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Posts posted by asys

  1. I'll tell  about my method of teleporting squads. Maybe it's stupid and not beautiful, but it works in MP on our TvT games.

    1. create markers on destination points

    2. give each unit in squad a unique name

    3. create  object wich will have  action teleport-menu 

    4. write script, as i show below, for all destination points and all squads. In the example below, one squad is teleported to one point

    sdv_1_teleport_1 addAction ["<t color='#FFFFFF' shadow = 1 size='2'>Выбери место старта Водолазов 3-3 <br />(будет доступно после фризтайма)</t>", {}]; //action menu on object  
    waitUntil {!isNil "WMT_pub_frzState" && {WMT_pub_frzState >= 3}}; // waiting start for mission
    sdv_1_teleport_1 removeAction 0; // remove action
    sdv_1_teleport_1 addAction  // make new action menu for teleport
     "<t color='#00ff00' shadow = 1 size='2'>Водолазы 3-3 на позицию #1</t>",  
    {_x moveInAny sdv_1;} forEach [spn_1_voda_KO, spn_1_voda_2, spn_1_voda_3, spn_1_voda_4]; // list with unique unit names, which  are loaded into vehicle
    sdv_1 setPos (getMarkerPos "kostil_1"); // teleport vehicle to destination point 
    sdv_1 setDir 0;
     deleteVehicle sdv_1_teleport_1;  // remove objects with action menu  
     deleteVehicle sdv_1_teleport_2; 
     deleteVehicle sdv_1_teleport_3; 
     {deleteMarker _x;} forEach ["wmt_east_sdv_1","wmt_east_sdv_4"]; // remove markers



  2. I read one book about war, modern warfare. There was a scene of the execution of the pilot of aircraft by civilian, whom he bombed before. He was tied to an iron bed and slowly roasted over a fire. In your video (1:08), replace the stick on a metal mesh bed and you get that episode from the book.

  3. Some times ago i build big base of submarine on Malden,  for our TvT fightings. During the fighting, i noticed that the columns of  land Airstrip Platform (classname "land_AirstripPlatform_01-F") are actually much larger than their apparent size. In combination with the angle at which infantry attacked the base through the main gate ... our sniper was crying. He could not kill the enemy between the columns. Below how it looks (some tests in the editor)



    small overview of my creature

  4. On 11/2/2017 at 2:29 AM, dragon01 said:

    Russians don't generally use bridge layers much (if at all), and they're not tank-based when they do. They either ford or swim if they have to cross a river, and they're good at it, too. You may notice most Russian armored vehicles are amphibious and those that aren't carry snorkels for deep fording. The point is to avoid fussing about with bridges on your high-speed offensive. I can't recall a singe example of a modern Russian bridge layer, and even if it exists, it's probably one of those huge trucks with bridge pieces loaded on the back.


    yes, attacking units don't need bridges in most situation. But after capturing a bridgehead by attacking forces, bridges needs for supply units  to deploy logistics support.
