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Everything posted by Spatsiba

  1. Spatsiba

    Rope Create not working?

    Are you trying to make the ropes pick up a pod or are you just trying to keep them static? Are you trying to sling the pod upwards or just having it at a set height?
  2. Setup an IF statement to check if client is running tfar then place the required modules locally? I don't know it this will work just a guess. Think it at least might help you come closer to a solution.
  3. Spatsiba

    Looking to start a Range Facility project

    IIRC: You got these types of targets already made for BI games. There was a generic western tank plywood target in ArmA2 similar to a lepard 2. You also have a few other type of targets I believe. I'd love to either help out or be able to see the process of this since I'm very interested in something similar. Used to have a firing range, close quarter training and obstacle course for ArmA2 which actually helped you get better at the game but also turned the rivalry between players without an instant winner (the guy who eliminated the threat first) but rather kept on going for a while with more of a competition feeling to it.
  4. Spatsiba

    Hot Air Balloon

    Holy shit dude! This is fucking great. Just did a mission where a HVT is escaping by a gaz vhola just to jump into a baloon and sail into the horizon. If you like doing this stuff I think a Observation Baloon would be great. (REFERENCE:)
  5. Spatsiba

    Knock People Unconscious

    But why would you use this instead of restrain when both are painfully hard to use? I had 2 fireteams run after one civilian for 2 minutes chasing him to the point where the second squad overwatching them laughed too muhch to even continiue the mission. Solved it with a little keybind. Key word here is keybind. Would recomend you added one to your mod as well :) Still love it thanks to the sound effect. Use it to hit one kid in our group who always cock up the easiest tasks.
  6. Spatsiba

    Advanced Towing

    Could you ask the guy that included this in the R3F honour mod to add the different lenghts and emergency towing rope?
  7. Spatsiba

    Arma 3 Working Horse Mod - WIP

    Someone ported dbo horse (IIRC, could be original or something else) and it didn't exactly go well. One version had spinning legs (wheel animation) the other had unsynced and flying legs (Dog animation). Just search up DBO port ArmA3 or something.
  8. Spatsiba

    Arma 3 Working Horse Mod - WIP

    If you do make a horse you should definitely release it as a standalone since a lot of people have been waiting for a good one ever since that one horrible mod I won't mention by name. Different versions would be nice too, Good luck!
  9. There are dozens of MIddle Eastern Islands as well as Asian ones that could pass for MIddle Eastern ones!! You have loads of Iraqi and Afghani islands as well as a some North African ones that might as well be middle eastern too.
  10. I only have one question. Why the Army and not the Marines?
  11. Spatsiba

    Bingo Fuel is impossible?

    The mission sucks in general and I remember replaying as many times as clean sweep, just not for the same reasons.
  12. I have a group that plays as Russians, Taliban and the "enemy" quite often. Not in EST. If you ever need OP4 a bit earlier let me know. We're on around 1600-2400 GMT.
  13. Spatsiba

    Switching/traveling between server

    With a mod this would be possible. Just add an external link that starts the game and joins the server and have the mod bypass everything else or if you're feeling like dying before you fin the mod do it someway else.
  14. Spatsiba

    Invade and Annex (Tanoa vs Other)

    Please make it Russian. Add Spetznas and shit like that. You never play as those guys not even on Ruskie servers so it'd be great. Every game is the same. US killing Russians and Terrorists. Maybe we can play as Russians for once? (This is coming from someone who lives where the goverment literally trains everyone to kill Russians so you know no bias just really want something new)
  15. Spatsiba

    Noob needs help setting up MP

    Windows firewall needs to be opened for the ports you're using 99% of the time as well as port forwarding any router or physical firewall you have. Antivirus could interefere. Search this up next time there's no way you can't find this out.
  16. Asking for updates is considered as spam. I don't have any problems with the SATCOM. What other mods are you using? What are you doing when deplyoing it?
  17. This question is so flawed. I think you're trying to ask "Would you ever buy a BIstudio game again?". Not "Would you buy any game made by bohemia interactive like you used to do sometime in the past". No I wouldn't buy any game. Yes I'd buy every ArmA game. Hopefully they just return to the A2 style and skip the whole A3 style in A4.
  18. This question is so flawed. I think you're trying to ask "Would you ever buy a BIstudio game again?". Not "Would you buy any game made by bohemia interactive like you used to do sometime in the past". No I wouldn't buy any game. Yes I'd buy every ArmA game. Hopefully they just return to the A2 style and skip the whole A3 style in A4.
  19. Is there a way to use the filter backwards? I'd like to filter out the Life, Exile, Wasteland server etc. All the cancer, you know?
  20. Spatsiba

    Filter Out Servers

    Thank you. Seriously I can finally load mission and coop maps without having to filter through what equals cancer but for ArmA. No more zombies, kids as police officers or sims simulator.
  21. Spatsiba

    Filter Out Servers

    Thanks! Would it work in-game as well? I never use the A3 launcher always launch the game then go into servers. For some reason only 1/5th of all servers will show up at the same time if even that and none ever show up in the launcher. It's my ISP being stupid blocking Steam MP. Even blacklisted a few servers already.. :/
  22. Spatsiba

    Project Infinite v1.0

    Love the RK-95 looks. Are you going to do different versions? Squad Leader, Marksman, Folded etc? Would be badass with a custom animation to fold the stock as well as a rk-62/75 as well. Most Finnish people probably never got a 95 but a 62. Still hoping there'll be a good FDF mod coming out. Maybe for ArmA4 :(
  23. Holy shit thanks for this! Great idea. Try getting it into CBA?
  24. Spatsiba

    Filter Out Servers

    It is really fucking extremly needed. Don't want dayz, exile, wasteland, life, koth etc..