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About Roshek

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  1. Roshek

    [COOP] All Out Warfare

    Hi everyone! For the past month or two, I've been modifying this awesome mission to adapt mostly to me and my buddies' needs and also fix some issues that were caused by the Arma 3 updates changing stuff since the last AOW update. We're not a community or anything, we just like to play Arma and with AOW it's really fast and convenient to create a great variety of custom missions in game. Anyway I just thought I would share the (slightly chaotic) GitHub repo in case anyone were interested: https://github.com/Roshek/408_AllOutWarfare There is no changelog (currently), changes mainly include: fixes to tasks (some where borken) fixes to zone creation () some objects are removed from the base removed some unsued (by us anyway) or deprecated features (like QuickSilver fatigue or caching) added new features (HousePatrol script, ...) Feel free to try it out. Roshek