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HCR Regiment

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Posts posted by HCR Regiment

  1. I have been following this thread for some time now and as an ex service man of the blues and royals who use this scimitar it looks amazing keep up the brilliant work and you never no i might make a come back and make a guarsd milsim who would like to take full advantage of the mod 




    Kind Regards



  2. Welcome Everyone,



    Here at the Household Cavalry Regiment we serve as one of the Eilte units for HM Queen, we have served in Afghan,Bosnia, and many other operations throught the world. Here there are many roles from , Anti Tank , Tank Commander , JTAC , Heavy Weapons IE Mortars...

    We strive of ex serving men that served in the Blues and Royals which in this unit.

    we have 3 Squadrons 
    * RHQ
    * Life Guards
    * Blues and Royals 

    we look for leaders that are able to lead we look for soliders that are willing and dedicated to there unit..

    any information feel free to PM or visit the Forums @






    Ask for the TS and if your thinking of joining then we can discuss in detail..

    Moto "Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense"

  3. Hi all,


    i am wondering apart form using a patch mod that doesn't show on every players arm in game how do i get all my online unit to where different flashes on the shoulder where there regiment flash/DZ would go ???? the 16AA have nailed it not no reply from asking them 

  4. On 4/9/2017 at 0:29 PM, evrik said:

    Thanks, once TFAR 1.0 is live and released, we'll look at quickly correcting it as we use TFAR. There isn't a lot of point at the moment as they could change things again ahead of final release.


    What do you mean TFAR 1.0 ?? thought task force was already at that version 

  5. 3 hours ago, donnovan said:

    I want to share this little script that intents to increase FPS on any client using any mod or mission.


    [] spawn {
    	_init = time;
    	_countD = 1;
    	_countC = 2;
    	_countA = 6;
    	_countB = 16;
    	_onView = [];
    	_arround = [];
    	_away = [];
    	waitUntil {
    		_time = time;
    		if (_time - _init > 0.5) then {
    			_init = _time;
    			_countA = _countA + 1;
    			_countB = _countB + 1;
    			_countC = _countC + 1;
    			_countD = _countD + 1;
    			if (_countD == 2) then {
    				_onView = player nearEntities [["CaManBase","LandVehicle","Air"],viewDistance];
    				{if (!simulationEnabled _x) then {_x enableSimulation true;};} forEach _onView;
    				_countD = 0;
    			if (_countC == 3) then {
    				_arround = player nearEntities [["CaManBase","LandVehicle","Air"],viewDistance*1.5];
    				_array = _arround - _onView;
    				{_x enableSimulation true;} forEach _array;sleep 0.001;{_x enableSimulation false;} forEach _array;
    				_countC = 0;
    			if (_countA == 7) then {
    				_away = player nearEntities [["CaManBase","LandVehicle","Air"],viewDistance*2];
    				_array = _away - _arround;
    				{_x enableSimulation true;} forEach _array;sleep 0.001;{_x enableSimulation false;} forEach _array;
    				_countA = 0;
    			if (_countB == 17) then {
    				_farAway = BRPVP_centroMapa nearEntities [["CaManBase","LandVehicle","Air"],50000];
    				_array = _farAway - _away;
    				{_x enableSimulation true;} forEach _array;sleep 0.001;{_x enableSimulation false;} forEach _array;
    				_countB = 0;

    What it does is lower the simulation rate of far away objects. The more the far, the lower the simulation rate is.

    In my tests it does very well,

    My idea in publishing it here is to get help to improve it.


    You just need to run it client side.


    Since the simulation is not completely frozen, there is a lot small chance of game break results.





    Where do you place this code within the game 

  6. 20 minutes ago, Flax said:


    It's just a render to texture of a camera in the game. If I remember correctly the screens have 5 textures - 1 full screen then 4 quarter screens. There is a good example on Killzone Kids blog:



    yeah that code seems pretty good downside is he doesnt explain what needs to go where also i want to just use the GCU to control the drone fully as in fly it but doesnt connect to the drone 

  7. On 6/12/2016 at 8:04 AM, Flax said:

    Loving using these, I see what you mean about turing AO on though. I can live with it being on as it makes the game look better IMO and doesn't really ruin the screens much.




    What or which script did you use on the Screens 

  8. On 6/3/2016 at 10:24 PM, 1LT Creech said:

    So, I have been trying to get this GCS to operate as a UAV terminal. I appreciate the documentation you have provided. I certainly wish more mod makers would do this. However, I cannot see where my stuff has taken a turn and not working.


    I have done some research and have read the mod markers PDF files. I can't see why this isn't working, maybe you know?


    I created a UAV named "UAV1" and a GCS named "GCS1".


    In the init line of the GCS I placed:

    this addAction ["Connect UAV", "uav.sqf"];

    I created a SQF file in the mission root folder and named is uav.sqf. In the file I have this as per his pdf documentation.

    _UAV = UAV1
    _GCS = GCS1
    /* text after = is the name in the variable names assigned in editor */
    //Set GCS Screen Texture
    _GCS setObjectTexture [0, "#(argb,1024,1024,1)r2t(uavrtt,1)"];
    //Lock Camera to UAV
    _UAV lockCameraTo [_GCS, [0]];
    //Create Camera and Render to Screen
    _camera = "Camera" camCreate [0,0,0];
    _camera cameraEffect ["internal", "Back", "uavrtt"];
    //Attach Camera to UAV Memory Point
    _camera attachTo [_UAV, [0,0,0], "PiP0_pos"];
    /* The names of memory points will vary, depending on the object being used */
    //Adjust Zoom
    _camera camSetFov 0.1;
    //Adjust Camera Orientation
    addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D",{
        _dir =
            (_UAV selectionPosition "PiP0_pos")
            (_UAV selectionPosition "PiP0_dir");
        _camera setVectorDirAndUp [
            _dir vectorCrossProduct [-(_dir select 1), _dir select 0, 0]
        _dir vectorCrossProduct [-(_dir select 1), _dir select 0, 0]

    The add action works and you can call the SQF file when you look at the terminal. However, it is throwing an error of a missing ";" around the _GCS setObjectTexture. I have triple checked the pdf and the BI Wiki on this string and I am stumped.  Would the sqf better work if it was called in the init.sqf rather than through an object init in the mission.sqm?


    Any help is greatly appreciated. This is certainly one of the top object packs I have seen come out of Arma3. Kudos to the maker!


    Would you please be able to send out a full working scirpt for the UAV terminal that you made would please 
