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Posts posted by KaidenSmith

  1. 14 minutes ago, beno_83au said:

    Check the commands nearestBuilding and getDir.

    Already attempted getDir but didn't realize the method until now.

    Simply did: 

     _obj: the actual blockade
     _house: obvisouly the house
     _objTimesDir; the amount of times it needs to rotate
    _obj setDir (getDir _house - (_objTimesDir * 90));


    • Like 1

  2. So I am currently trying to make a script that sets some type of blockade in the windows depending on the building.

    It works fine positioning wise since I have worked with modelToWorld/worldToModel, but I am not sure how to get and set the direction depending on the building/where the building is, so it just ends up looking like this:


    Would appreciate it if anyone could help me out with this.

  3. 34 minutes ago, Larrow said:

    Well surely _location, or whatever the string being compared in the switch statement, is the case name "Name" or what ever the corresponding match is.

    _location = "Name";
    _name = switch (_location) do {
    	case "Name" {
    		player setPos getMarkerPos _location;
    if ( !isNil "_name" && { _name != "" } ) then {
    	hint format[ "Marker '%1' was choosen", _name ];


    Feel like a complete moron when you explain it like that 🤦‍♂️

  4. 9 minutes ago, pierremgi said:

    Could you clarify?

    Do you have a marker? so, just use the string as name. Do you want to know a position of a location (city, village on map) so use locationPosition, or what else?

    Just simply instead of writing

    getMarkerPos "Name"

    than doing 

    getMarkerPos _markerName

    which would then return the name of the case, which in this case would be "Name".

  5. 4 hours ago, wogz187 said:

    That's what I thought before I posted but I tested it quick and if you _obj setdamage 0; on a destroyed object it repairs-- kind of. I tested a bit more and the object model is repaired but remains unusable (and is still primed for a secondary explosion). So yeah,

    It ultimately confirms my first suspicion about this idea-- the vehicle can never be destroyed.
    Besides using handleDamage to determine if player damaged the vehicle, you may want to set a threshold for "disabled" and set vehicle "allow damage" to false at the same threshold. This will make the vehicle unusable after a certain damage level is reached but not allow it to be completely destroyed.
    Let's try to answer this instead,

    Have fun!

    I might have been a bit unclear, but it is not supposed to determine the damage done to vehicles.
    It is supposed to determine who did the damage to the object. Objects such as walls.

  6. 8 minutes ago, stanhope said:

    And what's in item_sell?

    if((lbCurSel 2402) == -1) exitWith {};
    _type = lbData[2402,(lbCurSel 2402)];
    _index = [_type,sell_array] call TON_fnc_index;
    if(_index == -1) exitWith {};
    _var = [_type,0] call life_fnc_varHandle;
    _amount = ctrlText 2405;
    if(!([_amount] call TON_fnc_isnumber)) exitWith {hint localize "STR_Shop_Virt_NoNum";};
    _amount = parseNumber (_amount);
    _amount = parseNumber true;
    if(_amount > (missionNameSpace getVariable _var)) exitWith {hint localize "STR_Shop_Virt_NotEnough"};
    if ((time - life_action_delay) < 0.2) exitWith {hint localize "STR_NOTF_ActionDelay";};
    life_action_delay = time;
    _price = (_price * _amount);
    _name = [_var] call life_fnc_vartostr;
    if(([false,_type,_amount] call life_fnc_handleInv)) then
    	hint format[localize "STR_Shop_Virt_SellItem",_amount,_name,[_price] call life_fnc_numberText];
        [format["%1 (%2) sold %3 %4 for $%5.", profileName, getPlayerUID player, _amount, _name, [_price] call life_fnc_numberText], "MoneyLog"] remoteExecCall["A3Log", 2];
    	SaCpTBF = SaCpTBF + _price;
    	DYNAMICMARKET_boughtItems pushBack [_type,_amount];
    	[] call life_fnc_virt_update;
    	[] spawn SOCK_fnc_updateRequest;
    [0] call SOCK_fnc_updatePartial;
    [3] call SOCK_fnc_updatePartial;

    My temp fix is to use

    _amount = parseNumber true;

    Makes it so you only sell 1 item per click no matter what.

  7. It is a menu where you can sell certain items you find or buy.

    This would be the part of the dialog that is used in this case:

    		class sellEdit : RscEdit 
    			idc = 2405;
    			text = "1";
    			sizeEx = 0.030;
    			x = 0.554166 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    			y = 0.60537 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    			w = 0.069375 * safezoneW;
    			h = 0.0235185 * safezoneH;
    		class ButtonRemoveG : RscButtonSilent
    			idc = -1;
    			text = "$STR_VS_SellItem";
    			colorBackground[] = {"(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_R',0.3843])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_G',0.7019])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_B',0.8862])", 0.5};
    			onButtonClick = "[] call item_sell";
    			x = 0.531979 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    			y = 0.641148 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    			w = 0.0803125 * safezoneW;
    			h = 0.0272222 * safezoneH;


    I am trying to make it so the dialog closes or something like that if you put a negative number in the RscEdit box.

    Cause as of right now when you put a "-" in, the item will duplicate.

  8. Alright, so I know I am not the only person who has occurred this issue, but I have not been able to resolve it with any of the solutions I have been given.

    The issue is that when I load in my vehicle with a certain texture, the texture changes color.


    Size - 2048x2048

    Extension types I have tried: png, jpg, DDS (1&5)

    Texture color in photoshop and what it looks like as a paa: https://gyazo.com/4c910875d246c56a742595e8c88fa3b8
    Texture color in game: https://gyazo.com/525d7f7350fe783a5d83926f6ca98d8b

  9. 16 minutes ago, Dedmen said:

    Okey.. So you are deliberately forcing a deprecated bisign version.

    And are wondering about the warning that you are building a deprecated bisign?

    Using the DSUtil I force the V2, that is correct.

    I do not understand the meaning of "deprecated bisign" which makes it that much harder for me to do something about it.
