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Everything posted by Yourmother

  1. Yourmother

    Zee Identity Pack

    Hi Zee! I'm with the AAM guys (known as Quiet amongst them) who've re-textured your female bodies for use with our Australian units. Having used them for the first time today, I gotta say, I'm really pleased with them overall. They look good, they function well, and add something I didn't even know I was missing from Arma. That said, I do have a couple of minor points I've noticed, and would like to mention. Firstly (really minor, I know), the hair on the models clips through some headwear, most notably the balaclavas. If you've got a helmet on over the top, you can't see that (obviously), but I thought I'd mention it in case the issue was unknown. Secondly, I (and my squad-mates) have noticed some issues with the neck region. It's kinda hard to explain it in words, so I've taken a couple screenshots that will hopefully illustrate the issue. Once again, really appreciate the hard work you've put in, and thanks for letting us make use of them!