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Ray Solar

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About Ray Solar

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    Private First Class

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  1. Ray Solar

    LOD Discussion

    it is the broken lods that are causing the stuttering and hitches. You can clearly see when a lod changes happen it has a little stutter. Devs the lod system is broken and needs a rethink.
  2. Ray Solar

    LOD Discussion

    it is the broken lods that are causing the stuttering and hitches. You can clearly see when a lod changes happen it has a little stutter. Devs the lod system is broken and needs a rethink.
  3. Ray Solar

    LOD Discussion

    it is the broken lods that are causing the stuttering and hitches. You can clearly see when a lod changes happen it has a little stutter. Devs the lod system is broken and needs a rethink.
  4. Ray Solar

    LOD Discussion

    The LODs have always been bad in Arma but since Apex they are broken totally. It does need looking into and fixing as it is not just grasses, its the trees, buildings and rocks now. Im going to try and put a video together of the issues. Arma has gone back to Alpha tech demo not a released game.
  5. It would be a big help if the video settings window could be moveable so i can move it off to one side and alter settings more on the fly rather than having to either minimise it down or go back into game to see the results. Some of the other windows in game are.
  6. Ray Solar

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    Personaly if they would fix the LOD issues and memory leaks that would do for me. Im not ever expecting higher fps as the game is cpu dependant and mainly is all done on one core. My 1080 usage sits between 35-55 most of the time and the temps stay very low too not much more than idle temps. I will be honest and say I will not buy any more DLC for arma 3 as i feel like i am just funding the creation of the new engine. I too respect the devs to keep on working on Arma 3 but there are clear large issues regarding LODS and fps spike drops. Tanoa is just a step too far for the engine to cope with even before using any AI. 64bit should be helping wirh stability but for Tanoa and LODs of all maps its not. Even the games own missions like Armed assault are running worse and have larger fos drops now once the AI reacts. it would be intersting to see why the map proving ground runs flawlessly without a single grass lod changing.
  7. Ray Solar

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    I understand that many play games on pc's at under 60 fps, many are fine with that. I understand that the cost of pc's means we cant all afford a nasa super computer but the reality is that 60fps is the minimum norm for pc gaming. If the pc you have struggles getting 60fps on other games then really Arma is never going to be viable in your pc. The issues are that when the game drops from 130fps down to 35fps on Tanoa without any AI on the map then there is something not right with the engine. i am using a gsync monitor so when i get these high fps drops it is very noticble. It doesnt take a full squad of AI to bring the game to a slide show. A couple of heli on Tanoa does it. I do find such low fps unplayable and the hitches and broken lods now which are all over the screen on the landscape are unacceptable. Even on the parts of the landscapes where i get very high fps the constant lod switching of trees, grass, rocks and buildings makes it look like an alpha game or a early tech demo. The game did not have such bad lod switching before. Yes grass had issuesveven back in arma 2 but never like this. This is the only game I have that does not stay above 75fps im usually up in the 100's 30fps is not ok for a pc game if people are ok playing like that then that is their right but game makers should not be ok with leaving it like that. Tanoa needs fixing and the lod system needs fixing as I can not beleive Apex was released and Tanoa without a working lod system. Why is any more DLC being developed if the engine is not at a state to use it? i used to play arma 2 alot and had great online games with decent fps and no rubber banding after they fixed it. I dont play online at all on arma 3 due to the poor performance on any server.
  8. Ray Solar

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    With no AI I just can't keep Tanoa over 60fps no matter the settings, even dropping objects to all the way down. fly over a major town and it drops to 35-50. Simply not playable. Put AI in and its just not worth it.
  9. Ray Solar

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    Yeah it makes no difference the same amount of pop and change happens. Mine is set at ultra at the moment. The trees will change around 4-5 times right underneath you, rocks do the same. Its all just broken. Certain of the lods actually flicker too. Mainly on the trees.
  10. Ray Solar

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    I am on a fast SSD too and still get the stutters constantly in Tanoa, it is not as bad as it was if I put it on a normal Drive. Stutters like that are normally due to streaming issues of textures, or assets. The engine is just being crippled by the LODs and everything trying to stream in. Pre Apex nothing like that happened. basically the more complex the maps are the worse all the LOD problems get, and the streaming of items becomes an issue. Sad thing is this is all without any AI which is the whole point of the game. A mil sim is pretty useless if it just become a broken landscape and fog simulator. There is no way you can have fire fights with fps as low as 35-50 and be precise and have enough landscape in view to be immersive.
  11. Ray Solar

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    Go to George town on Tanoa without any AI and look at the fps no matter the view distance. That's also where the broken building lods are too. The apartment blocks with the red stripes. all of them at some point when facing certain ways will cause the lods to go blurred. 100% repeatable in the same places. Move closer to them with the camera or with your character . The small single story blue building that is copy and pasted all over the entire map just with different posters on it also has LOD change issues. Its the one with the ION security services poster on it. Once you see one broken LOD you start noticing them all over the map. Building after building will change in some way when you move around the map. They will do it at exactly the same point too. The changes are far to close to the camera, the worst of any game I have seen. Fly over Tanoa in a helicopter and watch every tree's lod change constantly back and forth right underneath you totally change shape constantly. The whole LOD system is broken and has been since Apex.
  12. Ray Solar

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    I understand it is not going to increase fps but it should stabilise it and allow you to use a higher view distance, but on Tanoa it is not stabilising the fps at all. The map still has the stutters and hitches and I still have to set the view down at 1000 or under. There are huge drops in fps in certain places on Tanoa even when nothing much is on the screen. 4000 on other maps, 1000 and below on Tanoa that is a big difference and that's not even with any AI in at all. It is interesting that on the map proving ground there is zero grass lod pop or changes in the lod's. I have gone over and over the map spinning the camera fast first person and third person. The grass is totally stable no changes in the lods at all. Put the other maps on and they are horrid. Constant lod changes all over the screen of the grasses.
  13. Ray Solar

    LOD Discussion

    Since Apex the game has many LOD issues, from textures, buildings, grass and scrub pop and change. The game always had some level of pop in and lod levels changing but they are so much worse now. Buildings will swap to low level lods when you move closer to them and then snap back to high. Some lods will flicker causing buildings to flicker or trees. My biggest problem is the grass and scrub lod changes constantly all around you. It just looks broken. The grass change shape constantly, the shadows go in and out, the quality of the lods never gets any better they just change shape really. They could just stick to one slightly lower state LOD and no one would mind if it meant there was not the constant changing under your feet and it may improve performance.
  14. Ray Solar

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    64bit has not helped at all on view distance on the Tanoa map or object distance. Using the CUP maps the 64bit has made a large difference allowing me to boost view distance up to 4000 and even boosting sampling up to 125-130 even 150 is still giving me high fps apart from in large towns. I have everything set at ultra apart from PIP which I have off as it always has halved the fps. Chenarus looks so good with the views up higher and is silky smooth with no stutters like the newer maps especially Tanoa has. Tanoa crashes the game a lot with memory reference issues or reading issues even just in the editor flying around with the camera. The texture streaming on Tanoa can be very slow cause large areas to be blurred for a while until the texture pops in.
  15. A better system of AI changing states may be of help to the game which I talked about earlier. Too many change of states at the same time must be bottlenecking the game engine in some way. So when a group of AI become aware of you and it triggers the run for cover or start shooting states all of them seem to react together at the same time, maybe a more realistic way would be for say one to spot you and then they are triggered first, then the others are triggered after one another as though they are letting each other know what is going on. Yes all of them would hear say a gunshot at the same time but maybe even just staggering the trigger states more might help the game engine out and cut down some lags.