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Everything posted by Madhawk

  1. Madhawk

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    How do i do that? Can someone then explain where to launch a dedicate server in on the computer. Can i ask why you created a saving tool only for dedicated servers? Or are y gonna add a saving chanse in the next update for "regular" servers Sorry for all the questions, liked the map and getting frustrated when i cant save Best regards
  2. Madhawk

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hi Yes i was looking in that menu, is there a chanse that i missing an extra file to get ace working properly. What version do you have, and do u got more "ace" files from workshop. Or is it possible someone, can send the internetadress to the "right" version of ace?
  3. Madhawk

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Forgot to say i´m using steam, can i ask you to take the explenation step by step
  4. Madhawk

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hey Think i have language problem getting to understand what u meaning :-(, i started arma33exe as admin, then i went and hosted a server. The problem is i dont understand what "personal interaction" means? It´s great map, most challenging we played, and i would be sad if i can save our progress. Is the personal interaction "in the gameplay" or outside the game? Sorry for my lack of skill not used with computer gaming Thnx for helping me
  5. Madhawk

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hi First of all thnx for a crazy fun map. I have a problem, i´m not playing on dedicated server, we just use "arma servers", is there a way for me to save the game progress? I saw the dev said something about admin, and self int + DB, what does DB stand for? hope there is a way for med to save or change a file to be able to save. best regards