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COL Alexander

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About COL Alexander

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  1. COL Alexander

    Breaching Charge & Door Wedge

    Hi...great looking mod! I'm trying to get it to work but can't seem to find the breaching charges. Well, I found one under Props->Weapons->Explosives (AMP_Breaching_Charge) that looks like a SLAM mine. But, I can't interact with it to pick it up. I also don't see them in any crates. Sorry if I'm missing something obvious but any tips?
  2. 7erra - Simple and works perfect! BTW this solution also works when suppressing the second hint displayed on the side when user presses continue by using the following code: "title" hintC "message"; hintC_arr_EH = findDisplay 72 displayAddEventHandler ["unload", { 0 = _this spawn { _this select 0 displayRemoveEventHandler ["unload", hintC_arr_EH]; hintSilent ""; }; }]; Thanks...I struggled with this for hours.
  3. I am having some trouble with the hintC function and navigating some of its quirks. Here are the scripting requirements for the text I need to display to the user. 1. Must be structured text 2. Must prompt the user to click to continue 3. Must be able to display messages back-to-back (after each click to continue)_ Trying to keep the issue pure, here is the essence of what I am trying to do: //call function to show all course results _action1 = player addAction ["View Completed Courses", "functions\fn_NAV_adminReport.sqf",1]; [fn_NAV_adminReport.sqf] _allCourses = [_course1, _course2, _course3,..._courseN]; //each _course is a TEXT object (i.e structured text) for "_i" from 1 to count _allCourses do { // if there are syntax errors here its because i wrote it in this editor...its the concept that matters "myTitle" hintC parseText _myArray[_i-1]; sleep .1; }; The issue is that only the first hint displays. I use sleep .1 following Worldeater's advice on the BSwiki HintC page...but doesn't work. This also happens with something as simple as this: "title" hintC "FIrst"; sleep 1.5; "title" hintC "Second"; as well as the alternative version (I can't use this version as it doesn't accept structured text): hintC "FIrst"; sleep .1; hintC "Second"; Any advice on how to make hintC display back-to-back or any alternative methods I can use to accomplish my objectives?
  4. Hi, This is my first MP script attempt and I'm having a little trouble coming up with a gameplan for coding. I'm creating a Land Nav script...works SP and now trying to convert to MP. Here is the summary: 1. Player initiates Land Nav course via addAction() scrollwheel 2. Server generates a unique land nav course by choosing random from pre-set points in an array (must be initialized somewhere) 3. Player receives grid coords which are added as a task 4. Player runs off and finds a point...logs it via addAction()...possibly unlogs it also if they change their mind 5. After finding all points player returns to start and finishes course via AddAction() option 6. Point names are compared to the answer key and player receives a score 7. Multiple people can be doing this at the same time...all with unique courses I am having trouble coming up with the MP logic/gameplan for the coding. Here are my questions: 1. What is the best way to pass the grid coord data from the server to the client (and back to server at the end)? Grid coords and logged points will be stored in an array. 2. Where should I initialize my master list grid coords (contains the coord and the alpanumeric designator)...it's the answer key 3. How can I ensure the answer key from #2 is hidden from the client and not in plain text in a client-side script file? I think this is simple but w/o experience in MP scripting I'm still lost. Short example code would be great! Thanks.