Thanks for helping, sent by PM ;)
PD: is a small addon, just adds 3 new uniforms, combat_a is the name I gived to the arid version, _b for the woodland (boscoso in spanish) and _m for the multicam
So I'm tryng that but I'm getting the error "the file \cgh_combat\cgh_combat\data\tx\combat.RVMAT can't be loaded" or something like that. Is that what you mean with the known issue? Any way to solve it? I'm editing it with notepad++, should I use any specific program?
This is how the uniform config looks like:
Its working, thank you! Seems like I broke my character_f pbo and checking cache validation in Steam solved it!
Do you know what code should I change to make the model load an specific nolmal and specular texture?