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Everything posted by Savage_Donkey

  1. Savage_Donkey

    Bushlurker's Carraigdubh Terrain

    I'll see what I can do.
  2. Which pbo do I need to delete to get rid of the binocular replacement that changes the view and disables zooming?
  3. If you view the animation in the animation viewer, does it work? There are a couple of animations in the mod that don't work and will just make the unit ragdoll/freeze.
  4. Is p1 the name of the unit in which you placed the code? Probably not, so you should use this switchMove "animationhere"; or this playMove "animationhere"; I have no idea where you got that second piece of code, but that would never work in a unit's init because it would be putting a local variable (_this) in a global space, which isn't allowed in the editor.
  5. Savage_Donkey

    1-2 FPS since update

    Are you sure that the game is detecting your graphics card? I know some other people had problems with the game selecting integrated graphics for whatever reason.
  6. Savage_Donkey

    3den Enhanced

    You can always use this switchMove "nameofanimationhere"; or this playMove "nameofanimationhere"; in the init of the unit to make it play the animation. You can find animation names through the animations viewer.
  7. Savage_Donkey

    About radio protocols

    Have you changed your profile settings? I think you can set the voice in there to whichever one you need. That'd explain why you speak a different language than your troops.
  8. Savage_Donkey

    How to unbinarize an sqm file?

    You can get the sqm back using the editor: 1) Open the editor 2) Select the merge option 3) Merge the mission you want to recover the sqm from 4) Save the mission and uncheck binarize scenario file I don't know how you would do it without the editor (CfgConvert?). EDIT: Didn't notice what forum this was in until now. This probably won't work in games other than Arma 3.
  9. Savage_Donkey

    How to turn off auto-saving in Eden editor?

    That might be the new bug with the UI that was introduced with 1.68. Try changing your UI size to small or large, then change it back and that should fix the problem temporarily.
  10. Savage_Donkey

    Iraqi-Syrian Conflict

    You are aware that Massi's stuff hasn't been updated since 1.58...right?
  11. Savage_Donkey

    Bushlurker's Carraigdubh Terrain

    Thanks foxhound!
  12. Savage_Donkey

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Well, there's also the EDEN objects addon. It isn't all civilian objects, but it'll certainly add immersion.
  13. Savage_Donkey

    Bushlurker's Carraigdubh Terrain

    Yeah, that's one of the issues I don't think I can fix without the source files. Originally, Bushlurker had 2 pond objects, snappond25 and snappond50 located on the map. However, they caused tons of visual errors like textures disappearing and other weird artifacts. I deleted those objects to prevent those glitches from happening, but the map will still try to load them. I'm considering replacing them with a small object.
  14. Savage_Donkey

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Well, this should've gone in the addon request thread, but there are a couple of options. AI Civilians: What region? RDS Civilian pack fulfills the need for a eastern Europe/Russia theme, Project Opfor is good for the middle east, Vanilla civilians for Mediterranean. AI automatic stuff: TPW mods can help with that. It probably won't be everything, but it's a good start. City Props: PLP Urban pack, PLP containers, PLP Beach objects, CUP Terrains Full
  15. Savage_Donkey

    Enhanced Visuals

    Yes! My favorite laser mod is back!
  16. Savage_Donkey

    RHSSAF and Zeus

    You should've asked this on the main rhs thread, no need to post a new one in the wrong forum.
  17. Savage_Donkey

    AI Statistics

    Well first of all, there's no need for that kind of language. In regards to your other point, there are several ai mods for arma 3. Vcom, Vcom driving, ASR, bCombat, AISS, AISS2. Personally I use ASR+bCombat along with Vcom driving. The ai drive better, use smoke, and are better at finding cover. However, I can't say which one is best as it is all a personal preference.
  18. Savage_Donkey

    Dedicated Server "Out of memory"

    Well, a quick google/forum search would have gotten you this:
  19. Savage_Donkey

    Dedicated Server "Out of memory"

    Have you tried asking in the TFAR thread?
  20. Savage_Donkey

    AI Statistics

    First of all, what ai mod are you using? (You'd probably find a faster/better answer on that mod's thread). Second, what do you mean by statistics? Like a debug console or something that displays your skill levels on the screen?
  21. You can use the config editor to view the configs. Open the eden editor, go to the tools tab, and the config editor should be in there. From that, you can look up the config files of anything, and that's how you'd find that, probably. You could try referencing the location and see if that works, I can't think of why it wouldn't. anyway, /offtopic
  22. I'm not too knowledgeable on the subject, but I guess you could. But how would you know they were in that location without opening the file?
  23. No. You cannot open .ebos, as the special extension is meant to protect the contents through encryption.
  24. Savage_Donkey

    Where is the Original ArmA2 Medical Tent?

    It's under Structures Miscellanous (CUP) -> Military -> Field Hospital.