you see the unit visually on the map. According to my mission file it is located in this position. position[]={7252.2656,31.029945,6770.2554. When I deleted the entire entry from the mission file the one I posted above the one that starts with class Entities the whole mission gets broken and my game crashes. Only four playable units are civilians that switch to Blufor side. Maybe it has something to do with the mission starts out player-versus-player then switches to full Co-op after six minutes when the playable civilian switch to Blufor side through a radio trigger. I need to check out my description file to what the respawnOnStart is set to. Avibird I think this has something to do with the game engine itself and not user error like usual lol.
  9. I haven't done this since Arma but can't spawn a single magazine on the ground. I'm attempting to spawn a single magazine on the ground with no luck. I can spawn items but not magazines. I just need one additional magazine for a weapon. Thanks Avibird.
  10. @pierremgi I don't think it's that I am using Respawn Option 5 and yes AI are enabled in lobby. 5 or "SIDE" - Respawn into an AI unit on your side. With this respawn type, team switch is also available to any AI controlled playable units. The weird thing is if a start with the civilian units that are link to an opfor unit set to present 0 the mission works fine but I can't switch to the Blufor prisoners because the POW commander needs to call them into the blufor group via radio trigger once they are in the camp. All the AI blufor units are in the game in the cells and the other civilian playable/switchable are in the game following the waypoints into the Camp. Now for the really weird thing. I Was fooling around the attributes in the eden editor under Multiplayer type and respawn sections. The mission now can run from the main play mission button however I have a new playable blufor unit in the Multiplayer lobby that I did not put into the mission nor does it show up when I play the mission from the editor play button. I can't find it on the map when I look for it in the editor. If I don't pick the unit the mission works fine from the Multiplayer lobby and the unit does not show up on the switchable unit list while in the misison. If I disable that unit from the lobby the mission works fine as well. Now if I pick the unit to start the mission the game ends like it did before following the start of the mission and I get a mission completion. This is what I found when looking in the mission file I have no clue how and why this is here. type="B_officer_F"; class Entities { items=1; class Item0 { dataType="Group"; side="West"; class Entities { items=1; class Item0 { dataType="Object"; class PositionInfo { position[]={7252.2656,31.029945,6770.2554}; }; side="West"; flags=7; class Attributes { isPlayer=1; }; id=1; type="B_officer_F"; }; }; class Attributes { }; id=0; }; }; }; I hope you understand what I am saying now this is driving me F nuts. I thing this is going to drive me nuts for sure. I can't even delete it from the map because I never put it down I only have CUP units in the mission. But the mission Now works from the MP lobby but I want to know why. Avibird.
  11. I think I found out my issue. In this Mission there are 12 playable blufor units that are prisoners in A POW Camp. There are also four playable civilian units that are linked to an invisible opfor unit making them opfor units at the start. These four units will switch sides once they reach the prison camp to bluefor via radio trigger. If I start the mission in one of the civilian units the mission starts fine but if I start as one of the Prisoners the mission ends what is the deal with this. Why does this happen and what can I do to correct it.
  12. Okay this is getting a little frustrating. I took at all my end game triggers for my unconscious units and reach location triggers. The mission still ends right off the bat when I launch the game from the main play button. The mission works fine including all triggers when play scenario from the editor online on host server. Is there something I'm missing that I need to add to Mission init.sqf or description? I usually play my missions through the editor with a few other people. Does the mission need to be PBO format to play from the main play button not the editor play scenario button never really had this issue before. Puzzled and confused Avibird.
  13. So you can have multiple units using the support modules now. If this is true great work I never understood why boheima did that in the vallina game.
  14. Oh I see I have a trigger to end the mission if all playable switchable units are incapacitated ?
  15. Still looking for someone help can't get it to work right game ends when attempting to start the game from the main play button. Works fine from editor !!!
  16. The revive systems I use will kick a unit out of destroyed vehicle the unit will be on the ground but you will have trouble trying to revive or drag the unit until the fire goes out the other unit will get damaged by the fire flame. It plays out well for me
  17. @Psychobastard don't judge people how they like to play lol but yes looks really funny to see ? +1for you. I prefer the play without respawns but do not like to play with bleedout time. I prefer units to stay unconscious until healed or every player/playable units is down and the game ends last man standing.
  18. avibird 1

    Grimes Simple Revive Script

    @KC Grimes This is the AI injured script very cool script adds a lot to mission http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31843 This is the part I was talking about that AI wounded or dead do not have health packs or health kits in their inventory so you can't just pick up random medpacks off of bodies. When you're playing with no bleedout time this is a must to help balance out the mission. v1.4 added voices , ais will talk with radio or yelling while firing fix remove firstaid and medkit fix some performance issues , thanks to hunter1000 added 2 new killer voices
  19. I also play with AI enable ? {!(_x getVariable ["btc_qr_unc", false])} count (allPlayers+ playableUnits + switchableUnits) >0; Do you think something like this will work. I think I need switchable and playable because like I said I also have some in the mission. I never play with that many real players just a few in my missions.
  20. @pierremgi in my trigger type- end1 activation- none repeatable condition {!(_x getVariable ["btc_qr_unc", false])} count (playableUnits + switchableUnits) == 0; onactivation "END1" call BIS_fnc_endMissionServer; Like I said it works fine when a start the game from the editor but ends right at start when I attempt to start the game from the main menu play
  21. avibird 1

    Grimes Simple Revive Script

    I am using a AI script I can't recall the name it's only for the AI. The AI will throw smoke and drag wound units units to cover and heal them.it only works for non playable AI units. One of the cool function is that you can't loot any wound units or dead units to get med packs only weapons and ammo. So in my mission I use a modified BTC quick revive and AIS wound system that the units will never bleedout but I play with limited med packs in missions so you don't have unlimited revives with a trigger to end the missions when all playable units are down incapacitated. I hope you understand ?
  22. avibird 1

    Grimes Simple Revive Script

    Always looking for good revive Scripts. Additional features that would be great to see. 1. The ability to drag carry and load wounded units or dead units. 2. The ability to set a unit do never die ( turn off bleed out time ) so the unit will stay unconscious 3. The ability to turn off the loot system for medical equipment ie med packs for wounded or killed units. Avibird ?
  23. avibird 1

    Moving Map Markers

    //Map markers for Playable units********** [] spawn {while {not isnull Bird_Company_Cap} do {"Bird_Company_Capmk" setmarkerpos getpos Bird_Company_Cap; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Raven_SL} do {"Raven_SLmk" setmarkerpos getpos Raven_SL; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Raven_GL} do {"Raven_GLmk" setmarkerpos getpos Raven_GL; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Raven_MM} do {"Raven_MMmk" setmarkerpos getpos Raven_MM; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Raven_MG} do {"Raven_MGmk" setmarkerpos getpos Raven_MG; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Raven_RAT} do {"Raven_RATmk" setmarkerpos getpos Raven_RAT; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Raven_RS} do {"Raven_RSmk" setmarkerpos getpos Raven_RS; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Raven_ES} do {"Raven_ESmk" setmarkerpos getpos Raven_ES; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Raven_AT} do {"Raven_ATmk" setmarkerpos getpos Raven_AT; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Raven_AA} do {"Raven_AAmk" setmarkerpos getpos Raven_AA; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Raven_RO} do {"Raven_ROmk" setmarkerpos getpos Raven_RO; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Raven_MED} do {"Raven_MEDmk" setmarkerpos getpos Raven_MED; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Raven_AMED} do {"Raven_AMEDmk" setmarkerpos getpos Raven_AMED; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Falcon_SL} do {"Falcon_SLmk" setmarkerpos getpos Falcon_SL; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Falcon_GL} do {"Falcon_GLmk" setmarkerpos getpos Falcon_GL; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Falcon_MM} do {"Falcon_MMmk" setmarkerpos getpos Falcon_MM; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Falcon_MG} do {"Falcon_MGmk" setmarkerpos getpos Falcon_MG; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Falcon_RAT} do {"Falcon_RATmk" setmarkerpos getpos Falcon_RAT; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Falcon_RS} do {"Falcon_RSmk" setmarkerpos getpos Falcon_RS; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Falcon_ES} do {"Falcon_ESmk" setmarkerpos getpos Falcon_ES; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Falcon_AT} do {"Falcon_ATmk" setmarkerpos getpos Falcon_AT; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Falcon_AA} do {"Falcon_AAmk" setmarkerpos getpos Falcon_AA; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Falcon_RO} do {"Falcon_ROmk" setmarkerpos getpos Falcon_RO; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Falcon_MED} do {"Falcon_MEDmk" setmarkerpos getpos Falcon_MED; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Falcon_AMED} do {"Falcon_AMEDmk" setmarkerpos getpos Falcon_AMED; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Cardinal_Com} do {"Cardinal_Commk" setmarkerpos getpos Cardinal_Com; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Cardinal_Crew2} do {"Cardinal_Crew2mk" setmarkerpos getpos Cardinal_Crew2; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Cardinal_Crew3} do {"Cardinal_Crew3mk" setmarkerpos getpos Cardinal_Crew3; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Cardinal_Crew4} do {"Cardinal_Crew4mk" setmarkerpos getpos Cardinal_Crew4; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Cardinal_Crew5} do {"Cardinal_Crew5mk" setmarkerpos getpos Cardinal_Crew5; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Cardinal_Crew6} do {"Cardinal_Crew6mk" setmarkerpos getpos Cardinal_Crew6; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Cardinal_Crew7} do {"Cardinal_Crew7mk" setmarkerpos getpos Cardinal_Crew7; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Cardinal_Crew8} do {"Cardinal_Crew8mk" setmarkerpos getpos Cardinal_Crew8; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Cardinal_Crew9} do {"Cardinal_Crew9mk" setmarkerpos getpos Cardinal_Crew9; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Cardinal_Crew10} do {"Cardinal_Crew10mk" setmarkerpos getpos Cardinal_Crew10; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Cardinal_Crew11} do {"Cardinal_Crew11mk" setmarkerpos getpos Cardinal_Crew11; sleep 0.5;};}; [] spawn {while {not isnull Cardinal_Crew12} do {"Cardinal_Crew12mk" setmarkerpos getpos Cardinal_Crew12; sleep 0.5;};}; //Map markers for Playable units********** @obrien979 Put this format in your mission.init The names of the markers can be anything you want. For example my first unit is the Company cap Bird_Company_Cap Now go into your editor under F5 marker type and put what you want from the list of available markers. You can change color and size. Place the markers on the map with units names and then go to each units init and put the name in the VARIABLE NAME section of that unit. Now if you want the marker to be deleted when units are dead place a Trigger down on the map with type- none Act- anybody Act- type Anybody Condition- !Alive"name of unit" On Activation - Deletemarker "name of marker" The markers will follow the units around along with the in-game standard unit icon and be removed when units is dead. Have fun with this very easy and simple marker script Avibird.
  24. I was wondering does anyone really know this answer. I'm putting the final touches on a prison escape Mission I'm working on. The playable units start off with no items. In the prison camp there's a building that the prison must reach to gather up items uniforms/clothes weapons/ammo and items such as health packs binoculars Maps ect all located in different rooms within a building. I want to remove all the enemies ie prison guards watch GPS radio and maps so the players cannot just pick them up from dead bodies they need to force their way into the building to gather up these items to continue the mission. Now for my question does the AI really need to have these items in their inventory. By removing these items will this affect the AI performance with negotiating the map and communicating with other AI units or does this have no effect on AI performance.
  25. After some quick testing I'm leaning towards no. AI groups can still communicate within the group and to other groups. Call for support to particular gridlines on the map. groups with the guard waypoints will move towards enemy forces after contact made. It appears these items only really for player benefits and not AI. Does anyone really know the answer to this. Avibird