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Guillaume Massé

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Posts posted by Guillaume Massé

  1. Hey, I found a problem in beta version.
    When player with his Ai group mount a car or APC, when player uses the Wheel menu of C2 and command squad to Hold fire or what ever in tha section (the section that player can choose Comabt,aware etc mods, and fire mods like hold fire, fire at will etc) the squad start to disambark.

    I confirm too.

    Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk

  2. Hi,


    42 minutes ago, shi4stone said:


    Can you please confirm if demoblizing works as intended and refund intel? because when i tried it it does not give back the intel.



    Demobilizing unit and get refund work great for me

  3. Hi Gemini,

    Today I play with USA RHS  but I encounter strange camo from my point of view,

    In Kujari, Infantry are in UCP uniform and Vehicules in Desert Camo, so Ok

    In Kunduz, Infantry are in UCP uniform but Vehicules in Woodland Camo, is it right for Afghanistan?

    In Lythium, Infantry are in UCP uniform but Vehicules in Woodland Camo, is it right for Afghanistan?


  4. Hi,

    21 hours ago, Gemini said:

    What do you think about securing the area before calling air transport ? 😉

    Again this morning, area clear (nobody visible), and when I call the chopper, their are guys 600m behind a village and 1.1km. And again the chopper take a rocket 😞


    Other points, Do you have already think to:

    - add access to the tasks menu anywhere in order to do some in a row?

    - add possibility to have an halo jump (with the AI player squad) like spec ops?

  5. Hi Gemini,

    Do you think it could be possible to optimze heli transport approach. Rougly 50% of time I take/request an heli transport, he's been shot by rocket. So quite difficult to move fast on heavy map.



  6. Salut Gemini,

    I've a question regarding loadout,

    Why when we select a loadout in the rolling menu in armory, no one have a silencer in the vest or backpack?

    But when you recruit a unit, they have it when you go to steath.

    Is it possible to add directly in unit backpack to avoid forgetting our own?

    Or don't have it if you switch a unit and want to add silencer?

    Anyway, again all my congratulations for this great job


    • Thanks 1

  7. Hi Gemini,

    On the last update, I encounter 2 issues:

    SP Stratis, R3F with Ace

    - Some AI having silencer do not keep it installed when I order them, They install and it's removed 3s later (but not all have this issue)

    - When AI crashed by a truck, they are healed by medecin, but never go back to movement. They stay prone without moving. The only hint I found to have them living is to drag them (after have draging them, they go up and continue their move)



    • Thanks 1

  8. Hi Gemini,

    On Opex 2.0, SP, Altis, when I have done a switch of unit, I don't have the ability to buy new unit/equipement/vehicule in the delivery area. Their is no menu anymore. Including if I come back to my initial leader


    • Thanks 1

  9. Other questions :
    How works rapid deployment? Their is nothing in the FAQ.
    Virtual Arsenal still doesn't work. When I select it, it mentionned "no object available". I've well selected unlimited in the initial menu.

  10. Hi Gemini,
    Will it be possible to add silencer for all unit we could buy.
    Otherwise for stealth mission, you have to select carefully your squad.
    And some unit like medic refuse to add silencer when they have one. Strange.

    • Thanks 1

  11. Hey,

     Questions to all beta testers, including solo players. 
    - Do you use other mod, in addition to those already recommended? If yes, do you have any loss of perf? 
    Do you use mods such as Vcom, bCombat, C2, all-in-one-command? 
    Thanks for our answer. 
    --------- - - - - - - --------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    [mention=745011]Gemini[/mention] for the map:
    Timberland Island
    Tira bora

    Hello Ricoarma and thanks for the tip, I’ll try that.

    For the other mod, I play with C2 which work quite well with Opex2.0 except for high command management (huge loss of perf and I m not able to provide order for squad). It’s too bad that it doesn’t work because managing several squads with C2 is awesome (I spent couple of hundred hours in Kp liberation with that).
    • Thanks 1

  12. Hi, I love to have now Stratis as a map where you not travel too much for gaming.
    Malden could be a great map too in the same spirit.

    And additionally to what was already proposed, I would like Weferlingen summer and winter.
