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About jpoblocki77

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  1. So I am creating a mission where you deploy a ai controlled sniper team The problem I am having is making the spotter spot and the sniper take the shot. This is a rather large mission and I want alot of things happening all at once., Maybe some kind of go code script or something. Once the high command controlled chopper drops off the sniper team I then want them to move into position and to start scanning for potential targets ands take the shot when they have it. I am not good with the scripting in arma 3 so a dumbed down way,(something a baby could understand) would be great. My idea for the training mission is a fire sqaud moves to a certain location and prepares to assault. On the Commanders command the snipoer begins sniping and the fire team begins to search out any enemies and kill them. As far as I know the assaulting team simply gets a seek and destroy command but i dont know how to make the sniper team do its thing ANy help would be great! Thanks in advanced , Lightningroc
  2. I am trying to create a mission where you have to blow up a weapons cache. The only problem i seerm to be having is how to check to see if the cache has been exploded so that the related task can be checked as complete. I have searched the internet with no luck could someone possibly help me?