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About StrebloJones

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  1. StrebloJones

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Thanks for the reply. Glad to hear the AC130 script is being looked at. There's nothing else like it out there, and it's been around for years. It's a great script and deserves to be maintained. You are right about the no entry warning. It did indeed appear with the Apex update. Im not a scripting master or anything, I only know enough to get by, but if I can help in any way please let me know!
  2. StrebloJones

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Hi! First off let me say thank you for this excellent mod. Keep up the great work! I've managed to fix LurchiDerLurch's AC130 script for arma 3. I've fixed the 105mm cannon damage. I've also replaced the explosion effects with those of the new VTOL from Apex. This brings it more in line with standard A3 units, fixes the missing sound issues for ground units, and generally makes it seem less OP. The only thing still bugging me is that no entry pop up that appears when you first enable the autopilot. 'Bin\config.bin/LDL_Monitor/LDL_Map.LineMarker'. If anyone has any ideas how I could fix this I'd be happy to put in the time. Obviously I'd never redistribute someone else's work. This is just something I've done for myself. Seeing as you already use this script I'd be happy to share my changes if you are still using it in the next update? Cheers.