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About bramhaag

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  1. bramhaag

    Feedback Thread

    I've played about 2-3 hours of Argo now, but I can't play it in a long session, it just gets repetitive and boring. The thought "What is the point of this game?" has come across my mind serveral times. When playing competitive games such as CS:GO (or any othercompetitve shooter) the goal is basically to rank up, to become the highest rank, to be the best. That's why I keep playing, because I want to rank up and be the best. As far as I know a ranking system (or anything which motivates you to keep playing the game such as unlocking items) isn't available. I'd like to see that change, so that you actually feel fulfilled after playing this game for a long time. If any kind of ranking system get's added, I'd love matchmaking based on your rank, since in my opinion playing against players who are about as good as you are is fun. I'd also love to see a party system, so that you can queue up with your (Steam) friends. The party 'leader' can decide to join a server, and everybody in the party will join that server as well. My last complaint is about the white text appearing in the bottom of your screen, the font looks really odd (same goes for Arma 3). I'd love to see a different font instead of the font currently used.