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About Phil0rd

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  1. Hi all, I'm currently writing a fairly complex system, and have run into a problem of random game crashes due to memory access violation. It's likely something about my script instead of my computer or the game, as I never had the problem without these scripts, and this would happen both on my own PC and a dedi that I have. I checked BIKI and the only two commands there with CTD mentioned were deleteVehicle and setCurrntWaypoint. I'm not using the second one, and the game would crash without any vehicle deleted. And this probalm would happen with or without mods. The report files did not give me much clue, as the last line before crash is totally random and can be even 1 or 2 minutes before crash. It's so hard to narrow down the faulty part of my script, so any inputs would help. Thanks!
  2. Hi everyone, 21yo with mic and ~500 hours in Arma 3 here. I'm looking to join an English speaking unit around east asian time zone. It does not matter if it is casual or seriously realistic, as long as we can have some good teamplay. I have some experience in mission editing/scripting and dedicated server hosting, and I'm willing to contribute whatever I know. I'm free most evenings and weekends.