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2RGT Niko

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About 2RGT Niko

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. 2RGT Niko

    Graphic Bug with PIP Optics

    I'm on AMD :(
  2. Hi all, I'm playing Arma3 with RHS, Ace, CBA, CUP Maps, tryk, tac vests. I have a problem with those optics, the image inside is pixelated, sometimes the reflections effects are more visible than the image inside and all those kind of problem, how could I fix?
  3. 2RGT Niko

    AI spawning function

    Only changing this gives no errors but AI just spawn without moving I added your setCurrent but there's an error in the syntax, because he wants an index not a waypoint
  4. 2RGT Niko

    AI spawning function

    @giallustio any idea?
  5. 2RGT Niko

    AI spawning function

    Well not, it doesn't totally work, AI spawns correctly but they're totally not going on marker "attack", they move somewhere on southeast, probably to coordinates 0,0, or the map's center, maybe. The problem is here i guess _wp = _groupname addWaypoint [position attack,0,0]; how can i fix it? P.S. actually attack is a folding chair, not a marker
  6. 2RGT Niko

    AI spawning function

    spawngroup = { params ["_marker"]; _groupname = createGroup EAST; "Terrorista1" createUnit [getMarkerPos "_marker",_groupname,"this allowFleeing 0",random 1, "Private"]; "Terrorista2" createUnit [getMarkerPos "_marker",_groupname,"this allowFleeing 0",random 1, "Private"]; "Terrorista3" createUnit [getMarkerPos "_marker",_groupname,"this allowFleeing 0",random 1, "Private"]; "Terrorista4" createUnit [getMarkerPos "_marker",_groupname,"this allowFleeing 0",random 1, "Private"]; "Terrorista5" createUnit [getMarkerPos "_marker",_groupname,"this allowFleeing 0",random 1, "Private"]; _wp = _groupname addWaypoint [position attack,0,0]; _wp setWaypointType "DESTROY"; _groupname setCurrentWaypoint [_groupname, 0]; }; ["spawn1"] call spawngroup; That's the actual code, and it WORKS, thanks a lot guys <3
  7. 2RGT Niko

    AI spawning function

    I don't know if that change anything, but this should work on a dedicated MP server
  8. 2RGT Niko

    AI spawning function

    In that case, ArmA create each time a new group? Or overwrite the current one?
  9. 2RGT Niko

    AI spawning function

    TerroristaN are unit's class names Because I need to do that with a lot of new groups during the mission, that's why I wanted a func, or I'd need to copy paste the block of code one time for every group, and it'd be an huge amount of code
  10. 2RGT Niko

    AI spawning function

    Ok I did it, but there still is an Error Local variable in global space at line 2
  11. 2RGT Niko

    AI spawning function

    with the space too? I mean, group name, not groupname?
  12. 2RGT Niko

    AI spawning function

    it's called inside the .sqf in which it is declared
  13. Hi all, i'm creating a scenario in which I'd need some (a lot actually) groups of AIs to spawn in certain markers and follow a waypoint assigned after their creation. Since I need to do that a lot of times, i tried to create an Inline function inside of the .sqf file I use to control all the processes and spawns during the mission. spawngroup = { params ["groupname", "marker"]; "Terrorista1" createUnit [getMarkerPos "marker",groupname,"this allowFleeing 0",random 1, "Private"]; "Terrorista2" createUnit [getMarkerPos "marker",groupname,"this allowFleeing 0",random 1, "Private"]; "Terrorista3" createUnit [getMarkerPos "marker",groupname,"this allowFleeing 0",random 1, "Private"]; "Terrorista4" createUnit [getMarkerPos "marker",groupname,"this allowFleeing 0",random 1, "Private"]; "Terrorista5" createUnit [getMarkerPos "marker",groupname,"this allowFleeing 0",random 1, "Private"]; wp = groupname addWaypoint [position attack,0,0]; wp setWaypointType "DESTROY"; groupname setCurrentWaypoint [groupname, 0]; }; gruppo1 = createGroup EAST; [gruppo1,"spawn1"] call spawngroup; gruppo2 = createGroup EAST; [gruppo2,"spawn2"] call spawngroup; etc... Obviously (because I suck) this does not work, inside the missions it returns an error like local variable in global space.. Anyone can make this work properly? I just want a func that given a groupname and a marker, create those AI and send them to destroy anything on marker "attack"