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Everything posted by Mondetta

  1. how do i addscore when a enemy unit is killed anywhere on the map my unit gains 10 points?
  2. Mondetta


    THANKYOU ill try it out when i get home
  3. im looking to add food and water to my server i play with my friends its gunna be used on a mission thats gunna be published to a server so if u want some credit please feel free to help
  4. Mondetta

    Food + water

    its an insurgency based mission where players go around and try to clear zones arounda map i just need food and water so theyll rtb and get food / water from a shop
  5. im just wondering if theres a way for each enemy you kill for a +100$ ui to pop up for each kill ill be really happy if someone can help me with this problem
  6. Mondetta

    GF Headshot + Killfeed Script

    how do i take the sound off cause the folder isnt even being recognized
  7. i dont know what to call the items you put on the map to get this to work , when i load up the script nothing happens
  8. i cant get this script to work
  9. Mondetta

    GF Headshot + Killfeed Script

    i cant find the link to download this at
  10. hi my names joseph i came across this script and i need some help getting names of characters to show rather then class type for example when i kill an enemy it'll say [Ammo Bearer [Bullet] Ammo Bearer please help me someone ive been trying me hardest to find a soloution HALs_fnc_killFeed = { // Author: HallyG // Put this in your init.sqf // Known Issues //["UAVs show up when killed", "Vehicles kill players if they blow up", "UAV TURRETS", "VEHICLE CRASHES counts as roadkill themselves"]; if (hasInterface) then { [] spawn { waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay 46)}; HALs_fnc_setupTicker = { waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay 46)}; if !(isNil "HALs_ticker_control") exitWith {}; disableSerialization; missionNameSpace setVariable ["HALs_ticker_control", 2000]; _ctrl = (findDisplay 46) ctrlCreate ["RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars", 1999]; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition [ (0.01 * safezoneW + safezoneX), safezoneY + 0.1 * safezoneH, (0.75 * safezoneW), (0.6 * safezoneH) ]; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0; HALs_updateDelay = 0.25; HALs_lastUpdate = diag_tickTime; addMissionEventHandler ["EachFrame", { if (diag_tickTime > HALs_lastUpdate) then { HALs_lastUpdate = diag_tickTime + HALs_updateDelay; if (count HALs_ticker_killfeed > 0) then { [HALs_ticker_killfeed deleteAt 0] call HALs_fnc_updateTicker; }; } }]; }; HALs_fnc_updateTicker = { if (isNil "HALs_ticker_control") then { [] call HALs_fnc_setupTicker; }; params [["_message", "", [""]]]; disableSerialization; private _controlGroup = (findDisplay 46) displayCtrl 1999; private _controls = (allControls (findDisplay 46)) select {ctrlParentControlsGroup _x isEqualTo ((findDisplay 46) displayCtrl 1999)}; private _control = missionNameSpace getVariable ["HALs_ticker_control", 2000]; {ctrlDelete _x} forEach (_controls select {ctrlFade _x isEqualTo 1}); _controls = (allControls (findDisplay 46)) select {ctrlParentControlsGroup _x isEqualTo ((findDisplay 46) displayCtrl 1999)}; { _pos = ctrlPosition _x; _pos set [1, (_pos select 1) - (safeZoneH * 0.02)]; _x ctrlSetPosition _pos; _x ctrlCommit 0.25; } forEach _controls; private _ctrl = (findDisplay 46) ctrlCreate ["RscStructuredText", _control, _controlGroup]; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition [0, (safeZoneH * 0.02) * 5, 0.6 * safezoneW, 0.1]; _ctrl ctrlSetStructuredText parseText _message; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0; _ctrl ctrlSetFade 1; _ctrl ctrlCommit 10; missionNameSpace setVariable ["HALs_ticker_control", _control + 1]; }; [] call HALs_fnc_setupTicker; }; }; if (isServer) then { if (isNil "HALs_ticker_killfeed") then { HALs_ticker_killfeed = []; HALs_fnc_parseKill = { params [["_killed", objNull], ["_killer", objNull], "_instigator", "_projectile"]; private _info = switch (true) do { case (_killed isEqualTo _killer): {"Bullet"}; case ((vehicle _victim) isEqualTo _killer): {"KILLED"}; case (isNull _killer): {"KILLED"}; case (isNull _instigator): {"KILLED"}; case ((toUpper getText (configfile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _projectile >> "simulation")) isEqualTo "SHOTGRENADE"): {"Grenade"}; case ((toUpper getText (configfile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _projectile >> "simulation")) isEqualTo "SHOTSHELL"): {"EGLM HE"}; case ((toUpper getText (configfile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _projectile >> "simulation")) isEqualTo "SHOTMINE"): {"Explosive"}; case (!(isNull _killer) && (isNull _instigator)): { _instigator = [UAVControl vehicle _killer select 0, _killer] select (isNull (UAVControl vehicle _killer select 0)); "Roadkill" }; case (!isNull _instigator): { if !(_killer isEqualTo _instigator) then { _return = ""; if (isNil {vehicle _instigator currentWeaponTurret (assignedVehicleRole _instigator select 1)}) then { _return = getText (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf vehicle _instigator >> "displayName") } else { _return = getText (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> vehicle _instigator currentWeaponTurret (assignedVehicleRole _instigator select 1) >> "displayName"); }; _return } else { ["NULL", getText (configfile >> "cfgWeapons" >> [currentWeapon _instigator] call BIS_fnc_baseWeapon >> "displayName")] select (isClass (configfile >> "cfgWeapons" >> currentWeapon _instigator)); }; }; default {"NULL"}; }; _killerColour = ["#1a66b3", "#991a1a", "#1a991a", "#660080"] select (([west, east, resistance, civilian] find (side group _killer)) max 0); _killedColour = ["#1a66b3", "#991a1a", "#1a991a", "#660080"] select (([west, east, resistance, civilian] find (side group _killed)) max 0); _instigatorColour = ["#1a66b3", "#991a1a", "#1a991a", "#660080"] select (([west, east, resistance, civilian] find (side group _instigator)) max 0); _killed = [getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _killed >> "displayName"), name _killed] select (isPlayer _killed); _killer = [getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _killer >> "displayName"), name _killer] select (isPlayer _killer); _instigator = [getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _instigator >> "displayName"), name _instigator] select (isPlayer _instigator); HALs_ticker_killfeed pushBack format [ "<t align='left'>%1</t>", format ["<t color=%2 size = '1'>%1</t> <t size = '1'>[%3]</t> <t color=%5 size = '1'>%4</t>", [_instigator, _killer] select (_instigator isEqualTo ""), str ([_instigatorColour, _killerColour] select (_instigator isEqualTo "")), _info, _killed, str _killedColour ] ]; }; addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled", { params ["_killed", "_killer", "_instigator"]; if (!(_killed iskindOf "CAManBase")) exitWith {}; private _projectile = _killed getVariable ["lastDamageSource", ""]; [_killed, _killer, _instigator, _projectile] call HALs_fnc_parseKill; }]; { // Following is used to register grenade kills etc _x addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { params ["_unit", "_selection", "_damage", "_shooter", "_projectile", "_hitPointIndex"]; if (!isNull _shooter) then { _unit setVariable ["lastDamageSource", _projectile, true]; // Possibly use getShotParents here }; }]; } forEach allUnits; }; }; }; [] call HALs_fnc_killFeed;
  11. if someone could help me figure out what to do after putting in the init.sqf itd be greatly appreciated i think this will work well as a good kill feed just cant figure it out
  12. my names joseph ive been working on a way to make a kill feed for 3 weeks now with no luck it liturally seems as if im the fool , im really just asking someone in the community to help me solve this issue . please ill be eternally grateful
  13. Mondetta

    Arma 3 scripting questions.

    whats the complete scipt ? if u dont mind sharing it
  14. hey archibald tutter and M1ke_SK where can i find the download link for ur killfeeds ive been searching all night and still no luck is coming up