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About coonslammer69

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  1. yeah, I wasn't asking you to make a release, I just wanted to change it myself, thanks for the help
  2. you're making it sound like it would take more than 30 seconds to remove a line and replace the original file for our own personal use, would you happen to know the directory of the script that displays the hint so we can remove it?
  3. it's less convenient, and any missions that give units radios will force acre to be required, even if it's not server authenticated. this would be an easy 30 second fix, if not for the fact that acre has a hundred sqfs and I don't know where to look for the warning hint
  4. I play with a group and sometimes we don't bother to get on teamspeak and just use the in-game voice if there aren't enough players to justify using radios. the problem is there's a pretty annoying warning hint that pops up saying ACRE isn't connected to teamspeak. Since the server I play on doesn't authenticate mods, I'd like to just modify the pbo and remove the line containing the warning hint, however it's a pretty large archive and I'm having trouble finding what sqf it's located in. Would a dev be able to help me out with this?