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Everything posted by Twiznak

  1. Hi David. Thanks for responding. In which file(s) would I gather the param values? example: HGprob = ""HGprob" call BIS_fnc_getParamValue;
  2. Thank you Larrow! 3 years later. Just goes to show that good advice never goes bad :)
  3. Great script. Thank you again, sir!
  4. God bless you and all you do for us here, Pierre. Thank you for this.
  5. Hi everybody. I need a script that will allow my AI squad members to HALO jump with me. I have tried ATM airdrop http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=21307 and AI HALO Jump http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23113 but to no avail. Would any and all knowledgeable people please inform me if there is a currently working script that allows for AI squad members to HALO jump with me. If there is, would you please tell me where to get it. Thank you for your help.
  6. Pierremgi. The man. The myth. The legend. Thank you again my friend.
  7. Hi.I need help adding a 1500 sec cool down timer, to a repeatable trigger placed in the editor, that has a 1200 sec countdown to activation. The reason being is that the trigger calls a script and I don't want the trigger to be activated twice, before it has a chance to call the script once. I found a post that provided a working cool down to a trigger, but I don't know how implement it in this situation. Would you please show me how to do so? Thank you. repeatable trigger: Variable = Spawn_Hunters Countdown timer = 12000 activation condition p_1 inArea thisTrigger; on activation nul = execVm "hunterwaves.sqf"; hintsilent "Hunters have been dispatched!"; working trigger with a 1500 sec cooldown: Variable = trigger1 activation condition this and (trigger1 getvariable ["delay",true]); on activation null=[] spawn {sleep (1500);trigger1 setvariable ["delay",true];hint "Active"}; trigger1 setvariable ["delay",false];hint "deac";
  8. I rephrased my question. In order for that to work I would need to know the inverse of this: p_1 inArea thisTrigger How would I amend this code to activate the trigger when "p_1" in not in the trigger area? Merci encore, Pierremgi.
  9. The players variable is set to "p_1". In Locally hosted multiplayer sessions the trigger work fine. On a dedicated server, the trigger does not activate when the synced trigger owner enters the trigger area. I tried using script in the activation condition field but I have reached a dead end. Would somebody please tell me how to activate a trigger, on a dedicated server, when "p_1" enters the trigger area. Thank you for your help.
  10. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner! Thank you. Dude, you have no idea how awesome you are. I google search every possible combination of the words "amra 3 How to activate a trigger on a dedicated server" and NADA. Dozens of unresolved forum posts asking similar questions. 7 years of these posts and your the guy that nailed it on the first answer! Well done, thank you, Sir.
  11. HazJ for win again! That's two posts in a row you nailed on the first response. Yes, I set the alpha to zero on the markers in the editor. I set it to zero with the slider on the attributes UI. I didn't try it with script. Never the less, this solution is the one I was hoping for. Thank you for your help Sir.
  12. Hi! How do I make the markers for EOS invisible to players. I tried setting the markers alpha to zero.That makes the markers invisible in the editor but still visible in game. Please help. Thank you.
  13. It works! Thank you. I had to change _grp to group_1, but it works!
  14. Hello. I have a script that spawns waves of units. I put this script in a file named "hunterwaves.sqf" and call this script with a trigger placed in the editor. this trigger is activated when the trigger owner is present. On trigger activation nul = execVM "hunterwaves.sqf"; I can't figure out how to delete this unit when the player dies. How do I do this? Here is what I am working with. The script works properly: if !isServer exitWith {}; for '_i' from 0 to 99 do { _spawnPos = [p1, 500, (RANDOM 360)] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _spawnPos = [_spawnPos, 1, 150, 3, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _grp = [_spawnPos, EAST, ["O_Mas_Rus_Soldier_TL_F_A_HD","O_MAS_RUS_SOLDIER_gl_F_A_hd","O_MAS_RUS_SOLDIER_mgh_F_A_hd","O_MAS_RUS_SOLDIER_m_F_A_hd","O_MAS_RUS_SOLDIER_at2_F_A_hd"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; group_1 = _grp; publicvariable "group_1"; _wp = _grp addWaypoint [position player, 0]; _wp setwaypointtype "SAD"; _wp spawn { while {alive p1} do { _this setWaypointPosition [position p1, 0]; sleep 2; }; }; waitUntil {{alive _x} count units group_1 <1}; sleep 600; }; How do I delete "group_1" when "p1" is dead? Can it be done with a trigger placed in the editor? Please help me. Thank you.
  15. Hi, thank you for responding. Where would I put this line of code?
  16. Hi. I can't figure out how to delete a squad I spawned with a script, when that squad gets to a way point. No errors in the logs. Here is what I have: spawnPos = [player, 20, (RANDOM 360)] call BIS_fnc_relPos; spawnPos = [spawnPos, 1, 150, 3, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; grp = [spawnPos, EAST, ["O_G_Soldier_m_f","O_G_Soldier_gl_f","O_G_Soldier_ar_f","O_G_Soldier_lat_f"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; SearchGroup = grp; publicvariable "SearchGroup"; wp = grp addWaypoint [position player, 0]; wp setwaypointtype "SAD"; exit_1 = grp addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "exit_1", 0]; exit_1 setWaypointStatements ["true", "deletegroup searchgroup"];[/CODE] Please help me. I want to squad to be deleted when it reaches way point "exit_1".
  17. Snake, Hi. Your can do this with ONE TRIGGER, in the eden editor. name your player character whatever you like, "p_1" for example. Then name your units you want to join you when you get close. For example, "S_1", then place down a trigger with a radius of your choosing. Set the trigger owner to the player character. The in the on activation field type: [s_1] join (group player); . For multiple units joining your player character, repeat this code with every units varible name. example: [s_1] join (group player);[s_2] join (group player);[s_3] join (group player); . When the player character enters the trigger area, the listed units "s_1" will join the players group. I have made two example missions for you. example mission for one unit joining you. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1142359601 example mission for multiple units joining you. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1142360822 I hope this helps.
  18. Hello, I love the EOS script. It is the backbone of all of my missions. I have an idea but I don't know how to get it done. I have 10 markers ("marker_1","marker_2", ect.). Can I activate each marker in succession? Activate "marker_2" only after "marker_1" has been cleared or (getMarkerColor "marker_1" == "ColorGreen"). I would love to know how to do this. It would really open up my possibilities as a mission maker. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
  19. Hello, I love this script. It is the backbone of all of my missions. I have an idea but I don't know how to get it done. I have 10 markers ("marker_1","marker_2", ect.). Can I activate each marker in succession? Activate "marker_2" only after "marker_1" has been cleared or (getMarkerColor "marker_1" == "ColorGreen"). I would love to know how to do this. It would really open up my possibilities as a mission maker. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
  20. WOW! thank you very much. I am going to get on this, hopefully it happens without to much trouble. If I do have any problems, I know where I going to ask for help :) Again, thank you for your help.
  21. Hi, thank you for responding so quickly. Again, due to my lack of scripting knowledge, I am going to need to see the example mission to get what you're saying. Thank you for offering to help. I'm just going to add that i totally just wrote a file with (getMarkerColor "X" == "ColorGreen") a thousand times. numbered from marker_0 to marker_1000. However, I'm scared that if i put that beast into the condition field, in the eden trigger, its going to break arma.