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Posts posted by BBada

  1. My take on Project Argo.


    Project Argo in its current state is far from a competitive shooter and here are some of the reasons why. 



    First the movement, you feel like you are stuck in mud with clumsy movement and fatigue. Fatigue has no place in a competitive shooter instead they should make it so each class/loadout have different speeds, like the heavy machine gunner class should be slower overall than the other classes in the game. This includes switching weapons, reloading, running etc.


    You can't jump! Jumping has been heavily debated in comp shooters and has taken years for other shooters to get it right like Counter Strike.  Argo needs a jump function, nothing too crazy like Quake live but we need to be able to jump over obstacles.



    The controls are way to complicated for a competitive shooter, too many stances and controls that have been adopted from Arma 3. Arma 3 is a military simulator the total opposite to a FPS competitive shooter, the controls need a total re-work.



    The map needs a total re-work too. I could go on for hours about this because the maps in its current state is terrible for a comp shooter. Way too many hiding places, if people can hide in every house, bush and obstacle on the map then you are taking skill out of the game because its not very hard to just camp in a bush. Overall the map needs to be more tidy.


    The map objects are terrible atm, you get stuck on everything, clipping into objects and walls only to find yourself stuck spamming prone and crouch to get yourself free . Some objects around the map it looks like you can shoot over them only to find out when you shoot that your bullets are hitting an invisible wall when trying to shoot over objects. 



    Comp shooters don't need slow fancy animations when switching weapons and changing stances. We need fast smooth animations for movement and weapon switching.



    Sound system again has been adopted from Arma 3, gun sounds are so loud compered to movement sounds. You turn your game sound up to hear movement from other players only to find that you go def because weapons sounds are incredibly loud.



    Either have a scoreboard or remove it. Getting a penalty in-game for checking the scoreboard to often is absurd. I check the scoreboard to see how many players are still alive not to check my KD. 


    Health bar:

    Can we get a health bar like most other comp shooters? Hearing huffing and puffing because your hurt is just annoying.


    Game engine:

    Get a new one. The Arma 3 engine is again made for a mil sim game where fps drops, lag, hit detection and desync don't really matter. Its does matter when playing a comp FPS game, its like playing soccer with an oval ball... Remember this is what killed the comp scene in battlefield along with slow fancy animations.


    The Scene:

    To get good feedback for this game you need to get comp FPS players from other comp shooters to try the game out and give feedback. This does not include players like Frankieonapc and players like that, Im talking about real pro players that actually compete in FPS games.

    There is no comp scene in Arma and I see its Arma players that are playing Argo and giving feedback. Invite pro teams from other games to test and help develop Argo. 




    ATM Argo feels like a mil sim game with comp FPS game modes. Its slow clumsy game play with lag, desync, poor hit detection, too many bad habits its picked up from the Arma 3 engine and mil sim type game play. Don't get me wrong tho this game has potential to be a great comp FPS game but needs a lot of work.

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