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Everything posted by Powershard

  1. Could we have that inventory save function fixed I posted above? The one where backpack stored weapons are not saving. It is pretty mod breaking at the moment. :) Have to rely on other methods of saving inventories at the moment.
  2. Bug? Inventory saving does not seem to work completely. My vest, backpack and uniform weapons do not get saved. I tried manual saving and recalling as well, the getgear function simply does not read the inventories for weapons. I run on debug watch: profileNamespace getVariable [format["HG_Gear_%1",(getPlayerUID player)],_gear]; To see my current saved hg_gear at any given time and my weapons never get listed that are stored in my containers. Weapons in hands do get saved. I assume getItemCargo does not read weapons? EDIT Yup, just confirmed, watching getItemCargo backpackContainer player; Does not list my weapon I just placed in there. Need to use weaponsItemsCargo for those containers in addition. EDIT EDIT What happens with backpacks and weapons that are stored inside vehicles when they contain items? I think this saving issue influences them too?
  3. Could we get color saving for vehicles? And maybe a color picker to the shop screen? Like setObjectTextures for shop getObjectTextures for garage spawn
  4. @CptDezusa, what do you mean by make a trader? For selling stuff? Could be useful, at least for vehicle selling. Make a comparison check that if the car is on shop list or sale list then sell it, if not then shop doesn't want to buy it. Save button is unnecessary as the game already has "live" saving for inventories and garages. What you buy you already have it saved across plays.
  5. Idea - Make garage accessible while inside that garage's area of effect. Like if I drive a car inside a garage marker's radius, an addaction is then added/visible to the owner of the vehicle to store it, kicking everyone out of the vehicle if any and then storing it. In some situations, like airplanes or other big clumsy vehicles, it would ease up managing the garage a bit.
  6. Garage is still not working. nvm, I was looking at the wrong garage :D gonna check now the correct one Yup, garage working perfectly now :) Thank you very much and sorry for confusion :D
  7. Oh wow, now that was some quick fixing :D Thank you very much, I really appreciate all of this.
  8. Hi, thanks for the updates! :) [_vehicle,_unit] call HG_fnc_setOwner; is not injecting ownership correctly to vehicles, I am unable to store said vehicles or to lock them after I have acquired them. Looking inside fn_setOwner.sqf file there is nothing that sets the locked state to 0 or 2, leaving lock state addaction into limbo of no state. So I added as a fix there _vehicle lock 0; But I was unable to make "setOwnered" vehicles to store in a garage. It has something to do with _index not existing when trying to save a vehicle. It does delete the vehicle but does not add it into a garage when trying to do so. It could also be helpful if when buying vehicles, that I could put them in garage automatically from the shop window instead of spawning them in the game world. I prefer to use the shop spawn marker, garage spawn marker and garage store marker at same individual marker to avoid confusions. On github, a long lingered "bug" is on https://github.com/Ppgtjmad/SimpleShops/wiki/Usage where there are those addactions: this addAction["<img image='HG\UI\garage.paa' size='1.5'/><t color='#FF0000'>Open Garage</t>",{_this call HG_fnc_dialogOnLoadGarage},"HG_DefaultGarage",0,false,false,"",'(alive player) && !dialog && player distance _target < 3']; the image path is outdated in them, it is supposed to be HG\UI\ICONS\garage.paa I would imagine some people could get confused of it. On version 2.1 I am not able to open Admin Menu no matter what button I change it to for some reason. I have the config as: Got it fixed, the PUID was supposed to be in " " tags :) Like this: admins[] = {"76561198140652154"}; not like this: admins[] = {76561198140652154};
  9. I can not use markers to spawn vehicles since I can not move editor made markers as an in-game Zeus. How can I change the code so that it accepts object position instead? I would rather have invisible object than pre-defined marker to define position for spawning and storing vehicles. I use currently as a workaround this code: [] spawn { while {true} do { "car_spawn_1" setmarkerdir getdir car_spawn_1A; "car_spawn_1" setmarkerpos getpos car_spawn_1A; sleep 1; }; }; Which makes a check every 1 second for an object's location and updates the marker location based on it. But the problem is that it doesn't seem to be very precisely picking the correct coordinates. I have a garage where I try to spawn them and the cars collide with walls, spawning broken.
  10. New Shop request: Object seller. You could buy an object which then floats in front of the character (see ACE3 portable ladder functionality) and land it where you want and it becomes a placed object. This could be used for furnitures, ammo boxes, aesthetic items like sandbags. Also an Addaction to the item as well to remove it or re-lift up.
  11. Hello! I want to add an action to all corpses in the map, but apply it only once. I have a trigger that adds addAction to all corpses every second, but the problem is that it creates duplicate entries. Is there some easy way I can mark these corpses so that they will be ignored for addAction in further triggers? Some IF sentence or something? Here is the code I have been using in my trigger: { _x addAction["Loot","Cash150.sqf","",0,false,false,"",'(alive player) && player distance _target < 3'];} forEach allDeadMen;
  12. Powershard

    Duplicate handling help needed.

    I have made a workaround which I am satisfied with. Only downside is the momentary flickering of the text but since I got no solution from here I got to go with it. It seems to work fine in multiplayer Zeus and zombie addon. Here is the code for others use if it can help. What it does is index all dead men and land_money_F objects, remove their added addActions if any any refresh a new addAction. I made a trigger named Money Generator Condition: MoneyGenerator; Activation: MoneyGenerator=false; { removeAllActions _x; _x addAction["<img image='HG\UI\money.paa' size='1.5'/><t color='#ED28EA'>Loot! </t>","Cash150.sqf","",6,true,false,"",' player distance _target < 1']} forEach allDeadMen; { removeAllActions _x; _x addAction["<img image='HG\UI\money.paa' size='1.5'/><t color='#ED28EA'>Loot! </t>","Cash150.sqf","",6,true,false,"",' player distance _target < 2']} forEach (allMissionObjects "Land_Money_F"); Deactivation: MoneyGenerator=true; TimeOut: 3,3,3 Cash150.sqf contains: smallMoney = round(random [0, 8, 12]); //money generator [smallmoney,0] call HG_fnc_addOrSubCash; //adds money using addon functionality TitleText [format ["You found $%1", smallMoney], "Plain down"]; //tells how much was randomly generated _object = _this select 0; deletevehicle _object; //deletes manipulated object, be it corpse or pile of cash playSound "cashClass"; //adds my own sound file for looting money init.sqf contains: MoneyGenerator=true; //to enable the trigger above
  13. Powershard

    Duplicate handling help needed.

    How could I make the eventhandler work? I used the following with no results: this addMPEventHandler ["mpkilled",{this addAction["Loot","Cash150.sqf","",0,false,false,"",'(alive player) && player distance _target < 3'];}] The goal is to make the corpse have an addAction button for "looting" it for money. Isn't the event "mpkilled" made to be run on the event of kill, thus while target was alive, not when it is dead corpse? Just wondering since I get no addAction result. What if I wanted to make this same effect for vehicles, destroying a vehicle would give it's wreckage an addAction as well? To me it would seem to be simpler if I had 1 trigger running every 1 second and it scans for certains Objects, Wreckages and Corpses and applies their corresponding addActions to them.
  14. Powershard

    Duplicate handling help needed.

    I will give it a shot, thank you :) I am using Zeus and it needs to be something that updates automatically for even Zeus spawned units that which then die and leave a corpse after them, the corpse gains an addAction button. It is for multiplayer with players vs AI. We got zombies and demons and bunch of other addons so I hope it works with all "kills". I might need a trigger still though, as I have same problem with objects, not only corpses. { _x addAction ["Loot!", "Cash150.sqf"] } forEach (allMissionObjects "Land_Money_F"); So how could I make an eventhandler for that?
  15. An awesome mod indeed! If not the.. best even :) I am playing zombies & demons with my friends in Zeus mode maps with ACE, where one player is functioning as zeus entity and creating situations on the fly. Those zombie heads must be made very valuable the evil Zeus spawns upon us! Thus I wish there were some "simple" :D tools for Zeus as well to add and remove monies from players. Suggestions for Functions I'd love to have in some Zeus-Ares style interface if you ever have an extra lifetime to add such funsies: "Save money." - choices: everyone's - player's - side's "Set money 0." - choices: everyone's - player's - side's "Add/remove money." - choices: everyone's - player's - side's "Add/remove shop item." -could use some arsenal functionality? Like make a loadout and this stuff is sold and add prices in arsenal window. "Set target kill/destroy value." "Set target kill/destroy team value." "Spawn object with value." -once looted the object would despawn, rewarding the player. Being like intel which you "activate" for 1-5 seconds to "loot" it for monies. And as Ares has that handy "save mission to SQF" -tool, this could use something similar to save money amounts since we can't use the game's own "save game" feature due to mods not loading for zeus when reloading a multiplayer game. Ahh the difficulties of life :D Keep up the good work man :)