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Everything posted by ZaellixA

  1. Thanks for the answer... If this is true though, it means that one will have to "manually" handle (or just code) a similar behaviour to the dynamic simulation feature of ArmA which in my opinion renders the feature (not completely but almost) useless to scripted missions... Of course I may exaggerating a bit here but it makes no sense to me to be unable to do something which is extremely easy to do in 3den with a command in script. Once more, thanks for the insight though 🙂...
  2. ZaellixA

    Delete item when drop

    Yes, but this would work well on single player. In case you intend to use it for multiplayer too it could prove beneficial to use/run it inside an initPlayerLocal.sqf like razzored suggested.
  3. Hey all, I am quite new to scripting and have been looking into eventHandlers a bit lately. I stumbled across the scriptedEventHandlers. I am not sure I really understand the concept of a scipted eventHandler against a "normal" eventHandler. So, what exactly is the difference between those two? I mean, that in my understanding (which I believe to be incomplete) both "kinds" of eventHandlers are called when a specific event is happened and if this is the case what is the difference then? 😕 So, the question I am posing here is quite broad, I know, but if there's any good text I could have a look at somewhere online, or a video or some educational material I would really like to have a look. Otherwise if anyone here could throw some clarifications (without having to spend too much time as to write down a full guide on eventHandlers) they would be extremely welcome. Thanks, Achilles.
  4. Well, if you intend to count how many times a function is called you could do that inside the function. For example you could do something like that in your function /* * You function sqf */ // Get parameters params[...]; // Do your thing do stuff do stuff do stuff // Increase the count private _funcCallNum = missionNamespace getVariable[JKB_funcCallNum, 0]; // Get current value missionNamespace setVariable["JKB_funcCallNum", _funcCallNum + 1]; // Set value to current + 1 // Return value _retVal; In this way you will increment the count every time the function is called. You could also add a variable and a test to check whether counting is to be used. This could possibly look like /* * You function sqf */ // Get parameters params[..., ["_countCalls", false, [false]]]; // Do your thing do stuff do stuff do stuff // Increase the count if(_countCalls) then { private _funcCallNum = missionNamespace getVariable[JKB_funcCallNum, 0]; // Get current value missionNamespace setVariable["JKB_funcCallNum", _funcCallNum + 1]; // Set value to current + 1 }; // Return value _retVal; The only caveat here is that you should keep in mind that you have to explicitly declare you would like to count the call. This means that possibly some calls could be count while some others not. Additionally, you could set the default value of the parameter to true to make sure you will get a count if you forget to set it (if you don't need it you could just ignore the variable JKB_funcCallNum). This could be done like params[..., ["_countCalls", true, [true]]]; where the ellipses declares all other parameters you may get inside the function. As an extra let me say that you could one-line the parameter set command like missionNamespace setVariable["JKB_funcCallNum", (missionNamespace getVariable[JKB_funcCallNum, 0]) + 1]; // Set value to current + 1 So, if you follow this approach all you have to do in order to wait for the function count to reach the value you want is waitUntil { // It's good practice to use sleep to save some CPU cycles uiSleep 5; (missionNamespace getVariable["JKB_funcCallNum", 0]) == 5; }; Of course I used 5 here as the desirable count but you could either hardcode the one you want or even get it from a variable/parameter/mission parameter etc. One thing you could possibly do differently is to use a global variable instead of storing and retrieving a variable from the mission namespace (or another namespace... I used mission namespace for the sake of demonstration). This wouldn't really change the code much. You would just discard the getVariable commands and just increase by one the global variable. Please note that this is not tested code and should be treated with caution. Let us know if this works out for you or if you have any questions.
  5. ZaellixA

    My wits have ended

    I may be completely wrong and way far away from the right track, but are you sure that all the clients have access to the .sqfs that are called?
  6. ZaellixA


    Also, it will be beneficial in many ways if you use more descriptive post titles.
  7. I believe this is a nice (most hopefully working) solution. I believe you could also use pushBackUnique in order to avoid some checks as to whether this vehicle is in the array or not. The adapted solution could look like the following (adapting das attorney's solution) // Declare and initialise empty vehicles array _vehs = []; // Go through the units in the group of the player { // Add the vehicle to the array if not already in there _vehs pushBackUnique (vehicle _x); } forEach units group player; // Present some results hint format ["%1", _vehs]; {player sideChat format ["%1", typeOf _x]} forEach _vehs; Please note that this code snippet is not tested and should be treated with caution. Nevertheless I hope it does help somehow one way or another.
  8. On top of what stanhope said (which is correct as far as I am aware) I believe that the forEach loop you have at the beginning of the script will leave in the _player variable only the name of the last playable or switchable unit. I am not sure this is what you want to achieve. If this is the case please just skip this post, otherwise you may want to consider placing the switch statement inside the forEach loop.
  9. ZaellixA

    Help with While loop

    Hehehe, I was just typing when beno_83au posted. So, yes, in the way you have coded the while loop will run forever (or at least until the mission is over) and the deleteGroups will never be reached. One alternative to that would be to place these two commands inside the while loop. You will most probably want to add some check to see whether they have been deleted before trying to delete them. This could possibly look like (replicating your code and adapting) while {true} do { waitUntil {({alive _x} count units A == 0) or ({alive _x} count units B == 0)}; hint "boom yah"; A forgetTarget player1; // A & B are group names B forgetTarget player1; sleep 3; // Check if group A is empty if (!(isNull A)) then { if (({alive _x} count units A) == 0) then {deleteGroup A}; }; // Check if group A is empty if (!(isNull B)) then { if (({alive _x} count units B) == 0) then {deleteGroup B}; }; }; This is a quite naive implementation though (and I think that you have mistyped the condition for the second deleteGroup command). In this way, the condition to checked in order to delete or not a group is doubly checked. Once in the waitUntil and once at the last two checks before deleting the groups. Additionally, the hint you have inside the while loop will run every 3 seconds, which I believe is not what you really want to achieve. I am not sure exactly what you are trying to achieve so I am not sure I can provide a good solution to your problem. What you have coded will run forever even if the two groups are emptied. I don't think that this is a good way to go about it. beno_83au has provided a valid and rather nice solution to your problem.
  10. Hey there, I know this is a quite old post but a solution must have already been found (like the last post from HartOfARMA mentions). Just wanted to present a quick alternative to simply count how many units died from each side. You could just create a variable or add one to the mission namespace. I will present the mission namespace case which may be a wee bit more generic. So you can count the units that are alive on each at the beginning of the game and then again at the end of the game and get the difference as the dead units. This could possibly look something like /* * This part goes in a file like the init.sqf or initServer.sqf */ // Set the variables with the units of each side missionNamespace setVariable ["bluUnits", west countSide allUnits]; missionNamespace setVariable ["opUnits", east countSide allUnits]; missionNamespace setVariable ["indUnits", independent countSide allUnits]; missionNamespace setVariable ["civUnits", civilian countSide allUnits]; /* * This part must be executed at the end of the mission */ // Calculate the BluFor dead units private _bluDead = missionNamespace getVariable "bluUnits"; _bluDead = _bluDead - (west countSide allUnits); // Calculate the OpFor dead units private _opDead = missionNamespace getVariable "opUnits"; _opDead = _opDead - (east countSide allUnits); // Calculate the IndFor dead units private _indDead = missionNamespace getVariable "indUnits"; _indDead = _indDead - (independent countSide allUnits); // Calculate the civilian dead units private _civDead = missionNamespace getVariable "civUnits"; _civDead = _civDead - (civilian countSide allUnits); // Post the results systemChat ("BluFor casaulties: " + (str _bluDead)); systemChat ("OpFor casaulties: " + (str _opDead)); systemChat ("IndFor casaulties: " + (str _indDead)); systemChat ("Civilian casaulties: " + (str _civDead)); Of course, you could choose another way to log or show the results, this is just a short example. Additionally, you may choose to one-line the dead calculation like private _bluDead = (missionNamespace getVariable "bluUnits") - (west countSide allUnits); And, of course you could also use the event handler approach in conjunction with the setVariable command (most probably set a variable in the mission namespace like in the example above). This could possibly look something like (I also present a way to add the event handler to all the units) /* * This should be executed in a script like init.sqf or initServer.sqf */ // Set the namespace variables missionNamespace setVariable ["bluDead", 0]; missionNamespace setVariable ["opDead", 0]; missionNamespace setVariable ["indDead", 0]; missionNamespace setVariable ["civDead", 0]; // Add the event handler to all the units on the map allUnits apply { // Add the event handler _x addEventHandler ["Killed", { params["_unit"]; // Get the unit that was killed // Check the side of the dead unit switch (side _unit) do { // Increase the dead counter of the appropriate side case west: {missionNamespace setVariable ["bluDead", (missionNamespace getVariable "bluDead") + 1]}; case east: {missionNamespace setVariable ["opDead", (missionNamespace getVariable "opDead") + 1]}; case independent: {missionNamespace setVariable ["indDead", (missionNamespace getVariable "indDead") + 1]}; case civilian: {missionNamespace setVariable ["civDead", (missionNamespace getVariable "civDead") + 1]}; }; }]; }; /* * This part should be executed at the mission end */ // Post the results systemChat ("BluFor casaulties: " + (str (missionNamespace getVariable "bluDead"))); systemChat ("OpFor casaulties: " + (str (missionNamespace getVariable "opDead"))); systemChat ("IndFor casaulties: " + (str (missionNamespace getVariable "indDead"))); systemChat ("Civilian casaulties: " + (str (missionNamespace getVariable "civDead"))); Finally, you could have used a local or global variable instead of setting one in the mission namespace. This could save you some long one-lined commands and make the code look a wee bit cleaner. The result should be the same though. Please note that the presented code is not tested and should be treated with caution. I do hope that wit will, at least, provide some help to people who will have a look at this post in the future.
  11. ZaellixA

    Making AI forget you

    Well, if you have a look at the event handler you'll see that they area passed to the code that will be run when the event handler is called automatically. So, all you have to do is get them as input parameters (this is what the params["_unit", "_killer"] line does). Just to clarify a bit, the event handler is first "added" to the unit (in the example above this refers to the unit as it is given in the init field) and is called when the unit is killed (there are other event handlers which are called on different "events" - this is what the first variable "Killed" defines). The code provided as the second argument will be executed when the handler is called/triggered (please don't confuse the event handler "triggering" with the triggers used in the game, they are not the same thing). For each event handler some variables are passed as input parameters to the code. In the "Killed" event handler the first two are the unit that got killed (_unit) and the unit that did the killing (_killer). So, this is how you get the units. So, the first line in the code (to be executed when the event handler is called) is to get the two units. In the next (and last) line I get the units in the group of the unit that was killed (in an array) and apply a command (forgetTarget) to each one of them. So, when the unit is killed, all the units in its group will "forget" the unit that did the killing (of course if the unit is visible, they will immediately go back to "know" about it). As I said, this is a wee bit naive and rather unrealistic. Nevertheless, I believe that this a quite good way to tackle the issue. In order to add the event handler to all units you could possibly do something like (the example is for all units that are not in the player's side) // Get all units that are not in the player's side private _enemies = allUnits select {!((side _x) isEqualTo playerSide)}; // Add the event handler to all the units _enemies apply { _x addEventHandler["Killed", { // Get the unit and the killer params["_unit", "_killer"]; // Run the forgetTarget command for all units of the group (units (group _unit)) apply {_x forgetTarget _killer}; }]; }; Now, of course you could code a more complex behavior than that. One example could be to make all units on the side of the killed unit to forget about the killer. In this way you could make all units on the side of the killed unit to forget about the unit that did the killing. In this way, all units (or someone in their group) that do not have line of sight to the killer will lose track of him, with the units (and their groups) that can see the killer keep up the fight (they will forget and immediately go back to "know" again). This could be done like (presenting only the code for the event handler) _x addEventHandler["Killed", { // Get the unit and the killer params["_unit", "_killer"]; // Get the units on the side of the dead unit private _enemies = allUnits select {(side _x) isEqualTo (side _unit)}; // Run the forgetTarget command for all units of the group _enemies apply {_x forgetTarget _killer}; }]; So, in this way, you apply the forgetTarget command to all the units on the side of the dead unit. One more thing you could possibly do is to apply the forgetTarget command to all the units on the side of the dead unit for all units in the group of the killer (I believe that if a unit knows about another unit it automatically knows about all the units in the spotted unit's group. I am not 100% sure about it though so you will have to check that). This could look like (again I only present the code for the event handler) _x addEventHandler["Killed", { // Get the unit and the killer params["_unit", "_killer"]; // Get the units on the side of the dead unit private _enemies = allUnits select {(side _x) isEqualTo (side _unit)}; // Run the forgetTarget command for all units of the group _enemies apply { // Get the current enemy in a variable to be used in the forEach below private _curEnemy = _x; // Get the units in the killer's group private _killGroup = units (group _killer); // Apply the forget target for each unit in killer's group { // Forget the unit of killer's group _curEnemy forgetTarget _x; } forEach _killGroup; }; }]; Please note that all code presented here is not tested and should be treated with caution. I hope that this provides some help and clarification somehow. Do not hesitate to ask again if this does not solve your problem, help or you may need further assistance.
  12. ZaellixA

    Making AI forget you

    Well, you can use an event handler for this purpose and try to make the whole group forget about the target. If they can still see the target, they will revert back to the previous (most probably aggressive) behavior. This could possibly look like (inside each unit's init field) // Add the event handler to the unit this addEventHandler["Killed", { // Get the unit and the killer params["_unit", "_killer"]; // Run the forgetTarget command for all units of the group (units (group _unit)) apply {_x forgetTarget _killer}; }]; Now, this is very naive and there's a lot of room for improvement. One major issue here is that the units will "forget" about the killer but not the rest of the units they "know about". So, this may serve as a base for further development, depending on your needs. If this is intended for solo ("lone wolf") SP missions it will most probably work quite OK for isolated groups. Otherwise, further refinement is needed. Furthermore, if you intend to use it with all AI units you should most probably find a better way (than the init field) to add the event handler to the units. Please note that the provided code snippet is not tested and it should be treated with caution. Feel free to ask for more help and/or clarifications if the need arises.
  13. I believe that if you know that the intel is spawned one metre high from the floor (where the unit is standing) you could set the appropriate value in the command that translates the coordinates from the model to the world. This should look something like (copying and adapting R3vo's code) // R3vo's code // intel setPos (officer modelToWorld [1,-1,0]); // Adapted code intel setPos (officer modelToWorld [1,-1,-1]); // Get the coordinates 1 metre below the centre of the unit (last entry which should correspond to z-coordinate) Please make sure to test that and adapt the values accordingly... One more alternative, which may or may not be an overburden to your needs could look like (trying to be very explanatory in the snippet below, feel free to adapt) // Get the position relative to the terrain private _unitPos = getPosATL officer; // Set the position relative to the terrain with z-coordinate equal to zero (this means on the terrain) intel setPosATL [(_unitPos select 0) + 1, (_unitPos select 1) - 1, 0]; This should help a wee bit with clipping if not very close to boundaries and most probably (if I haven't made any mistakes........, which doesn't happen very often 😂) will save you from habving to "measure" (or approximate) the height at which the intel is spawned (to counter it). Please note that both of the above snippets are untested and should be treated with caution. I hope this helped somehow, or at least provided some more insight into a possibly better solution.
  14. Hey S3LMON. I am not sure I understand what exactly scope means in the context of your question, but I will assume that you mean "area". You could possibly try to run a script like the following /* I will use the position of the player here and a distance of * 500 metres from the player to delete everything but the buildings */ // Get all objects in a sphere with radius 500 and centre the player private _allObjs = (getPos player) nearObjects 500; // Get the buildings in the same sphere private _allBlds = (getPos player) nearObjects ["House", 500]; // Subtract the buildings from all the objects _allObjs = _allObjs - _allBlds; // Delete the objects _allObjs apply {deleteVehicle _x;}; Please keep in mind that the above code snippet is not tested and should be treated with caution. One more thing to note is that with the command deleteVehicle you can only delete objects inserted in the mission editor and during the game's progress. I hope this helps somehow, but please don't hesitate to ask for more help if this is not a solution to your problem or a new issue arises.
  15. I guess you are right... I, myself have typed forEach (and many more) like foreach many times... Not sure why I had this feeling that .sqf is case sensitive... I strongly apologize for that... Thanks a lot.
  16. Hhhmmm, not sure I understand... isn't a string like "_zombArr = [zomb0, zomb1, zomb2, ...];" supposed to be callable code? I can see the difference in your code (_arr apply {call compile _x};) compared to mine but I am wondering why mine wouldn't compile into something "meaningful". Could you please shed some light on it, as I seem to lack intuition on here... 😟
  17. Hey there SOVIET_IDIOT. A couple of simple solutions would be to do something like (copying code provided by UnDeaD.) // Get all the objects whose name starts with "zomb" private _objArr = (allMissionObjects "All") select {(vehicleVarName _x) find "zomb" == 0}; // Disable simulation to all of them _objArr apply {_x enableSimulation false}; Alternatively, you could create the array and then go through it like // Initialise array private _objArr = "_zombArr = ["; // Create an array as a string (go from 0 to 99) for[{private _i = 0}, {_i < 100}, {_i = _i + 1}] do { // Append the "zombX" string, // where X is equal to the current value of _i _zombArr = _zombArr + ("zomb" + (str _i)); // Add a comma if(_i < 99) then { _zombArr = _zombArr + ", "; }; }; // Add the closing bracket and the assignment to a variable _zombArr = _zombArr + "];"; // Now you can compile and call that to be an array call (compile _zombArr); // Next step, disable simulation to all those objects _zombArr apply {_x enableSimulation false;}; This may seem a wee bit of an overburden compared to the first method, but this may be a wee bit more flexible if you would like to do something to only a "subset" of all the "zombie range". You could also change the "zomb" part and the initial or the range to get the objects for resulting in an array starting at "zomb2" and going up to "zomb5" for example. This morning I happened to create such a function which you could use as-is, adapt, or keep parts of it without having to credit or reference anyone (it is licenced under The Unlicenced). I will copy it here for your convenience (see below). Additionally, you could have a look at this (recent) post in these ArmA 3 forums. Please note that I haven't personally tested any of those solutions (not even the function I provide in the end) so you should treat them with caution and of course test before use. Hope this helps somehow and if you need further assistance please don't hesitate to ask.
  18. Not sure this was the problem but you used a capital "x" instead of a small one. Since .sqf is case sensitive _X is different than _x, where the latter is the magic variable that corresponds to each object and (most probably) _X is undefined. Nevertheless, gc8 have you a nice solution to your problem. Alternatively, you could create the array in the way I showed you above and compile once in the end (instead of compiling the variable in each iteration) and use either a forEach to go through it, or apply to disable the simulation to all elements. Not sure which approach is faster since in gc8's solution you have to compile each time but in the one I suggest here you will have to go through the array twice (one time to create it and one to disable simulation).
  19. Hey there, a wee bit (or more than just that) late to reply but I believe you could get away without the need to use a trigger here. I might be wrong but I believe if you go the Grumpy-Old-Man's way (event handler approach) you could skip the trigger and set the task to "COMPLETE" inside the event handler. Adapting Grumpy-Old-Man's code this could potentially look like // Ammo crate init field: // This will wait 5 seconds after the object has been destroyed, before setting the flag to true this addEventHandler ["Killed",{ // "Spawn" code to allow for delay _delay = _this spawn { sleep 5; // Wait for 5 seconds // Set the task to SUCCEEDED ["yourTaskID", "SUCCEEDED"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; }; }]; This, of course, implies that you have to first give the task a "name", which is trivial and can be done easily from the editor (where I assume you create the task) at the TaskID of the task. Please note that this is not tested and I may be missing something here (as is usually the case 😅), so treat with caution and make sure to test before use.
  20. Well, this could make the work too, yes. Running loops is indeed a bit of a hassle, but you have to keep in mind that (show) conditions will be checked on a regular basis, albeit in the background without you having to explicitly code them. Nevertheless, you may end up being more efficient in the long run (on average) the conditions of the holdAction are not be checked when a player is not looking at the object and/or is further than 50 metres away. This is the case for the "simple" action, see this for more info. It is stated that: I am not sure whether this is the case with the holdAction too, so I cannot even get an estimate of whether you will achieve better performance.
  21. I believe that M1ke_SK's solution is the easiest (from a conceptual point of view at least) one. You could create a custom function to add a holdAction to a unit and another one to remove it and just pass the title (to the one that adds the action) and the ID (to the one that removes the action) to take advantage of code reuse. In this way, the whole process could boil down to something like // Assume your functions are called // GC8_fnc_addAction and GC8_fnc_removeAction // GC8_fnc_addAction should return the action ID // // I will use player as the unit to add the action to // I am sure you know your way around to change that ;) // Add the initial action private _id = [player, "Initial Title"] call GC8_fnc_addAction; // Check for condition that changes the title waitUntil { sleep 5; // Change that according to your needs /* The condition check */; }; // Change the title [_id] call GC8_fnc_removeAction; _id = [player, "New Title"] call GC8_fnc_addAction; You could also make it more generic by giving the option to the user to pass all arguments needed to add a holdAction and use some default values if not given by the user but I believe that this could be overkill if you intend to use it with a specific holdAction (with fixed conditions and code to be run on execution, etc.). I know I haven't been of much help here, but I do hope you'll manage to find a solution to your problem.
  22. Hey there, you already have a nice working solution. I would like to suggest another one where you actually "synthesise" the array yourself as a string and then you make it an actual array. This could look like // Initialise array private _objArr = "_objArr = ["; // Create an array as a string (go from 0 to 99) for[{private _i = 0}, {_i < 100}, {_i = _i + 1}] do { // Append the "objectX" string, // where X is equal to the current value of _i _objArr = objArr + ("object" + (str _i)); // Add a comma if(_i < 99) then { _objArr = _objArr + ", "; }; }; // Add the closing bracket and the assignment to a variable _objArr = _objArr + "];"; // Now you can compile and call that to be an array call (compile _objArr); // Next step, disable simulation to all those objects _objArr apply {_x enableSimulation false;}; The same limitation with the object variable names applies here too. You have to make sure they are uniquely named and that their names match those of the array of course. Although the above code snippet may seem like an overburden in many ways (coding and extra work which can be done with fewer and possibly faster commands), it does provide a quite nice way to create objects "on the fly". You could use the array to create the objects via script commands (in the same way you use enableSimulation command). One more minor detail about the code above is that I used apply instead of forEach, which according to BIKI it is a wee bit faster (I don't believe you will notice some serious improvement though). Finally, please note that I have used similar code in the past but this specific snippet is not tested, so treat with caution. I do hope that this may help somehow.
  23. ZaellixA

    Claymores how to arm them

    I am not sure it will work but maybe you could try to add an event handler to deal with it like below // Add the "Hit" event handler at initialisation this addEventHandler["Hit", { // Get the unit params["_claymore"]; // Remove this event handler (this most probably is redundant since the object is destroyed!) _unit removeEventHandler["Hit", _thisEventHandler]; // Set the damage _unit setDamage [1, true]; }]; As I said, I am not sure this will work. My (somewhat limited) understanding leads me to the conclusion that it should work, but there's a quite high possibility that I am missing something here. So, please do spend some time testing it before use. @pierremgi may be able to provide some more info on this. Additionally, this should "partially" work in MP. If the claymore is disarmed (by an EOD for example) and then acquired it will change locality. According to event handler's BIKI, the arguments taken should be local, which is valid at the time the event handler is added, but I am not sure it will trigger where the object is not local. This means that if it does not trigger where the object is not local (in other words, it triggers only where the object is local), then by changing locality you loose this functionality. This also needs some testing if you intend to use it in MP. Once more pierremgi might be able to help here 😅. If this is true (the event handler triggers only where the object is local), you could possibly aleviate the problem by adding another event handler to add again the "Hit" event handler like below // Add the "Hit" event handler at initialisation this addEventHandler["Hit", { // Get the unit params["_claymore"]; // Remove this event handler (this most probably is redundant since the object is destroyed!) _unit removeEventHandler["Hit", _thisEventHandler]; // Set the damage _unit setDamage [1, true]; }]; // Add the "Local" event handler to re-add the // "Hit" event handler when locality is changed this addEventHandler["Local", { // Get the parameters params["_claymore", "_isLocal"]; // Check locality if(_isLocal) then { _claymore addEventHandler["Hit", { // Get the unit params["_claymore"]; // Remove this event handler (this most probably is redundant since the object is destroyed!) _unit removeEventHandler["Hit", _thisEventHandler]; // Set the damage _unit setDamage [1, true]; }]; }; }]; As before........... This is untested and you should treat it with caution. Additionally, you should first check whether the "Hit" event handler triggers even if locality is changed and if this is the case, refrain from adding the "Local" event handler as this will (most probably) add multiple "Hit" event handlers (not sure about that, they may get overwritten, but this too needs to be checked 😂 - not sure of how much help I've been with all this "test this" and "test that"...!!!) ruining the intended behaviour. Hope this helps somehow and at least provides some starting point to a possible solution.
  24. ZaellixA

    Delayed Trigger Response

    Yeah, that's right... I probably didn't state it correctly. I meant that there's no option field to set the trigger interval in 3den Editor. I consider the provided snippet to be a script that's running whenever the trigger checks its condition and this is why I state it this way. I didn't exclusively mean that you have to run a script from a different file. Nevertheless, this, most probably, is not the issue here since if this was the case chrisbaker1981 would already know about the trigger interval being set to 5 seconds (I presume that they made their own triggers themselves). Apart from what JohnKalo suggested I can't think of any other possible reason for such a (big) delay (it is big if it is not set deliberately, of course, otherwise it is normal).
  25. ZaellixA

    Delayed Trigger Response

    Keep in mind that you cannot set the trigger interval in 3den Editor. The only way to set the trigger interval is with a script. That being said, the only way to have a 5 seconds delay to all your triggers must be via some scripts or a mod you may be using. I do not know any mod or a "script collection" that would impose such a delay to all the triggers in the game. It would be quite stupid to do so since you cannot guarantee that there is no need for a trigger to check in shorter intervals. In addition to that, setting the interval to 0 means (according to the BIKI page of the command) that the trigger will check its condition every frame (unless attached to an object, wherein this case it inherits the simulation frequency of the object). I do believe that this is quite unnecessary, but if the condition is not very heavyweight you won't notice it. Nevertheless, I do believe that an interval of 0.2 to 0.5 seconds would be adequate for your case if this is the issue that is. I doubt that somehow the interval of all the triggers has been set to 5 seconds somehow, but you don't have something to lose by trying to set the interval of your trigger in this way. Nevertheless, if this is the case, I believe you should look for the script/mod that imposes this change and get rid of/bypass it somehow.