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Everything posted by Neddles

  1. - Haven't thought about a low beam mode, probably I won't bother. Some pictures I've seen have the lights covered with tape anyway. - I'm not going to put a cargo position on the front. Maybe one on the back with the tailgate down, not sure yet. - I've added a script so can refuel yourself from the 2 carried containers. - I added a config entry to add TFAR vehicle radio. - I'm not adding a km counter at this stage. I think I saw a script somewhere you can add to your mission if you need something like that.
  2. I can add a stretcher to a 4 wheel version later if people want. Good idea. As for Sams and carrying 4 people around, no. That's not what this is designed for.
  3. Just a personal one I made.
  4. Yes, that's right. I've also added a standing FFV position you can switch into.
  5. Here's a few update pics. I've experimented with Sitting & standing useractions. Don't know if it will work in MP at the moment. Added some tie down straps that will show during vehicle in vehicle transport.
  6. Neddles

    Naming Vehicles - PhysX

    Something inherited from vbs mod ?
  7. Neddles

    Naming Vehicles - PhysX

    You mean in Eden? Mines not like that. My atv that I'm making uses physx and it doesn't have any x prefix. Weird.
  8. Neddles

    Naming Vehicles - PhysX

    When you removed cfgVehicles classes did you also delete or comment out line 95 ? Class =
  9. Neddles

    Naming Vehicles - PhysX

    Yes, I think that's coming from your vehicleclasses entry. Just try those additions and see what happens.
  10. They have medkit, toolkit and explosives as cargo. I was thinking down the road of making 4 wheel models in the versions you described. Like the links Gilatar posted above.
  11. Neddles

    Naming Vehicles - PhysX

    Try adding this above cfgVehicles: class CfgEditorSubcategories { class GB_Army_Tracked { displayName = "Test tanks"; }; }; Then inside cfgVehicles put: editorSubcategory = GB_Army_Tracked;
  12. Neddles

    Naming Vehicles - PhysX

    I think your display name parameter should be in cfgVehicles, not cfgVehicleClasses.
  13. Sorted out the primary weapon on the rack thing. I'll try and think of a better design as different weapons sit in different positions. ie. some floating above the rack and some clipping inside it.
  14. The community feedback has been brilliant with many offers of help. Thanks to everyone. I'm just going through the steps to create a new driver rtm that will put your primary weapon on the rack (like the mrzr)
  15. I saw that feature on their MRZR but couldn't figure out how they did it. Attachto doesn't seem to use the correct draw order in driver view so they must be using some other way??
  16. Thanks for the comments and the pics guys. I was just saying that the military pics I've seen are for older models whereas my version is based (loosely) on polaris' 2017 model. Just in case there any purists out there. Also, the purpose for them in game is to carry more cargo than the vanilla ATV (visually as well obviously). I thought it looked a bit weird pulling backpacks and AT weapons, machine guns etc. from a visually naked quad bike.