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    A fix for Full Axis throttle mapping

    For those who wish to use the Thrustmaster TWCS throttle, I've thrown together a FreePIE script which utilises all of the buttons and applies the full-range-throttle-fix as per other comments here. The throttle and vJoy ID numbers can be changed simply in the script, without needing to change every reference by using THROTTLE_ID and VJOY_ID respectively. Hope this helps! # Thrustmaster TWCS Mapping Script for Arma 3 with FreePIE # Fixes throttle issues associated with Arma 3. # By firebyte # https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/104325-a-fix-for-full-axis-throttle-mapping/ # When plugging and unplugging your devices, the ID number # of your device may change. Rather than trying to find # each reference to the device in the script, just change # the respective values below. # THROTTLE_ID is the ID number of your physical TWCS throttle. # VJOY_ID is the ID number of the vJoy instance your TWCS throttle # is supposed to pass data to, from FreePIE. THROTTLE_ID = 0 VJOY_ID = 0 # There has been discussion about adding referencing for devices # by name here: http://www.mtbs3d.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=139&t=21709 # NOTE: This will require a custom build of FreePIE, as discussed in the # thread. def update(): # TWCS Ministick 2 (X,Y) vJoy[VJOY_ID].x = (joystick[THROTTLE_ID].x) vJoy[VJOY_ID].y = (joystick[THROTTLE_ID].y) # TWCS Throttle Axis (Z) vJoy[VJOY_ID].z = (joystick[THROTTLE_ID].z) # TWCS Rocker Axis (RZ) vJoy[VJOY_ID].rz = (joystick[THROTTLE_ID].zRotation) # TWCS Antenna Axis (Slider 0) vJoy[VJOY_ID].dial = (joystick[THROTTLE_ID].sliders[0]) # TWCS 8-directional POV (aka D-Pad) # setAnalogPOV() is used to update the POV hat's # direction, when the hat is used on the controller. vJoy[VJOY_ID].setAnalogPov(0, joystick[THROTTLE_ID].pov[0]) if starting: virtualAxisMax = vJoy[VJOY_ID].axisMax joystick[THROTTLE_ID].setRange(0, virtualAxisMax) vJoy[VJOY_ID].dial = joystick[THROTTLE_ID].sliders[1] freeTrack.update += update # Buttons are programmed as labelled on TWCS Throtlle Manual # found at http://ts.thrustmaster.com/download/accessories/manuals/TWCS_throttle/TWCS_Throttle_Manual_All.pdf # Python is a zero-index language, meaning that Button 1 # is Button 0 when accessed programmatically. # Button 1 if joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(0): vJoy[VJOY_ID].setPressed(0) # Button 2 if joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(1): vJoy[VJOY_ID].setPressed(1) # Button 3 if joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(2): vJoy[VJOY_ID].setPressed(2) # Button 4 if joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(3): vJoy[VJOY_ID].setPressed(3) # Button 5 if joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(4): vJoy[VJOY_ID].setPressed(4) # Button 6 (TWCS Ministick Momentary Push Button) if joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(5): vJoy[VJOY_ID].setPressed(5) # Button 7 if joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(6): vJoy[VJOY_ID].setPressed(6) # Button 8 if joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(7): vJoy[VJOY_ID].setPressed(7) # Button 9 if joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(8): vJoy[VJOY_ID].setPressed(8) # Button 10 if joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(9): vJoy[VJOY_ID].setPressed(9) # Button 11 if joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(10): vJoy[VJOY_ID].setPressed(10) # Button 12 if joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(11): vJoy[VJOY_ID].setPressed(11) # Button 13 if joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(12): vJoy[VJOY_ID].setPressed(12) # Button 14 if joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(13): vJoy[VJOY_ID].setPressed(13) # DIAGNOSTICS # TWCS Ministick 2 (X,Y) diagnostics.watch(joystick[THROTTLE_ID].x) diagnostics.watch(joystick[THROTTLE_ID].y) # TWCS Throttle Axis (Z) diagnostics.watch(joystick[THROTTLE_ID].z) # TWCS Rocker Axis (RZ) diagnostics.watch(joystick[THROTTLE_ID].zRotation) # TWCS Antenna Axis (Slider 0) diagnostics.watch(joystick[THROTTLE_ID].sliders[0]) # TWCS 8-directional POV (aka D-Pad) diagnostics.watch(joystick[THROTTLE_ID].pov[0]) # Button 0 diagnostics.watch(joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(0)) # Button 1 diagnostics.watch(joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(1)) # Button 2 diagnostics.watch(joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(2)) # Button 3 diagnostics.watch(joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(3)) # Button 4 diagnostics.watch(joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(4)) # Button 5 diagnostics.watch(joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(5)) # Button 6 diagnostics.watch(joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(6)) # Button 7 diagnostics.watch(joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(7)) # Button 8 diagnostics.watch(joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(8)) # Button 9 diagnostics.watch(joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(9)) # Button 10 diagnostics.watch(joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(10)) # Button 11 diagnostics.watch(joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(11)) # Button 12 diagnostics.watch(joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(12)) # Button 13 diagnostics.watch(joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(13)) # Button 14 diagnostics.watch(joystick[THROTTLE_ID].getDown(14))