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Marcio Alac

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About Marcio Alac

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  1. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Português ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Fui vitima de injuria racial e xenofobia no servido Asylum, alem de vdm que e regra do serve. Eu abri um tópico no fórum deles para denunciar e nada foi feito em relação ao ocorrido e resolvi vim aqui saber se algo pode ser feito para que o servido faça algo a respeito do acontecimento. Link: link:Print:http://prnt.sc/ewf8ko, http://prnt.sc/ewf8ve ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// English //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I was a victim of railless injury and xenophobia in the Asylum served, besides you and rule of the service, I opened a topic in their forum to denounce and nothing was done in relation to the happened and to solve here I came to know if something can be done so that the Served something about the event. link: Print:http://prnt.sc/ewf8ko, http://prnt.sc/ewf8ve