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Posts posted by Caites

  1. 24 minutes ago, MuRaZorWitchKING said:

    Firstly, the plane that is severely low on fuel can and with patience can be flown to a nearby airport/hanger if you throttle down to about 38-45% throttle to conserve fuel (or the lowest percentage where flight still is stable) you can land it, just takes patience.

    I just switched it to auto-landing from the first moment I got control over plane and it successfully landed in middle of the airport. mb its not the safest starting point for a new character but hey, that way I have working plane with built-in map and First Aid with zero efforts, not sure if its good balance wise. just a humble opinion tho.


    24 minutes ago, MuRaZorWitchKING said:

    The visual filter, is on, I can release a quick patch update to disable the feature.

     looking forward to it, my eyes would be most grateful!


    24 minutes ago, MuRaZorWitchKING said:

    Enemy AI are completely unpredictable in ravage, sometimes they will wait for you outside if they get a chance, other times they will creep into the building you are in searching every room for you. And sometimes they will in fact just leave as they either don't see you as a threat or are more concerned on moving on. 

    got it, I have been asking haleks about that behavoir many times last 2 years, guess nothing rly can be done about that D:



    • Like 1

  2. I've tried The Broken, almost everything works fine. idea about plane with low fuel is just brilliant (tho i guess it shouldn't  be enough of it to safely reach airport with auto-landing).


    couple more questions:

    1) is there way to remove that visual filter from native ravage (I remember there was such an option thru radio interface, don't see it now). its ok on greener maps, but on winter altis its just killing my eyes :(

    2) is The Broken compatible with fuel consumption mods like [FOX] Fuel?

    3) can not force enemy AI to enter building, they just wait outside and after some time leave the area. meanwhile zeds always follow me inside and have no issues with stairs and doors. is that how it supposed to be?


    • Like 1

  3. 20 hours ago, MuRaZorWitchKING said:

    Yes, that is correct. Although that one doesn’t really have a story, just survival. 


    thx I've tried The Broken, almost everything works fine. idea about plane with low fuel is just brilliant (tho i guess it shouldn't  be enough of it to safely reach airport with auto-landing).


    couple more questions:

    1) is there way to remove that visual filter from native ravage (I remember there was such an option thru radio interface, don't see it now). its ok on greener maps, but on winter altis its just killing my eyes :(

    2) is The Broken compatible with fuel consumption mods like [FOX] Fuel?

    3) can not force enemy AI to enter building, they just wait outside and after some time leave the area. meanwhile zeds always follow me inside and have no issues with stairs and doors. is that how it supposed to be?



  4. 1 hour ago, MuRaZorWitchKING said:

    I actually have three Scenarios using your scripts, and all three are also Ravage based.


    ”The Burning Rain” based 35 years after the apocalypse in CHR REDUX map: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1431963030


    ”Not Alone” a 4P COOP Ravage experience based off “The Burning Rain”: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1446397227


    And lastly “The Broken” my Scenario following the story of “The Burning Rain”: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1491990072



    Welcome back @Vandeanson!! I’m still using the bandit camp, and dynamic ship spawner scripts for the moment, looking into possibly updating again and adding in Jboy dog script! 


    Cheers! And Happy New year to ya! 




    ty for your work, features list looks amazing. how hard it would be for someone like me who totally unfamiliar with modding tools to move Burning Rain to altis or stratis (I just cant stand cherno anymore lol)?

  5. 4 hours ago, Vandeanson said:



    thank you and welcome back to arma/ravage;)

    @MuRaZorWitchKING has a mission for you i believe. also there is a ravage steam group where missions are listed if i remember correctly.


    @all please post any mission you know about or have created here;)


    i general i would however encourage you to create a basic mission template with ravage and my scripts by yourself. ravage has very easy to use eden editor modules and my scripts can just be pasted into the mission folder.

    this way you can customize the mission to your liking. there are a lot of good videos on youtube on how to create arma and even ravage mission. and if u struggle, everyone on the ravage bi forum thread will be happy to help you, including myself;)


    ty for an answer, I will check out this murazor's mission. one more question tho - I used to play ravage with third-party AI mods (like bCombat and VCOM) cos vanilla hostiles are a bit straightforward to my taste. do those mods compatible with your scripts? also my main balance issue year ago was inability of AI hostiles to enter building. I wonder if smth have changed since then, for both your spawn sites and vanilla buildings.

  6. 41 minutes ago, FireWalker said:


    11 minutes ago, gaverio said:

    This one is really great. Besides bandits, renegades and zombies, you also have a dog, a buddy and a wife


    The Road to Outpost 13


    ty, I will try both, tho I guess that is not what I'm looking for. I don't care about story or objectives, pure sandbox is totally fine by me, problem is there is only one difficulty spike in the mission - at the very beginning. as soon as u recruit one survivor and get first car and some pills (with some luck its a matter of hour) surviving is over, u can face any enemy and visit any place safely. so I thought mb someone enhanced vanilla Ravage with more threats like military bases, air forces, bandit camps, heavy patrols - that kind of things.

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  7. guys, could u advise me any Ravage mission, that has some mid to endgame content like bandit bases, military forces etc? smth more challenging than road patrol. also up-to-date, old stuff like ROADS wont work with 1.46 I suppose.


    and a little offtopic - I was not tracking AI mods for a while - is there AI mod that can utilize buildings now? pretty much all warfare in Ravage is urban, its so painful to see AI not entering buildings at all.

  8. 20 hours ago, TriggerHappyDodger said:

    No problem, have fun! ;)


    And to clarify:


    Bluefor = you fight as FIA rebels vs AFRF (Armed Forces of the Russian Federation) with NATO support (USAF).

    Greenfor = you fight as FIA rebels vs USAF (United States Armed Forces) with VMF support (AFRF).

    (If you are running RHS AFRF + USAF + GREF mods)


    ty! btw, does AI use RHS stuff too?


    and one more question - is there feature to collect items from dead bodies to car nearby now? AFAIR that was most tedious part of Antistasi and no way to avoid it if you want to get access to all tools and weapons for your soldiers.

  9. Hey guys!

    I wasn't playing Antistasi for a very long time and would like to play good old Altis map again (love it way more than Tanoa). Here is the questsion - is Altis version still outdated comparing to Tanoa? Is there way to implement Tanoa features to Altis?

    ty and pardon me if i missed answer to that question in this topic!


    P.S. What AI bots are the best for Antistasi right now? I have used to bCombat, but heard ASR AI now works with buildings more or less efficiently. Share your experience please.


  10. played a bit. works flawless, no bugs or strange behavior, but I'm rly tired of Cherno so guess I will give a try later on Altis or Tanoa.


    heh that would be awesome to see united survival SP project with haleks and others some day, smth big and full of content, with integrated AI mod, variety of zombies etc but I guess its just another impossible dream :)



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  11. 4 minutes ago, R0adki11 said:

    I assume you have met the armed jeep patrols yet?


    yep. they could be a threat if not awful AI, sometimes passengers don't even disembark, just waiting for death inside. same for the heli btw, when its landed, crew is not always trying to attack.


    guess only static encampment with seriously armed perimeter could be a real threat for a player in late game.

  12. love the idea. the only thing that Ravage lacks is the end-game content, some threat u cant deal with until u get mid-game stuff like vehicle with machine gun and gunner or heli and a lot of ammo.


    tho that will be a performance hit considering static nature of those military spots I guess.


    regarding Stalker - also that would be amazing to see mod with some kind of competition with AI bots, where both u and bots should survive in equal conditions, but heh I suppose it is hardly possible in ArmA environment.

  13. 12 hours ago, haleks said:

    BIS recently overhauled the AI driving; I suggest you try without AI mods first.

    I never felt the need to use AI total modifications while playing Ravage - infantry does fare well in small numbers, most of the time.


    The only addon I use is ace_ai : it's a light mod that tweaks configs only.

    tbh without AI mods its a shooting gallery, AI bandits will take a knee at best, no flanking, no suppression. also without burst fire they dying to zeds way too fast.

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  14. 2 minutes ago, Caluu66x said:

    bCombat works wonderful still with this, its wht i am using!! :D

    yeah I love how AI is flanking and looking for cover, but afair bCombat does not work with buildings at all and has no proper driving module. maybe someone has Ravage experience with new versions of VCOM or ASR or scripts of some kind?
