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Nicolai Lorenzen

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Everything posted by Nicolai Lorenzen

  1. Nicolai Lorenzen


    This mod is basically the addon i've been looking for for quite some time! I'm running rpg zeus mission (rpg lite, story driven apocalypse missions in ChernobylZone map) I'm interested in the radiation, the zombies, the geiger counter and all that jazz. But I do not want the loot system (and it doesn't work on ChernobylZone as well I reckon), so is there any way to give my players the gas masks, the geiger and supplies for drinks and food manually or by placing them in the world via mission maker, or even better, zeus? All looks cool - hope i can get everything to work EDIT: i see now that there seems to be a compatibility issue with ACE3... damn seems i can get no dmg from either Ryans zombies or Ravage with ace on - And ACE is quite important for my missions. Any workarounds? ----- mods used: ChernobylZone CBA CUP, units, weapons, vehicles ACE3 TFAR Ravage Enhanced movement Zombies and Demons (ryans)
  2. Ok i've come this far. I can run ace, cba and mcc alongside eachother UNLESS I check the "survival" option in mcc (the one I REALLY wanna use) - then all goes south, meaning that ace radial goes away, and keybinds in ace are gone. Any takers for this particular cunundrum?
  3. How did you get ACE and MCC to launch properly - have to do anything else than enable them via launcher under "mods"? the CTD - is that consistent, or just random? because Arma somethimes just makes that error for no aparent reason - and goes away randomly.
  4. I've been googling far an wide, and trawling forums, but can't seem to get any clues anywhere. So I'll try here - correct me if I'm doing something wrong. I have read through some of the compatabilieties for MCC and it should integrate with ACE3. If I load them seperately they work fine, but if I load them both, MCC blocks ACE out. That is - I can still get the "ace option" up in the left corner, but can't do anything there - moreso I can't change keybinds etc. Is there anyone who knows if I can run those two mods, and what I have to do to make it work?