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Posts posted by AeroPostal

  1. Just now, Midnighters said:

    Shouldn't be any stuttering? Maybe you might want to do this on a need-to-know basis rather than all the time.

    maybe even just onEachFrame it and sleep it. Obviously  sleep would be your update time.

    Yeah it's weird, I'm curious to how BI did it in apex. At any rate, how would I add in a sleep line, furthermore, if I want to apply this to one unit only, not including the player and the HQ unit on the map. What would I need to change?

  2. 3 hours ago, bad benson said:

    look for BIS_fnc_EXP_camp_IFF. here's a much simplified version of it. you can change what units will have an icon.


    icon_units = {allunits select {side _x isEqualTo side player}};
    addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D",
    			_x modelToWorld (_x selectionPosition "Spine3"),
    	} foreach call icon_units;


    Real quick, how do I select what units I want it to apply to?


  3. 3 hours ago, bad benson said:

    look for BIS_fnc_EXP_camp_IFF. here's a much simplified version of it. you can change what units will have an icon.


    icon_units = {allunits select {side _x isEqualTo side player}};
    addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D",
    			_x modelToWorld (_x selectionPosition "Spine3"),
    	} foreach call icon_units;


    You're the greatest, thank you!

  4. 5 hours ago, theo1143 said:


    That is where a loiter comes in.

    When you make a LOITER waypoint and then right click on the waypoint and click on trigger activate, now connect this loiter to the trigger you want to be used to let them walk.

    But also can you hide the units without using a script, in this mode the AI is kinda offline, it is still on the map but no one can interact with it.

    Here some quick things:





    Hope it helps



    the script works but you gotta fill in the variables

    _mrk = ["mrk1","mrk2","mrk3","mrk4"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    wp =(_this select 0) addWaypoint [(getMarkerPos _mrk),0]


    This did it, thanks a bunch

    • Like 1

  5. It's going to be a script, I know it is. I already know there is a script for spawning units via trigger and giving them a destination, but I want to give them waypoints so they will follow the direction of the road, rather than just move straight to a destination. Sure I could place them on the map the simple way, but I wouldn't be able to have them walking at the exact time and place I'd need them to for this scene in the mission to work as I envision it.

  6. 3 minutes ago, 7erra said:

    Create a "initPlayerLocal.sqf" (or use the init.sqf if you are in singleplayer) in your mission directory and put this in it:

    player enableSimulation false; // Player is not allowed to move while he can't see anything
    titleText ["", "BLACK FADED", 5]; // Black screen
    sleep 5; // Waits 5 seonds
    titleText ["", "BLACK IN", 5]; // Black screen dissapears
    player enableSimulation true; // Allows the player to move again
    ["LINE1","LINE2","LINE3","LINE4"] call BIS_fnc_infoText; // Shows your message

    The BIS_fnc_infoText limits the amount of lines you can use to 4. The fifth one is cut off.


    And welcome to the wonderawful world of scripting!

    Thank you very much.

  7. Hello

    As I near the completion of my first mission, I wanted to add in a slow black fade in screen, followed by 5 lines of text in the lower right corner at the start of the mission. the timing for that would be default for both. How would I go about making this happen?

    Now I've obtained the script and watched a guide on What it does (down below) but I haven't found one that shows how to set it up setp by step.  I've been having an extremely hard time editing it fit my needs, let alone inserting into the mission. Please go easy on me, I'm brand new to mission making and scripting is completely foreign to me. I'm here to learn!

