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About Matjes

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  1. Greetings, I've purchased Apex a few days ago and ever since i installed the dlc everytime i start up arma 3 it just seems to freeze. The odd thing is when i tab out back to desktop and back in, the next menu screen will have loaded. When I try to enter the option menu the same thing occurs. I can move my mouse but the submenus won't get highlighted and clicking them only opens the menu when i minimize the game and maximize it again. Same goes for being on a server. I've got a frozen screen, can move my mouse and nothing happens. When i tab out of the game and back in I will have turned my character around. I've tried uninstalling all other mods and even redownloaded the game for a fresh install. Verifying it via steam shows no issues need fixing. I'm not running the development branch, though i've tried and it has the same issue. Anyone got any clue on what might be wrong? Prior to the Apex purchase Arma 3 worked like a charm. My specs: Win 10 Pro 64bit intel i5 2500k 16gigs ram amd radeon hd 7970 ghz best regards, Matjes