This mod is basically the addon i've been looking for for quite some time!
I'm running rpg zeus mission (rpg lite, story driven apocalypse missions in ChernobylZone map)
I'm interested in the radiation, the zombies, the geiger counter and all that jazz. But I do not want the loot system (and it doesn't work on ChernobylZone as well I reckon), so is there any way to give my players the gas masks, the geiger and supplies for drinks and food manually or by placing them in the world via mission maker, or even better, zeus?
All looks cool - hope i can get everything to work
EDIT: i see now that there seems to be a compatibility issue with ACE3... damn seems i can get no dmg from either Ryans zombies or Ravage with ace on - And ACE is quite important for my missions. Any workarounds?
mods used:
CUP, units, weapons, vehicles
Enhanced movement
Zombies and Demons (ryans)