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Posts posted by Diver_

  1. I am currently working on implementing a M224 mortar into game, I have all the basics working, rotation, elevation, rounds firing in the correct direction and all splashing within about 50m, when using the artillery computer it shows 450m > 499m. Can anyone suggest what is causing this narrow range and how to rectify it, this is currently what I have https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmUCX2n2MOE


    The current config I have is simply there for me to get the model in game to test and is inheriting from B_Mortar_01_F as I know that currently works

    class cfgVehicles {
    	class B_Mortar_01_F;
    	class 506th_weap_m224mortar : B_Mortar_01_F {
    		scope = 2;
    		displayname = "M224 60mm Mortar";
    		model = "\506th_weap_m224\models\506th_m224_mortar.p3d";
    		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = { "506th_weap_m224\data\mortar\mortar_co.paa" };


    class cfgSkeletons
    	class mortar
    		skeletonInherit = "";
    		isDiscrete = 1;
    			"octovez", "",
    			"bank", "octovez",
    			"otochlaven", "bank"
    class CfgModels
    	class Default
    		sections[] = {};
    		skeletonName = "";
    	class 506th_m224_mortar : Default
    		class Animations
    			class mainturret
    				minValue = -6.2831855;
    				maxValue = 6.2831855;
    				angle0 = -6.2831855;
    				angle1 = 6.2831855;
    				animPeriod = 0.0;
    				initPhase = 0.0;
    			class maingun
    				minValue = -6.2831855;
    				maxValue = 6.2831855;
    				angle0 = -6.2831855;
    				angle1 = 6.2831855;
    				animPeriod = 0.0;
    				initPhase = 0.0;



    When I use the Virtual Arsenal I can use the projectile tracking lines to see what the rounds are doing, 









    By the way the rounds are going and based on the basic config I have used I am guessing that it is something wrong with the model. If there is anyone who is able to help it would be greatly appreciated

  2. I am currently looking for someone to import a vest and its textures into Arma, I have the 3D models and texture files, however, I have been having issues getting it in myself.


    The models and textures are ready to go and should have all the bits and pieces that are needed.


    This is a paid job and you can contact me via DM's or on Discord Diver#9999

  3. I am currently in the process of creating an addon weapon for Arma3 and am coming across this error in the ACE Arsenal.


    I have logged the parameters that are used within that script and come up with the following;

    Script (from ace_arsenal.pbo):

    #include "script_component.hpp"
     * Author: Alganthe
     * Generic bar statement for stats.
     * Arguments:
     * 0: stat (STRING)
     * 1: item config path (CONFIG)
     * 2: Args for configExtreme
     *  2.1: Stat limits (ARRAY of BOOL)
     *  2.2: Bar limits (ARRAY of SCALAR)
     *  2.3: Evaluate as a logarithmic number (BOOL)
     * Return Value:
     * Number
     * Public: Yes
    params ["_stat", "_config", "_args"];
    _args params ["_statMinMax", "_barLimits", "_configExtremeBool"];
    private _statValues = [
        [_statMinMax select 0]
    ] call BIS_fnc_configExtremes;
    diag_log format ["_statMinMax select 0: %1", _statMinMax select 0];
    diag_log format ["_statMinMax select 1: %1", _statMinMax select 1];
    diag_log format ["(_statValues select 1) select 0: %1", (_statValues select 1) select 0];
    diag_log format ["_statValues select 1: %1", _statValues select 1];
    diag_log format ["_statValues: %1", _statValues];
    diag_log format ["_barLimits select 0: %1", _barLimits select 0];
    diag_log format ["_barLimits select 1: %1", _barLimits select 1];
    linearConversion [_statMinMax select 0, _statMinMax select 1, (_statValues select 1) select 0, _barLimits select 0, _barLimits select 1]


    12:18:13 "_statMinMax select 0: 0"
    12:18:13 "_statMinMax select 1: 2500"
    12:18:13 "(_statValues select 1) select 0: <null>"
    12:18:13 "_statValues select 1: [<null>]"
    12:18:13 "_statValues: [[0],[<null>]]"
    12:18:13 "_barLimits select 0: 0.01"
    12:18:13 "_barLimits select 1: 1"

    I am guessing that I have missed something in the weapons config as I have created other weapons and have not had this issue, I have compared the configs but have been unable to find what is causing this issue.

    Cheers in advance

  4. I have been trying to export images of maps (at the moment I have been trying without mods however I will need to do this with mods) using this guide http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-how-to-export-topography/however it does not want to write to the C: Root folder, I am running as Administrator using both Windows 10 Pro and primarily Windows 10 Enterprise. 


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPN_QrH0IfI This is a screen recording I have just done on my pc, it comes up with Activated TOPOGRAPHY and Activated EXPORTNOGRID however I am not getting a file in my root drive

    I am able to copy files directly to the C: Drive root with Admin permissions, I have also unsubscribed from all mods and run it from a new install, however, I am still not getting anywhere.


    Has anyone else had a similar problem that they have been able to fix, if so how?

    Is there some sort of Parameter (or something similar) I can use to tell Arma 3 to save these files to a different location (e.g. C:\temp\)

  5. Love your work, love the model and love the armament,

    I have been fiddling with this today, can you please confirm at the moment that the very centre weapons holder can not be used. At the moment I can only get the outside two on the fuselage for weapons attachment. If this is the case and it currently doesn't work will it in future releases.
