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Everything posted by polarswitch

  1. Welcome to the 1st Armored Milsim Unit. We are a ARMA 3 Milsim unit based on the US Army 1st Armored Division in El Paso, Texas 1st Armored Division is an active component, U.S. Army armored division located at Fort Bliss, Texas, consisting of highly trained Soldiers and with a lethal mix of combat capabilities including tanks, artillery, attack helicopters, Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles, Stryker Combat Vehicles, transport helicopters and robust sustainment capabilities. Also known as Old Ironsides, the 1st Armored Division is commanded by a U.S. Army, two-star general, and consists of the division headquarters element, one Stryker equipped Infantry Brigade Combat Team (1st Brigade Combat Team); two Armored Brigade Combat Teams (2nd and 3rd Brigade Combat Teams); a Combat Aviation Brigade; a Divisional Artillery Brigade; a Sustainment Brigade, and other separate battalions and units. Mission: 1st Armored Division rapidly deploys in support of Unified Land Operations in Order to Deter or Defeat our enemies and on order redeploys. 1AD is prepared to exercise Mission Command of Army, Joint and Multi-National Forces as a U.S. Division, or Joint Task Force. Commander's Intent: The 1st Armored Division is a values based, fit, and cohesive team led by expert leaders focused on readiness and continuing the Divisions legacy of Americas Tank Division." Now that you have read the fine print, lets talk about your place in the unit. Here at the 1st AD, we are looking for mature individuals over the age of 16 who are looking to be a part of a unit that isnt another airborne or special forces unit. You are: -Over 16 years of age -Have a working microphone and a legal copy of ARMA 3 -Not currently apart of another ARMA 3 unit -You agree to download our mod set (think RHS, CUP, and ACE) -You agree to post an LOA if you will be missing for the event. -Check the forums frequently. Its not a tag. Its a community. We have trainings every Friday at 18:00 PST and Operations every Saturday at 1600 PST. We are not one of those super serious MILSIM units that will have you screaming in your mic and making the dog bark, and we do like to have fun, but we do like to maintain a level of professionalism while playing-meaning you will conduct yourself in an appropriate manner. We are looking for candidates to fill the following positions: 11B-Infantry (Enough said) 12B-Combat Engineer (Hurt Locker) 13B-Cannon Crewmember (Mortars to Paladins you are in charge of the fireworks) 19K-Armored Crewman (Stryker MGS or Abrams you hit true) 19D-Cavalry Scout (Mounted or dismounted, we will find you) 31B-Military Police (Behind the lines you keep the front line supported) 68W-Combat Medic (Clean socks, Motrin, and Silver Bullets for all) 153A-Rotary Wing Aviator (Now with 100% more helicopters than Squad!) 92Y-Unit Supply Specialist (Euro Truck...but with bullets, and less paintjob packs) 91K-Armnament Repairer (Recover, repair, and get broken war machines back to the fight) If you are tired of jumping from a perfectly good plane and want to play with the big guns look us up: A3 Units: https://units.arma3.com/unit/1ad Website/Enlistment App: http://www.1armordiv.com/ Forums: https://forums.1armordiv.com/