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Everything posted by _leech

  1. _leech

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Bis could learn something from that cam-shake in this vid (especially at landing): (landing at 4:54)
  2. the laws of war dlc has body bags
  3. _leech

    Good sitting animation

    oh i thought this was arma 3 my bad
  4. _leech

    Good sitting animation

    you could just use acex sitting: place acex sitting module on map name chair e.g. chair1 put "this spawn { sleep 1; [chair1, _this] call acex_sitting_fnc_sit; }; this disableAI "MOVE";" in init of unit you want to spawn sitting on chair or just interact with acex on chair to sit
  5. I also have disappearing particles in 32-bit but not as many. I don't understand why this is. Guess i will use 32-bit untill this get fixed.
  6. The good news is that it should be possible to fix. I also have this problem.
  7. weird i was just thinking of suggesting this yesterday exactly:
  8. _leech

    Laws of War DLC Feedback

    Gassing/knocking hostiles out would still be more realistic than blasting them with 12.7mm or the 40mm GMG.
  9. _leech

    XENO - Taru Pod Mod

    Awesome. Just cool that you can add the small container at least. Can't wait for the new update.
  10. _leech

    Laws of War DLC Feedback

  11. _leech

    XENO - Taru Pod Mod

    Yeah i know.... Would be really cool if you could do that!
  12. _leech

    Laws of War DLC Feedback

    Seems really awesome so far. Been fooling around with the van (which is awesome) and i've had a few physics problems related to explosions that i'm sure that you're already aware of but i'm gonna post them here anyways. Includes: floating, bouncing very high into the sky (even though vehicle is only burning and then explodes), and falling through ground when tipped over:
  13. _leech

    XENO - Taru Pod Mod

    @norx_aengell Awesome! I hope so :) Also, there might be a new job coming for you with the upcoming laws of war dlc if you're interested. The delivery drone can't seem to detach it's delivery box (just like the helicopers dlc pods) so maybe you could make that possible if you would be interested. You seem to know how it works anyways....
  14. The Guardium I think there are already 3d models made btw that can be found on the web.
  15. _leech

    disable ambient sounds?

    @das attorney already tried enableEnvironment [false, true]; which didn't work but i will try the others later
  16. _leech

    disable ambient sounds?

    old thread, but enableEnvironment false; disabled wind too. how do disable sounds for insects / birds but keep the wind sounds?
  17. I just copied your instructions to the init.sqf with nothing else in it.
  18. Looks beauty indeed, but am i the only one who gets this? https://image.prntscr.com/image/luGu2IL1Q0CVLKhXHpZsbw.jpg
  19. _leech

    ASOR Roleplay Objects

    Love it, but i get this error: https://image.prntscr.com/image/7D-q7bSVSVSXR8IqLWYI8w.jpg
  20. Don't work for me https://prnt.sc/fwlx3s
  21. _leech

    Ragdoll Physics Plus+ v1.0

    Amazing job. Finally goodbye to this hell.. and with the mod: btw these guys are all shot from surrender/handcuffed positions which often causes bended knees.
  22. _leech

    [Release] SleepingAI

    I get this error. Also, the download link is dead.