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Everything posted by Spatsiba

  1. Just simple config. Unpack his mod and see what he did(that wasn't me saying that and everyone that claim that I did are hallucinating)
  2. Don't forget to add "this && count (crew _ural) >0" if you want it to be like op4 in this area AND ural having 1+ occupants.
  3. I know which is why I asked if there's a way to only use towing + custom features without editing his work.
  4. Spatsiba


    I loved your A2 birds. Good luck with this I hope to fly them soon! :)
  5. That's a completely different mod and even if it'd work it doesn't have the emergency towing rope etc. thanks though.
  6. Is there any easy way to only use the towing and nothing else?
  7. Has anyone found a fix for dropping weapons causing your character to do the animation? The only fix I've found so far is to remove every attachment before dropping a gun which defeats the purpose of doing so..
  8. Spatsiba

    Gear Functions

    I know there was an animation for this. Before in the Alpha days (IIRC) when using binos you'd sling your rifle on your chest. Still pissed off they removed that!! :( Could we also get an option to sling to chest? I've made a script for that already but not as fancy as this. The helmet fly off when entering vehicles and it works with every kind of headgear and is very desynci. Also not working with ACE3 so would really like that addition.
  9. Is there a way to add Duke Antennas etc? The RHS vehicles has them as well as quite a few mods.
  10. Great map. Now all we need is old beat up equipment, a winter version, shitty tent, heater that some idiot will fall asleep guarding and you can get the ultimate Finish 18th birthday experience!