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Everything posted by Leopard20

  1. Nice! I don't suppose I can use these for infantry battles, can I? (objects must be low quality)
  2. Hello guys. As promised, I made a small video about ADDON #2 and the new AI I'm creating for ARMA. This is just the basics. There's still tons of work to be done. A new squad leader, teamwork between members, improved combat and stealth behavior, etc. are only some of the features that I plan to add to Super AI. I hope this time we can enjoy the AI! P.S: My apologies for speaking so quietly during this video (I was practically whispering!)
  3. I suppose I can use the low priority setUnitPos commands. I'll have to test it to see if it works. You'll still have to use the "Auto" stance to reset the vanilla stance though. There's nothing I can do about that.
  4. I had no idea anyone uses them! LOL Yeah. Sure. I'll probably put them in a new submenu though (along with flank left/right). P.S: You do know that you can disable the custom menus, right? It's an optional feature.
  5. This conflict is due to the 'vanilla stance' not allowing the AI to change stance to scripted ones (setUnitsPos). If you want to use 'copy my stance', set their stance to 'Auto' first (this will reset the vanilla stance) I assume you were using the waypoint version right? If so, I fixed it already. Will be available in the next release. Yeah. That's why I'm going to rewrite it. I want it to be simpler, like making the AI move with a single click, which is essential during combat. The path drawing will still be available. Plus there are some bugs (AI moving through objects, bad movement, UI bugs, etc.) that make it kind of unusable at the moment. So far I've fixed the movement issues but I'm going to implement it in the new version of the mod. It's a small issue with code suspension (sleep). Already fixed in the next version. Technically this isn't 'remote driving', because you still have to be in the vehicle! I'm not sure if enabling it on mission start is a good idea. It might lead to some bugs because of the way I do it.
  6. Neither. When I release my new AI mod, I'm going to remake TSF to make it compatible with my new AI. Yes. I forgot to fix this. There's one problem though; if you issue a hold fire command using the vanilla menus, there's absolutely no way to find out their combat mode using scripts. (see here: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/219039-how-to-find-a-units-combat-mode-in-players-squad/) So it can't be fixed completely. I plan to make new command menus for my new AI (in different versions, such as vanilla style, etc.) to work around this. Can you explain in more detail please? What kind of conflict? I tested this on a couple of terrains and different positions but can't reproduce it. Can you tell me the map and possibly the grid where this happened?
  7. Ah. Now I know what you mean! I added a waitUntil to make sure the menu opens after the vanilla menu is opened (otherwise the vanilla menu would cover my menu). The waitUntil code waits for at most 1 second before opening the custom menu regardless. That's why you see a delay. I forgot that some people might not want to use the same keys as the vanilla menus. I'll fix it in the next release. Thanks for the report.
  8. Leopard20

    Finding the water depth

    Interesting. That's one hell of a wave though! 😉
  9. Leopard20

    Finding the water depth

    @Mr H. I just ran my original command: selectBestPlaces [position player, 1, "waterDepth", 1, 1]; Apparently I forgot that I was using "position", which is the slowest command for getting the position. I changed it to getPosAsl and the script runs fast enough (less than 0.01 ms). I need to run this code on each frame so speed was important. It's still a bit iffy in terms of accuracy but I suppose it'll do for now. Thank you for your help.
  10. Leopard20

    Finding the water depth

    @Mr H. Here is a proof! https://photos.app.goo.gl/s39SNDE6GTnFkqpA9 Grid: 050063 Edit: Not grid specific.
  11. Leopard20

    Finding the water depth

    No I tested it today! When I was swimming in it my ASL height was positive (so was the terrain height) It may have happened at a specific grid though. I'll post the grid if you want.
  12. Leopard20

    Finding the water depth

    I've already seen such surfaces (e.g. the river in Diyala) That's why I'm asking.
  13. Leopard20

    Finding the water depth

    Again, I need the depth from the surface. What you say is only true about open water (sea). Rivers and small bodies of water may have a positive ASL value.
  14. Leopard20

    Finding the water depth

    Thanks. I already know this command. But I don't see how this returns the water depth if you don't even know the water level (where the free surface is) Basically, I want to know how deep below the surface a unit is swimming (not how much farther to the bottom). If I know the depth, the swimming depth becomes: getTerrainHeightASL _pos + _waterDepth - ((getPosASL _unit) select 2) Edit: Oh, sorry. I forgot to mention that I needed the depth from the water surface. 😬
  15. Auto target makes AI stop targeting enemies on their own. It's only useful when you're in stealth mode. I added this because the AI kept stopping to target enemies when I was on the move. It's not going to be a problem with the new AI I'm creating though. So I'll remove it then. Follow target makes them follow something (vehicle, soldier, etc.). You have to point at the target and then select this command. It's an old function from the original WW mod. I made some improvements a long time ago and I'm not sure if it's broken or not after the rewrite (haven't used it much to be honest)
  16. Thanks. I think this delay usually happens when the game tries to load the images for the first time (if it's not already cached), so if you put the game on an SSD the menu might open faster. The code itself is as fast as it could possibly be. I suppose I can somehow "pre-load" the menus so they could open faster. (some menus use "dynamically created" images though, such as weapons, explosives, etc. so those can't be helped)
  17. @.kju Hi, I looked everywhere on your Discord server but I can't seem to find the latest version as you described above. Am I missing something? I was looking forward to playing this again after so many years!
  18. Note that navigation with Numpad keys is an optional feature which must be turned on in CBA settings manually. Are you sure you enabled it in CBA settings?
  19. Sorry didn't see this. Switch to high command (Ctrl + Space). Then open the menu. Now use the "Create Support Group (HC)" option. You'll have to know the name of the group though. But you can guess if it's the right group using both its icon and distance.
  20. Normally my tasking system doesn't care which group the unit belongs to. But I think if he's ungrouped, his "current command" resets in the process (changes to " ", which means empty, i.e. back to formation), which cues my mod that his task was cancelled. In the next update I'll add a second condition so that the waypoints (or tasks) don't get canceled if the pilot is not in your group and his currentCommand is empty.
  21. Oh. That's the problem then! One option is to add his group as a Transport group. The other option is to recruit him. When you're done with him just use the backup option to return him back to his squad. What you did there (creating a driver) was actually a very creative method! I didn't think of that! I think I use player's group as the "default group" in that script. I'll change it to the "pilot's group" to avoid issues.
  22. If it's just yourself that you want dropped off, you can simply use a combat landing waypoint (though you should get in first because the pilot won't wait - I'll add a "wait" option later so the pilot waits for units to get in). Then add a second "Land - Engine off" waypoint at the base for RTB. If you want the pilot to also disembark other units, use the "drop off" waypoint and the "Land - Engine off" waypoint after that. Drop off basically means take these guys and disembark them there. In other words it's a combination of "Combat Landing + disembark non-essential (everyone except driver, gunner and commander)." Sorry about the inconvenience. I should really post the tutorial video soon. I just don't find enough free time to complete it.