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aussie battler

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Everything posted by aussie battler

  1. aussie battler

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    @mikero I have run out of space in the "-Z Exclude From Compress" box. Would it be just too many characters? I was thinking that my choices are either: + Shorten every *.sqf or + Do the quick, dirty way and just exclude *.sqf in the "-X Exclude From PBO" section. Is there another work around? Love your tools, they have saved me packing so many mistakes. Have a great weekend :)
  2. Do you guys have the ai stealing locked vehicles on a server that isn't Arma3 Exile?
  3. I think I worked it out. I think the code should read (locked _x isEqualTo 0) for an unlocked vehicle. I'll check it out :)
  4. Great work on the mod, thanks for putting in so much time & effort. This mod has brought another level to Arma3 ai. You have made great improvement in performance from v2 to v3. I have run Exile servers & notice that locked vehicles get stolen. I searched the code & think that it is called from this line: Vcom\FSMS\SQADBEH.fsm line 463 " if (_x iskindof ""LandVehicle"" && {crew _x isEqualTo []} && {_x distance _Leader < VCM_AIDISTANCEVEHPATH} && {!(locked _x isEqualTo 2)}) then" \n Just wondering if ai dont steal locked vehicles on other non-exile servers? I thought maybe this: {!(locked _x isEqualTo 2)}) Should be: {!((locked _x) isEqualTo 2)}) ?? If locked vehicles cant be stolen on other servers I'll start trying exile coding. Also I was looking at ai steal all vehicles. Would this be the correct code? " if ((_x isKindOf "LandVehicle") || (_x isKindOf "Air") || (_x isKindOf "Ship") && {crew _x isEqualTo []} && {_x distance _Leader < VCM_AIDISTANCEVEHPATH} && {!((locked _x) isEqualTo 2)}) then" \n cheers. aussie
  5. aussie battler

    [IceBreakr/IBIS] Lingor & Dingor for A3

    cheers @doctorbutts it made me appreciate @icebreakr 's work & how much time it would take him to create these maps.
  6. aussie battler

    ZSL Animations

    look great, nice work :)
  7. aussie battler

    [IceBreakr/IBIS] Lingor & Dingor for A3

    @doctorbutts The fix is in the post above yours...
  8. aussie battler

    [IceBreakr/IBIS] Lingor & Dingor for A3

    Here is the bridge fix, no more ai blowing up the bridge. I added in an extra bridge South East, you may want too remove it (I marked it in the code below). @icebreakr Great work on Abramia, such a cool map.
  9. aussie battler

    [1.1] voyagerCompass HUD and UI

    @bob_the_k If you still want the script you can grab it here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vib3bk7aea5cah6/fn_voyagerCompass1_1.sqf?dl=1
  10. aussie battler

    [IceBreakr/IBIS] Lingor & Dingor for A3

    @icebreakr Had the answer in his last post. The PMC bridge over the top of existing bridges might work.
  11. aussie battler

    [IceBreakr/IBIS] Lingor & Dingor for A3

    Does anyone know if you can make the bridges indestructible? When ai drive over the bridge their wheels get stuck & vehicles end up blowing up the bridge.
  12. aussie battler

    [IceBreakr/IBIS] Lingor & Dingor for A3

    This bridge on Lingor needs on/off ramps, otherwise your vehicles wheels / tracks sink into the ground & blow. Here is a quick fix to add ramps: Great job on the map @icebreakr reminds me of Tanoa without the lag.
  13. I solved it by using this classname export tool: http://www.exilemod.com/topic/23301-class-extraction-tool-updated-v042/ Looking forward to having a crack at this mod. Thanks for sharing it :)
  14. Hey @AmTheAgent Great work on the ADF mod. Just wondering if you had a list of the classnames? I am adding it to our Exile server & need to add classnames to missions / traders. I have exported all the vehicles, but the clothing is going to be a slow export. I would have to export clothes / hats / weapons one at a time. cheers mate.
  15. aussie battler

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    @jacknorrisuk can you post the full rpt error in spoilers. Looks like other people are having problems with Arma3 plants since the update. Can you change the plants to a different type to fix it? I confirm that the complete list is: b_ficusc1s_f.p3d b_ficusc2d_f.p3d b_ficusc2s_f.p3d b_neriumo2d_f.p3d b_neriumo2s_f.p3d b_neriumo2s_white_f.p3d b_thistle_thorn_green.p3d Obtained through recursive usage of dep3d on a fresh install of P:\A3 using Arma 3 Tools' Extract Game Data from Project Drive Management. I found that here: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T127302
  16. aussie battler

    Chernarus Redux [WIP Release]

    @BigDad You probably need to check your @Chernarus Redux folder & confirm that you put the new server key in your Arma3 "keys" folder. Use your ftp program & do a directory comparison to your local @Chernarus Redux folder. You could also do a steam repair on your local folder to see if you uploaded a corrupt version.
  17. aussie battler

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    @mikero you are a legend, once again you pull through with the goods. Thanks for making such a great program with fast support. Here is Mikero's answer if you have two of the same defines in an arma3 menu: Thanks champ. :) Aussie
  18. aussie battler

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    Hi I am having problems obfuscating a pbo with Pbo project. The error message is "In File \mpmissions\ArmA3_Wasteland.Malden\R3F_LOG\transporteur\dlg_constantes.h: Line 63 #define altered without a #undef" I assume it is because 0x0C is mentioned twice. Would anyone know a workaround? The complete error: Banging my head against the wall with this for a while, probably a simple answer. thanks
  19. aussie battler

    Chernarus Redux [WIP Release]

    @crazy mike Thanks for the heads up, I'll do that. Sorry to see you leave Exile forums, I did enjoy your reading your funny replies.
  20. aussie battler

    Chernarus Redux [WIP Release]

    Love the map, great work. Just wondering if I can override the murky water & make it clear. We have under water missions & I would like to make it visible underwater. I tried adding this code but it didnt override it: Found the code here: https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/185225-changing-water-color/
  21. aussie battler

    [1.1] voyagerCompass HUD and UI

    I have it live on our server :) Salty Dog: Chernarus Redux Search for Salty Dog Cherno Redux in A3 Launcher or: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1105315816 Connection Info: port: 2642 I have put the compass in the XM8 apps. To bring up the compass press 6, more, then compass. Thanks for your great script & help in making it work. cheers
  22. aussie battler

    [1.1] voyagerCompass HUD and UI

    Hi @Unknown_GTX That work well now, I only get the option for the compass now at base (which was what I wanted). I might try & put it in the Exile XM8 before putting it on out live server. As soon as it is live I'll send you the server ip. There might be a error in one of the markers. It seems to drop down the screen & you cant remove it. Not sure how to insert a image in this so I'll post it in the exile forum. http://www.exilemod.com/topic/24438-infistar-blocking-my-display/?do=findComment&comment=175766
  23. aussie battler

    [1.1] voyagerCompass HUD and UI

    Love the mod, works great. You were right, no need to change anything in Infistar. I have an Arma3 Exile server an have it executing when near a base or vehicle. Just wondering if there is a way I can remove the word "compass" scroll feature doesnt appear all the time. I dont need it since it is addAction to vehicle & base. Is this the line I would have to delete?
  24. aussie battler

    [1.1] voyagerCompass HUD and UI

    Thanks for your help @Unknown_GTX Just wondering if you just scroll your mouse wheel to bring up the menu? Maybe my problem is that Arma3 Exile removes the default Arma3 scroll functions to switch between weapons. I am going to try and associate the add action with an object (only because I know how to do this, no idea how to add it to a menu). Hopefully people can have the option if they are in their base or near a service station. I'll let you know how it goes.
  25. aussie battler

    [1.1] voyagerCompass HUD and UI

    Hi @Unknown_GTX This mods looks great, saves having to pull the compass out. I am trying to get it to work through adding it to my mission file. + placed voyagerCompass.sqf in my mission file under custom\compass\voyagerCompass.sqf + placed this in init.sqf _x = [] execVM "custom\compass\voyagerCompass.sqf"; I cant get any scroll options to bring up the menu. I suspect that infistar is stopping the menu. Would you know what idd your compass menu would be? cheers