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Nicolai Lorenzen

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Everything posted by Nicolai Lorenzen

  1. Nicolai Lorenzen


    So. I have now succesfully intalled on my server: CBA Ravage Cups vehicles, weapons, units ACE3 Enhanced movement It works. Its cool. But I like the repair section in ravage over ACE, but even if I do not place down the "repair module" in ACE it still overwrites Ravage... Any suggestions on how to fix that part?
  2. Nicolai Lorenzen


    So basically if i need to "deliver" a geiger as sure loot to my players I should create a loadout on a soldier - and kill him for them to loot? (or spawn the box)
  3. Nicolai Lorenzen


    I've asked it before, but I just can't find it. Where in the editor can I find the Geiger? I've looked quite around in the arsenal and virtuel arsenal, and right now I feel quite stupid. Help please? I can easily find the gas-masks, but the geiger and matches eludes me.
  4. Nicolai Lorenzen

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    The best way to see if Vcom is even running is to create a trigger activated by radio with this in its activation field: hint format ["Where is Vcom: %1",VCOM_AIConfig]; If this comes back NULL or NIL then Vcom is NOT running. Another way to tell is to put a squad inside a town, give them 15 seconds or so, and if they don't change formations then VCOM is not running. Cool thanks - testing asap. On a side note - how does Vcom interact with ryans zombies? If they do - should I somehow stop that? Note 2: can i test directly from editor, or do i have to export to MP set up a server (locally) and logon : test? // GOT IT TO WORK! EDIT: It worked - I can test directly from editor - they form up a 360 formation and react quite differently from vanilla - I'm so relieved. Now to play.
  5. Nicolai Lorenzen

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Is there any way to check if vCom is actually enabled? I'm having a hard time to see if they do something different ingame (right now they are just laming around as per usual). Or could you add a "vCom enabled" status msg when server starts up or such?
  6. Nicolai Lorenzen


    Standard problem solving: Verify Arma in steam Download mission / mod again (delete old) You need CBA for the mission to work (but it should promt you for that in the launcher) Hope for the best.
  7. Nicolai Lorenzen


    In addition to this - It would be awsome to be able to make the horde wander in an area or from one point to another.
  8. Nicolai Lorenzen


    I think I'm in over my simple minded head here. But anyway... I would like to run Ravage in my zeus missions, AND have the same map run on my server just to run around and have fun. So the map will be reset eventually (ppl will have their saves i suppose, and then and again I will log in as zeus and do a mission with the peeps on the server. For that reason I want to to edit the availability of equipment and weapons: - I do not want any weapon over 7.62 in the game (besides some select bolt action rifles). - I do not want some select military grade equipment in the game. - I do not want some specific military grade cars / vehicles in ze game... What I've done right now is the following: - Loaded the editor with ravage and put down the modules - specified I want IFALITE, RHS and FRITHS ruin. Weaps and equip. - Loaded ACE3 and defined it for medic use only (for this I will need to up the medics loot drastically - how?) Then i meddled around a bit in the editor, then in the mission files and then I unpacked the pbo. I can't for the life of me find out how I edit the item-availability... In exile I could find lists to modify and who did what. I can't find andything here. Is this too much for a simpleton as me (who have no coding quilifications) - I feel the learning curve and the things I need to know to do rather simple stuff is extreemely high =) I ran an exile server with some mods - and backwards engieneered the stuff there - but ... I'm at a loss here.
  9. Nicolai Lorenzen


    Just follow the rules of engagement - do not fire until fired upon ;) I sometimes do a warning shot over their heads - if they fire back I go all HAM on them. It's a cruel world
  10. Nicolai Lorenzen

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Sooo just to verify for the retarded one here. (your last line muddled it up a bit for me). If i use the script on the server everyone AUTOMATICALLY runs the Vcom? Nothing more needed?
  11. Nicolai Lorenzen

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    I was told that if I wanted to run this on a server as a script - I should run it on my client too if I wanted to zeus. I think I can find out how to add the script to the server, but how do I run the script on my own client? Isn't that kind of ... redundant too?
  12. Nicolai Lorenzen


    Ok gotta try that out - did not know it had an editor part. I did not use MCC because I could not get it to work with ACE3, and now with all the cool new ravage features (looting trash for example) I had no use for MCC really. But everything hat expands on my mission making abilities are interesting.
  13. Nicolai Lorenzen


    Hmm but they dissapear when you go out of zeus and close the mission I suppose? If not - how do you save the mission file with zeus?
  14. Nicolai Lorenzen


    I've got some time - didn't get too much sleep this night - and - I was extreemely lucky finding a toolkit on my second encounter - that rng for you =) so I got meself a truck pretty much from the start.
  15. Nicolai Lorenzen


    Haleks - that was a real joy to play (the 28 yeas after) even though it was quite straightforward, the feel, the colours and especially the loot and gear made it a real joy to play. The framework is perfect around such a mission, as it adds so much, and gives you something to do all the time. You are on a constant edge, and always afraid that around the next corner you will meet your end from a Russian rifle, or the gnarly teeth of a walking dead. I think the toned down presence of zombies fitted my likings perfectly, and the world never seemed empty, more... abandoned - I'm inspired. Thank you. Post Scriptum: I've got a lot of footage, hopefully I can find some editing software, so I can cut it up and post it here =)
  16. Nicolai Lorenzen


    In zeus I would use a mod called Ares. There you get easy acces to "arsenal" which you can place on any box and decide its contents.
  17. Nicolai Lorenzen


    Why do I need to work !? I just feel more for building missions...
  18. Nicolai Lorenzen


    What protects against radiation? And can I place it in crates / the world?
  19. Nicolai Lorenzen


    Oh myyy - Frost tends to die =) First impression of new mission - really really nice, love the "The Road" feel, the gear and weapons give... I'm quite scared of driving the roads now... Haleks you are a hard man :) - Had fun - need sleep - will play again tomorrow!
  20. Nicolai Lorenzen


    Is there any compabability issues with ACE3 and RHS thingies?
  21. Nicolai Lorenzen


    Ohmygawd Haleks, You are king! Goodbye sleep, hello Ravage in Eden editor!
  22. Nicolai Lorenzen


    I know, I know - I just have no patience - but good upbringing though ;)
  23. Nicolai Lorenzen


    Weekends almost over, winters comming... I've pressed refresh on this page like 100 times today =) Haleks, You almost promised :P
  24. Nicolai Lorenzen


    Here goes: I could need some help / or / and some advice on ze topics below. I would like to set up ravage on a remote dedicated rented server. I have run exile back in the days (I am no heavy user, as I followed tutorials and such). What I would like from the server: - Persistant gear and login / logout for players. - Persistant vehicles. (those not destroyed should respawn randomly after restart of server, or a set amount of time) - Zeus availability (for me and maybe a helping zeus) for those special events. On the long run: - The ability to place and own X amount of items (barricades, crates, razor wire) - The abillity to barricade a building (making it indestructible by satchels) with boading boards a lock and such. I have a pretty good idea of what I want for content and storyline (I think a server should have a strong story). If anyone could point me in the right direction, or even would like to lend some expertice over ze interwebs from time to time, it would be greatly appreciated. (talk to me like you would to a 8 year old - I can be pretty daft). - Regards Komfritten =)
  25. Nicolai Lorenzen


    I hope you understood the love in my message =) When you appreciate and anticipate something - it's hard to wait - you do good!