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Everything posted by Bitchmaker

  1. addons[]= { "A3_Structures_F_Mil_BagFence", "CUP_Misc3_Config", "tsw_ca_misc3", "A3_Structures_F_Items_Vessels", "A3_Structures_F_EPA_Mil_Scrapyard", "ace_cargo", "tsw_ca_misc_e_c", "CUP_A2_EditorObjects", "A3_Structures_F_Civ_Camping", "A3_Structures_F_Civ_Garbage", "acex_sitting", "CST_Industrial_Objects_Construction", "tsw_ca_misc", "ns_a2", "A3_Structures_F_EPA_Civ_Camping", "CUP_Ind_Tank", "A3_Structures_F_Civ_Constructions", "A3_Structures_F_Civ_Market", "A3_Structures_F_EPB_Items_Vessels", "cba_xeh", "CUP_CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Interier", "acex_field_rations", "A3_Structures_F_Mil_Helipads", "CUP_Editor_Buildings_Config", "A3_Structures_F_EPB_Items_Military", "A3_Structures_F_Heli_Civ_Market", "A3_Modules_F", "A3_Structures_F_Mil_Fortification", "RHS_US_A2_AirImport", "rhsusf_c_m1a1", "rhsusf_vehicles", "UK3CB_Factions_Vehicles_MTVR", "rhsusf_c_statics", "UK3CB_Factions_CW_US", "A3_Structures_F_System", "A3_Props_F_Orange_Humanitarian_Supplies", "A3_Props_F_Enoch_Military_Equipment", "A3_Structures_F_EPA_Civ_Constructions", "ace_interaction", "ace_dragging", "rhsusf_c_Cougar", "rhsusf_c_MATV", "A3_Structures_F_Wrecks", "A3_Props_F_Tank_Military_Wrecks", "A3_Data_F_ParticleEffects", "Blastcore_VEP", "A3_Structures_F_Enoch_Military_Training", "CUP_Editor_Signs_Config", "AchillesEffects", "achilles_modules_f_achilles", "A3_Modules_F_Effects", "A3_Rocks_F_Argo_Limestone", "A3_Rocks_F_Sharp", "CUP_Editor_Rocks_Config", "A3_Structures_F_Enoch_Decals_Horizontal", "A3_Props_F_Exp_Military_OldPlaneWrecks", "A3_Props_F_Exp_Civilian_Garbage", "CUP_CAStructures_PMC_Misc_Shed", "CUP_CAStructures_PMC_Buildings_Ruin_Cowshed", "CUP_CAStructures_PMC_Ind", "CUP_CAStructures_PMC_Buildings_Bunker", "CUP_CAStructures_PMC_Buildings_GeneralStore_PMC", "CUP_CAStructures_PMC_Ruins", "tsw_ca_buildings_c", "CUP_Desert2_Buildings", "A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Shop01", "A3_Structures_F_Households_WIP", "A3_Structures_F_Dominants_WIP", "A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Big02", "A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Small03", "rhsusf_c_troops", "A3_Weapons_F", "ace_compat_rhs_usf3", "A3_Weapons_F_Items", "ace_medical_engine", "ace_medical_treatment", "rhsusf_c_weapons", "CFP_O_IQARMY", "afghan_houses_c2", "A3_Modules_F_Curator_Curator", "ace_optics", "acex_intelitems", "A3_Structures_F_Items_Documents", "A3_Data_F_Curator_Intel", "tsw_ca_c", "Ind_Garage01", "Ind_Workshop01", "Jbad_Ind_SawMill", "Misc_Breadoven", "Jbad_Misc_Construction", "PRA3_Misc_Misc_Construction", "Jbad_Misc_FuelTank", "Jbad_Misc_Garbage", "PRA3_Misc_Misc_Garbage", "metalcrate", "Jbad_Misc_Powerline", "Misc_Steps", "Jbad_misc_interior", "Jbad_Misc_A_BuildingWIP", "kitchen_chair_a", "Jbad_Misc_Fountain", "Jbad_misc_market", "PRA3_Misc_Misc_Market", "Wall", "afghan_houses_c", "CUP_Editor_Plants_Config", "A3_Structures_F_Enoch_Civilian_Accessories", "A3_Props_F_Orange_Items_Decorative", "fallujah_hou", "plp_urban_barriers", "CFP_C_ME", "po_factions_me", "chernarusredux_c_wrecks", "chernarusredux_buildings_a2", "CUP_CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Garbage", "CUP_CWA_Misc", "A3_Structures_F_Enoch_Industrial_Agriculture", "ChernobylZoneObjects", "chernarusredux_chz", "A3_Props_F_Enoch_Military_Wrecks", "A3_Structures_F_Enoch_Wrecks", "A3_Props_F_Exp_Infrastructure_Railways", "A3_Structures_F_Enoch_Military_Flags", "A3_Structures_F_Civ_InfoBoards", "ace_common", "ace_flashsuppressors", "ace_grenades", "ace_parachute", "ace_minedetector", "CUP_Weapons_AmmoBoxes", "A3_Modules_F_Sites", "A3_Ui_F", "A3_Structures_F_Walls", "ace_logistics_wirecutter", "SAR_ru_architecture", "A3_Props_F_Exp_Industrial_HeavyEquipment", "CST_Residential_Structures_Halupa", "CUP_Shed_small", "Cype_Buildings_DYA", "TaunusObjects", "A3_Structures_F_Exp_Industrial_Materials", "A3_Structures_F_Argo_Industrial_Materials", "A3_Structures_F_Ind_Cargo", "A3_Structures_F_Heli_Ind_Cargo", "A3_Props_F_Exp_Commercial_Market", "UK3CB_Factions_Vehicles_Lada", "A3_Props_F_Enoch_Military_Garbage" };
  2. Thanks for your reply, Harzach. Can you please say more about where in the mission.sqm file it would say which mod these dependencies come from? When I look in the addonsMetaData section, for example, I dont get more info than this: class Item2 { className="tsw_ca_misc3"; name="tsw_ca_misc3"; }; The classname is just repeated in the name line. No author or url is mentioned.
  3. Is there a way to require confirmation before aborting during a mission? I ask because the respawn and abort buttons are right next to each other, and as Zeus this has caused me to close the session by accident on more than one occasion (this happens when I have taken over an ai and the players kill me, and I am clicking a little too fast and accidentally hit abort instead of respawn.) A simple "are you sure? yes/no" type of confirmation when you hit abort would prevent that.
  4. Bitchmaker

    [Help] Abort confirmation?

    Well, good news, bad news, lol. The script works now, but only partially. When you are alive and hit escape, the abort button is greyed out. When you die or are incapacitated and hit escape, the abort button is live again. The situation I am trying to avoid is hitting the abort button instead of the respawn button by accident, so ideally those two situations should be reversed; the about button should be greyed out when I am killed/incapacitated. not necessarily when I am alive. Thank you for hanging with this, Chewz. If you'd rather not be bothered, it's no problem, I am still appreciative that you gave of your time in this way. You're a prince (or princess, whatever the case may be.)
  5. Bitchmaker

    [Help] Abort confirmation?

    Chewz, thanks for your reply and your easy-to-follow directions. Unfortunately, when I test it the script appears to disable the respawn button, not the abort button. Any thoughts?
  6. Bitchmaker

    [Help] Abort confirmation?

    Thank you for your reply, ChewZ. Much appreciated. I tried the second way by copying the script you posted and placing in my description.ext. Unfortunately, it did not work. I'm betting I did it wrong. Can you post more info about what you meant when you wrote, "add this to your onPauseMenu script"? (Sorry, I'm only a basic-level script user) Thank you!!
  7. Any loadouts I edit in Eden for the playable units do not work in multiplayer: when the multiplayer session loads up, the players spawn in with the default loadouts that their units came with before I edited them. Wierdly, the edited loadouts work fine in singleplayer. After three days dealing with this, I am at wits end. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!!
  8. Bitchmaker

    Edited loadout wont spawn in multiplayer

    RESOLVED: For me, the problem was fixed by clicking Attributes>Multiplayer>Respawn>Save Loadout (with 3den Enhanced installed). Now all loadouts edited in Eden will load on multiplayer spawn.