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Posts posted by Lucullus

  1. Give your playable units a variable name such as: P01.
    Replace "player" with the "P01" and you have the solution.
    The server doesn´t know player but P01.

    {_x in H1} count (units group P01) == {alive _x} count (units group P01);

    Player is a command that points to an object and works only on clients or client-server, not on dedicated-server.


    It would be better to give the different groups a name, for example: G01.


    Edit: ... and welcome to the Arma MP Universe, there are a lot of stumbling blocks left ...

    • Thanks 1

  2. For vehicles you could do it like this:

    tag_fnc_used_mags =
    {	_mags = magazinesAllTurrets _this;
    	private _used_mags = [];
    	{	_x params ["_mag","_turret","_count"];
    		if (getNumber (configfile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _mag >> "count") > _count) then
    		{	_used_mags pushBack _mag
    	} forEach _mags;

    Call e.g. with: vehicle player call tag_fnc_used_mags

    Spits out an array of used magazines.

    So many ways to do something...


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  3. I had done this last year:

    tag_fnc_PylonArray =
    {	// predefine the return value
    	private _returnArray = [];
    	// read all existing magazines in the pylons
    	_arrPylonMagazines = getPylonMagazines _this;
    	// create the return array using the config
    	{	_returnArray pushback
    		[	// pylon name
    			// pylon magazine
    			_arrPylonMagazines select _forEachIndex,
    			// amount of ammunition
    			_this ammoOnPylon _x
    	} forEach ("true" configClasses (configFile>>"CfgVehicles">>typeOf _this>>"Components">>"TransportPylonsComponent">>"pylons") apply {configName _x});

    Call e.g. with: vehicle player call tag_fnc_PylonArray;

    The function gives you e.g. the following array back:

    [	["Pylons1","PylonRack_1Rnd_Missile_AA_04_F",1],

    [ ["pylon name","pylon magazine",amount of ammunition], ...]

    With the help of the array you can quickly see which ammunition needs to be filled up.


    • Like 1

  4. Maybe, but you can try the difference.


    From my ArmaArcade mission onPlayerKilled.sqf:

    params ["_oldUnit","_killer"];
    _load = getUnitLoadout _oldUnit;
    // a few more lines...
    {	sleep 0.1;
    	!isNull player
    player setUnitLoadout [_load,false];


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    • Thanks 1